Rory Hall
Activist Post
January 29, 2015
After finding out that our world has been under the influence of
propaganda since the beginning of written history, it only makes sense that our society is uninformed and doesn’t care about what is happening in their world.
According to
Brandon Turbeville that is exactly what we are up against. He references a variety of scenarios throughout world history, going all the way back to Plato, where so-called leaders wanted to control what people either read or listened to; be it music or news or stories. I sat with Brandon from BrandonTurbeville.com, UCY.tv and
Activist Post, to find out a little more about what is actually happening with one of the more disturbing developments to surface over the past decade.
Social media has become a big part of most people’s everyday lives. Texting and emails have taken the place of phone calls or, heaven forbid, a written letter. Brandon and I take a look at the sordid, short history, and more importantly the birth and dissemination of digital, personal information.
What is the connection between uprisings and social media? What role does propaganda play in our lives today and how does social media and propaganda interconnect? These are important questions, especially in light of what we have learned since William Binney and Edward Snowden first introduced us to the
criminal activity of the NSA.
Equally as important is the role the CIA plays in our everyday lives. Where did Twitter come from and how did it rocket into our lives and become a point of mass distribution of information? Remember, DARPA developed the Internet, not Al Gore. Brandon reminds us that DARPA does not conduct research for the benefit of humanity, DARPA conducts research in order to kill people more efficiently. He also reminds us that the Internet was launched with tons of pornography already available. Why? How? For what purpose?