Thursday, August 29, 2013

Western Special Forces Working With Death Squads in Syria

Brandon Turbeville
Activist Post
August 29, 2013

A new report by the British Mirror magazine has revealed that British special forces are now operating inside Syria in preparation for the “expected response” of cruise missiles and RAF bombing campaigns which will take place alongside the Americans and possibly the French.

The British special forces are allegedly in country in order to search out Syrian missiles and anti-aircraft weaponry as well as ammunition depots and military installations for potential targeting and evasion once the attacks begin. The special forces agents currently working inside Syria include the SAS, Special Boat Service, Special Reconnaissance Regiment, and MI6.

The Mirror writes[1] that some of the most important targets of the special forces are the Syrian government’s long-range mobile missile batteries due to the fear that they will be used against Western jets once the bombing campaign begins.

The Mirror quotes a “military source” as saying, “It is vital they find every missile site that could threaten British ships or RAF jets and they will probably be taken out by missiles fired from offshore. The risk of capture to these special forces units is off the scale and nobody can be trusted in Syria.”
 The report also states,
Spies have already found scores of major military installations and ammo dumps in the war-stricken country. 

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Total Fabrication Laid Bare in March to War With Syria

"Missing Peace"
Anthony Freda Art
Brandon Turbeville
Activist Post
August 28, 2013

While the Western world gears up for possible military action against Syria using an alleged chemical weapons attack as justification, vastly more evidence points to the culpability of the death squads than to that of the Syrian government. Information continues to emerge disproving the mainstream media and Western government claims regarding the tragedy which took place last week.

I have written an article entitled “Propaganda Overdrive Suggests Syria War Coming Soon,”[1] in which I discuss the history of false flag chemical attacks to be blamed on the Syrian government, as well as deconstruct the official narrative regarding the recent “chemical weapons attack” which took place in the Eastern Ghouta region. I would encourage all of the readers to access this article in order to gain an important conceptual understanding and chronologically relevant perspective surrounding recent events.

Yet, even in that article, which desires to stand as a comprehensive discussion of situations such as the Syrian chemical weapons attack and the subsequent military action that might result from the spin placed around media and governmental reports of such attacks, vital information is often not available due to its gradual release.

For instance, on August 27, 2013, Jerome Corsi of World Net Daily[2] released an article detailing photos, audio recordings, and clear video evidence of Syrian “rebels” (more aptly-named “death squads”) possessing and using chemical weapons.

Indeed, in one of the videos, which can be viewed below, one can clearly see Free Syrian Army (FSA) death squad members launching a Sarin gas attack on a Syrian village.

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Snipers Fire At UN Inspectors: Another Rebel Crime?

Brandon Turbeville
Activist Post
August 27, 2013

Much like the “chemical weapons attack” which took place last week inside Syria, the recent attack on a team of UN inspectors is currently being broadcast all across Western media outlets in an attempt to smear the Syrian government and portray the Syrian Army as having committed the shootings in order to prevent the inspectors from uncovering their responsibility for the attack. However, also like the “chemical weapons attack” of last week, all available evidence actually points toward the death squads and not the Syrian government.
image source

On the way to the Eastern Ghouta neighborhood where the attacks took place, the UN Inspectors were fired upon by “unidentified snipers” which damaged one vehicle beyond repair. As RT reports,
Just in the beginning of their journey, the UN team was forced to return to the government checkpoint to replace their car, which “was deliberately shot at multiple times by unidentified snipers in the buffer zone area," the spokesman for the UN secretary-general, Martin Nesirky, said. 
Despite earlier reports that the mission would be suspended, the team continued with their investigation.
"They visited two hospitals, they interviewed witnesses, survivors and doctors, they also collected some samples," UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said adding the investigation will be continued. Inspectors were reportedly satisfied with their first day of work on Monday.

Truth on the Tracks with Brandon Turbeville August 26, 2013

Truth on the Tracks with Brandon Turbeville August 26, 2013



Monday, August 26, 2013

Kerry Plays WMD Card in Next Step Toward War With Syria

Brandon Turbeville
Activist Post
August 26, 2013

In an entirely hypocritical and factually incorrect official statement, Secretary of State John Kerry (of the Skull and Bones secret society) only one hour ago has made claims against the Syrian President Assad and the Syrian government in 2013 that are eerily similar to the claims made against Saddam Hussein and the government of Iraq in 2003.

Although Kerry made claims of “evidence” that would implicate the Assad government in the chemical weapons attack that took place in the Eastern Ghouta region of Syria, Kerry provided none of this evidence to the American people. Instead, he relied merely upon an emotional argument and the tug at the heartstrings provided by the videos of dead children and victims of chemical weapons which, all credible evidence suggests, were actually deployed at the hands of the death squads. As is typical, however, footage of dead children are being used in order to shore up American support for yet another foreign military adventure.

Describing the attacks as a “moral obscenity,” Kerry stated that the use of chemical weapons were long ago abandoned by the “civilized world,” vaguely evoking the typical sense of cultural superiority unfortunately ingrained in most of the Western world’s populations.

Surprisingly, Kerry also addressed those who claim that the “evidence” of chemical weapons usage was “contrived or fabricated,” stating that those individuals need to “check their moral conscience.” This statement comes despite the fact that numerous atrocities have been committed by the death squads and subsequently blamed on the Syrian government.

In addition, Kerry falsely claimed that Assad has stalled UN investigations and refused to comply with the UN investigators, despite clear evidence to the contrary.

Sunday, August 25, 2013

U.S. Positions For Attack On Syria

Brandon Turbeville
Activist Post
August 24, 2013
image source

While President Barack Obama meets with his national security advisers early on Saturday morning to discuss the, at best, highly questionable nature of the recent Syrian chemical weapons attacks, the US Navy is repositioning itself in the Mediterranean as a preparatory move for future strikes against Syria.

As a result of the ridiculous “Red Line” talk which began in earnest last year, Obama and his puppet counterparts in Britain and France as well as the ever present Mad Dog of the Middle East, Israel, have repeated the threats of military action against Syrian on numerous occasions, most notably after reports of the Regime’s use of chemical weapons against the Syrian people or the death squads also known as the Syrian “rebels.” Of course, in every single case, the evidence clearly suggests that it was the death squads, not Assad, who used the chemical agents against Syrian soldiers and innocent civilians. Likewise, the latest “chemical weapons attack” appears to be the handiwork of the death squads, with even mainstream experts questioning the veracity of the claims surrounding the Syrian government’s culpability.

Regardless, the plan to attack Syria is moving forward.

On Friday, August 24, 2013, it was reported by a variety of mainstream sources that the US Navy has begun repositioning itself in the Mediterranean for the possibility of a military assault on Syria. An anonymous defense official has stated that the US Navy is expanding its presence in the Mediterranean from three destroyers to four.

Commenting on the move, Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel stated that “The Defense Department has the responsibility to provide the president with options for all contingencies. And that requires positioning our forces, positioning our assets, to be able to carry out different options – whatever options the president might choose.”

Friday, August 23, 2013

Propaganda Overdrive Suggests Syria War Coming Soon

Anthony Freda Art
Brandon Turbeville
Activist Post
August 23, 2013

With recent reports of a chemical weapons attack having taken place inside Syria, and with Western governments such as the United States, Britain, and France foaming at the mouth to take some type of decisive action against the embattled nation, it is important to investigate the claims being made, the individuals and organizations making such claims, and the relevant information surrounding the attacks which might contradict the narrative being force-fed to the Western public by mainstream corporate media outlets.

For instance, while the typical narrative coming from the majority of mainstream media outlets such as NPR,[1] the Wall Street Journal,[2] CNN,[3]and the New York Daily News clearly implies that Bashar al-Assad was most likely the guilty party behind the attacks, the reasons to not only question the claims in this regard but to actually believe the opposite are legion.

Indeed, in predictable fashion, the United States government is now claiming[4] that is has “strong indications” that chemical weapons have been used and that the culprit was “clearly [by] the government.” Such propaganda, of course, hearkens back to the days of “Incubator Babies” and “Weapons of Mass Destruction” in Iraq.

France, however, is doing whatever it can to take the lead in imperialism and warmongering with Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius stating[5] that “a reaction with force” might be needed if it is determined that it was the Syrian government who used the chemical weapons.

As I wrote in my article, “New Chemical Weapons Attack In Syria Another False Flag?”[6] it has been the case with every other propaganda push against Assad regarding chemical weapons, that there is absolutely no evidence to implicate the Syrian government in the launching and use of chemical agents against the Syrian people or even the death squads themselves. In fact, the accounts being published throughout the mainstream media are very suspect in their own right.

Truth on the Tracks with Brandon Turbeville August 19, 2013

Truth on the Tracks with Brandon Turbeville August 19, 2013



Thursday, August 22, 2013

New Chemical Weapons Attack In Syria Another False Flag?

Brandon Turbeville
Activist Post
August 22, 2013

On Wednesday August 21, 2013, it was reported by numerous media outlets that a chemical weapons attack took place inside Syria which killed anywhere from 213 to 1300 people in the Damascus suburbs of Ain Tarma, Zamalka, and Jobar. The attacks were allegedly the result of rockets with chemical agents hitting the neighborhoods shortly before dawn. The attacks, if reports are accurate, would be the largest and most severe chemical weapons usage since the beginning of the Syrian destabilization campaign in 2011.

As Dominic Evans and Khaled Yacoub Oweis report for Reuters,
A nurse at Douma Emergency Collection facility, Bayan Baker, said the death toll, as collated from medical centers in the suburbs east of Damascus, was 213. 
"Many of the casualties are women and children. They arrived with their pupil dilated, cold limbs and foam in their mouths. The doctors say these are typical symptoms of nerve gas victims," the nurse said. 
Extensive amateur video and photographs purporting to show victims appeared on the Internet. A video purportedly shot in the Kafr Batna neighborhood showed a room filled with more than 90 bodies, many of them children and a few women and elderly men. Most of the bodies appeared ashen or pale but with no visible injuries. About a dozen were wrapped in blankets. 

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Muslim Brotherhood Targets Egyptian Police in Latest Massacre

image source
Brandon Turbeville
Activist Post
August 20, 2013

In yet another example of the organized and violent nature of the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood protesters, yesterday’s report by the Guardian[1]regarding the capture and murder of 25 Egyptian police officers goes some length in demonstrating the fact that the Brotherhood participants are not democracy-loving peaceful activists, an idea that has unfortunately been promoted by the mainstream media since the beginning of the crisis.

On Monday, Islamist militants forced two vehicles carrying the policemen to stop, where they then ordered the policemen out of the vans, and forced them to lie on the ground where they were then executed. The 25 police officers were in civilian clothes and were returning to their bases from having just enjoyed leave time. Their corpses were subsequently lined up by the roadside and photographed.

Initial reports coming out of Egypt suggested that the police had been killed when the militants fired a rocket-propelled grenade at their vehicles and the two minibuses carrying them back to the base. However, it is unclear if the initial reports were simply the result of confusion or if the rocket-propelled grenade was used as the mechanism to stop the vehicles.

Ian Black of The Guardian also reports[2] that the news agency’s Cairo sources have described the killers as “Takfiris,” a term used to delineate Al-Qaeda and Al-Qaeda affiliated groups in the region.

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

One-sided Propaganda Takes The Stage Amid Egypt Violence

Brandon Turbeville
Activist Post
August 20, 2013

Amidst the blitz of propaganda coming from the mainstream media regarding the recent events violently unfolding inside Egypt, it is unfortunate that even many alternative media outlets are simply repeating the line being served to them via the corporate media and Western governments.

What is both unfortunate and highly ironic in this situation, however, is the fact that this constant serving of propaganda is rather transparent when one takes a closer look at the claims being used in order to paint the Muslim Brotherhood as the only victim of the conflict. Much like the Syrian crisis, one is almost capable of discerning the true nature of events taking place in Egypt by listening to the reports provided by mainstream outlets and promptly assuming that the opposite has occurred.

With this in mind, it is important to point out that the constant barrage of reports of indiscriminate, government-initiated violence have largely been dismantled by clear video evidence of Muslim Brotherhood violence in the form of shooting at security forces,[1] coordinated attacks on Christian churches,[2] and throwing political opponents off of rooftops. [3]

In addition, there is the existence of a video purporting to show Muslim Brotherhood “activists” faking a demonstration and a subsequent violent government crackdown, complete with fake blood, injuries, and the rest of the required scenery.

Over the last few days, however, more videos have been produced alleging the “horrific violence” of government forces, as if to act as “proof” of the claims being repeated by Western outlets. Unfortunately for the Muslim Brotherhood and the interested parties to the propaganda efforts, however, virtually none of these videos actually show what they have asserted.

Monday, August 19, 2013

Saturday, August 17, 2013

Egypt Turmoil: Muslim Brotherhood Violence or Government Crackdown?

Brandon Turbeville
Activist Post
August 16, 2013

image source
As violent clashes continue across Egypt, more and more evidence arises demonstrating that, much like the early Libyan and Syrian situations, Egypt is facing a foreign-backed destabilization campaign aimed at disrupting the fragile rule of a government fresh on the heels of a counter-coup and attempting to transition from military rule to civilian government.

Indeed, it appears the Egyptian military’s refusal to capitulate to the IMF, [1] slash the living standards of the Egyptian people,[2] and engage in foreign military adventures is not a welcome development amongst the company of the Anglo-Americans.

As a result of these recent events, and only a day after the violence in Egypt began, Barack Obama announced that joint military maneuvers scheduled with the Egyptian military were being suspended.

As reported by CNN,

Obama on Thursday announced he had canceled joint U.S.-Egyptian military exercises, which had been scheduled for September. 

"Our traditional cooperation cannot continue as usual when civilians are being killed in the streets and rights are being rolled back," the president said. 

He called on the Egyptian government to lift a state of emergency decree put in place to limit public gatherings. Addressing the government's opponents, Obama added, "We call on those who are protesting to do so peacefully and condemn the attacks that we've seen by protesters, including on churches."[3]

Friday, August 16, 2013

Is The Military Suppressing Legitimate Protest in Egypt?

Dees Illustration
Brandon Turbeville
Activist Post
August 16, 2013

Only yesterday, August 14, 2013, I wrote an article entitled “Are The Egypt Protests A Foreign Propaganda Campaign,”[1] where I discussed the possibility that the Egyptian “military crackdown” on allegedly peaceful Morsi supporters that was being reported throughout the Western media was not the unwarranted use of force that was being portrayed. Indeed, in this article, I asked whether or not the allegedly peaceful protests were truly peaceful at all, whether or not the claims of government violence were exaggerated, and why the Egyptian military would use such brute force against a people they have stood behind and beside on at least two recent occasions. Indeed, I even asked whether or not it is possible that the Egyptian security forces were not acting in self-defense.

While many may find themselves giving a knee-jerk reaction regarding the response of a government controlled by the military, the information trickling out of Egypt in the aftermath of yet another violent clash and an embarrassing and hypocritical Obama speech condemning violence in the Middle Eastern nation tends to lend even more credence to the hypothesis I forwarded yesterday – that the Muslim Brotherhood protesters were not peaceful protesters but violent antagonists attempting to destabilize and destroy the Egyptian government.

Although the Western public was force-fed propaganda on Wednesday August 14 regarding supposed indiscriminate attacks by government security forces against peaceful democracy-loving protesters, a report that was completely ignored by much of the Western media has surfaced painting the Morsi protesters in a different light.

In an article entitled, “Egyptian Islamists Target Christian Churches In Waves of Apparently Coordinated Attacks,” Patrick Goodenough of CNS News writes,

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Are The Egypt Protests A Foreign Propaganda Campaign?

image source
Brandon Turbeville
Activist Post
August 15, 2013

With recent reports[1] coming out of Egypt regarding the death of close to 150 people as a result of the Egyptian military’s and security forces’ crackdown on “protesters,” the temptation to react with horror and revulsion toward the Egyptian government is justifiably real. However, considering the recent history of African and Middle Eastern internal politics (i.e. Libya, Egypt, Syria, etc.) and, in particular, the track record of Western mainstream media outlets, it would be wise to hold such emotions closer to the vest until the full story regarding the Egyptian violence is made known.

While Western media outlets have touted the violence in Egypt as a violent crackdown against “peaceful protesters,” readers must be reminded of the claims made against the Assad government of “violent crackdowns” against “peaceful protesters” who were anything but peaceful and even crossed the threshold of violence designating them as protesters. In reality, the “protesters” were largely made up of religious fanatics, foreigners, mercenaries, snipers, and other forms of armed mobs that eventually took shape as guerrilla military brigades, i.e. – death squads[2] - facts which the Western media conveniently left out of their reporting.

Of course, any government, particularly one led by a military fresh on the heels of a counter-coup, is quite believably capable of launching an unwarranted violent crackdown on protesters demanding the former leader be re-instated. However, considering the track record of the Western media, Western-backed destabilization campaigns in the Middle East, and the Muslim Brotherhood itself, there several points that must be examined in order to make an informed decision regarding the events transpiring in Egypt.

1.) Are the protests truly peaceful?

As mentioned above, the constant repetition of claims of military violence against “peaceful protesters” hearkens back to the destabilization efforts against Ghaddaffi’s Libya[3] and Assad’s Syria. These campaigns were being conducted not by peaceful protesters who desired freedom from an oppressive government, but by groups of individuals largely made up of heartless killers, religious fundamentalists, and mercenaries. The “protesters” were armed from the beginning and they were never peaceful.

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Israel's Undisputed Role in Training Middle East Terrorists

image source
Brandon Turbeville
Activist Post
August 14, 2013

With the recent controversy surrounding decisions by the “secret Congress” and White House to openly arm, train, and assist the death squads wreaking havoc across Syria (commonly known as the Syrian “rebels” in more mainstream circles) truly informed observers have been well aware of the American, NATO, and generally Western backing of the terrorists ever since the beginning of the Syrian destabilization campaign that went live in late 2011.

The fact that Anglo-American powers have acted as directors of the death squads in terms of organization, funding, training, and supply has been known for some time. I, myself, have written several articles on this topic as well as on the fact that the intent to organize death squads to destabilize Syrian on behalf of the Anglo-American powers was known to exist at least as far back as 2005.[1]

The Israeli desire to destroy Syria has also been readily apparent[2] through the numerous attempts by the Mad Dog of the Middle East to encourage bombing, military action, and outright invasion of Syria whenever the opportunity to ride the coattails of some engineered propaganda blitz presents itself. Indeed, Israel, always ready to fight to the last American, continually promotes and threatens to engage in unilateral military assaults against any number of its neighbors or other regional nations, even approving the direct bombing of Syrian targets on more than one occasion.[3]

Yet, in addition to such brazen warmongering and rogue behavior, Israel has also become instrumental in the funding and facilitation of death squad terrorists in both Syria and the rest of the Arab world.

What’s more, the Israeli establishment does not seem to feel the need to hide its support for terrorism which, in this specific instance, tends to take the form of mercenaries. Indeed, the Israeli terrorist trainers actually appear to be quite open about their efforts.

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Truth on the Tracks with Brandon Turbeville August 12, 2013

Truth on the Tracks with Brandon Turbeville August 12, 2013

In this episode, Brandon discusses the unfolding crisis in Syria and Myrtle Beach South Carolina's banning of feeding the homeless.




Monday, August 12, 2013

Destabilization Expert Robert Ford Possible Choice for Ambassador to Egypt

Robert Stephen Ford
Wikimedia Commons Image
Brandon Turbeville
Activist Post
August 7, 2013

Amid the growing tension in Egypt after the military counter-coup removing former President Morsi and the Muslim Brotherhood from their posts, the U.S. State Department is considering naming former U.S. Ambassador to Syria, Robert Ford, as the new Ambassador to Egypt.

With the geographic size of Egypt, its geopolitical importance, and both its historic and contemporary influence in the Middle East, the post of Ambassador to Egypt is an immensely important position, particularly now that both sides in the Egyptian turmoil have legitimate reasons to distrust and detest the United States. As Michael Gordon of the New York Times writes,
The next American ambassador has the difficult task of repairing the United States’ image, expanding its influence and working with opposing groups inside the country, as well as diplomats from Arab and European nations, to try to stabilize Egypt and put it on a democratic course.[1]
Obviously, putting Egypt on a “democratic course” is not the intention of the United States, evidenced by the support and assistance provided to Morsi and the fanatical Muslim Brotherhood by the U.S. government all the way until the counter-coup was launched by the Egyptian military in response to popular outrage. Morsi’s constant rewriting of the Egyptian Constitution,[2] capitulation to the IMF,[3] and flirtation with Muslim fundamentalists and warmongers[4] was anything but “democratic” rule of law.

However, with Egypt still finding itself in a state of transition and with increasing tension[5] produced by fanatical elements of the Muslim Brotherhood (itself a creation of Britain[6]) and Morsi supporters against the majority of the Egyptian people,[7] the possible appointment of Ford as Ambassador to the country is a concerning development. This is because, ever since his appointment to the position of Political Counselor to the U.S. Embassy in Baghdad and his subsequent appointment as Ambassador to Syria, Ford has been nothing more than a destabilization expert, who has sown division and discord between populations and societies as well as serving to weaken the national governments of wherever he is placed.

Although mainstream reports tend to portray Ford as if he were a man of the people always fighting on the side of the oppressed, the real Robert Ford is very different. Indeed, the reality is that he is nothing more than a globalist destabilization expert who is merely taking over from his mentor John Negroponte, who became quite refined as a enabler of mass slaughter in Central America and Iraq. Negroponte’s Iraq affair is where Ford himself honed his skills in the arming and assistance of ruthless death squads who target innocent people in campaigns of terror and mass murder.[8]

Friday, August 9, 2013

Muslim Brotherhood Propaganda Film Exposed

Brandon Turbeville
Activist Post
August 8, 2013

Taking a cue from the foreign-backed death squads currently wreaking havoc in Syria, Muslim Brotherhood supporters have been caught attempting to stage both a demonstration and a violent repression of that demonstration by government forces.

Incredibly, Muslim Brotherhood supporters literally organized a fake demonstration complete with camera crews whose purpose was to photograph the “demonstrators” pretending to march on the streets of Egypt and portray this demonstration as real. What’s more, the “demonstrators” paused in mid “march” in order to assume dramatic poses showing angry faces and injured “protestors.” Bandages and fake bloodstains were brandished for effect as well as actors posing as doctors who pretended to be treating the wounded.

These images, had they not been revealed, would have undoubtedly found their way to the television screens of millions of Westerners, the most propaganda-susceptible population in the world, resulting in a public perception of yet another group of freedom fighters and oppressed people being abused by their government.

The video of the incredibly bad acting and attempted demonstration fakery can be seen in the video shown on LiveLeak below:[1]


Thursday, August 8, 2013

New Death Squad Massacre Reported in Syria

Brandon Turbeville
Activist Post
image source
August 7, 2013

In what has become commonplace, yet another report has now surfaced regarding a massacre of innocent civilians by al-Qaeda death squads in Syria. According to reports from Al-Alam News, an Iranian news agency, approximately 330 men and women have been murdered along with 120 children in Tal Abyad, a district of northern Syria. The majority of the victims appear to have been Kurdish.

The perpetrators of the attack were allegedly members of the Jabhat al-Nusra Front, a terrorist organization which has been active inside Syria for some time and one which has clear ties to both the CIA and Turkish intelligence. [1]

Al-Alam aired what RT described as “horrific uncensored footage from the scene,” although RT has stated that it has been unable to confirm the authenticity of the footage as of yet.[2]

At this time, neither the Syrian government nor the death squads have confirmed the reports coming from Al-Alam. However, RT was able to contact a number of sources inside Syria, including several Kurds, who confirmed that fighting in their areas had been increasing.

Yasin Tarbush, a relative of one of the victims of the death squad atrocity, stated to RT, “The al-Nusra militants and other rebel forces surrounded the village. They started going door to door, entering every house. If there were any men, they killed them and took the women and children hostage.”

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Truth on the Tracks with Brandon Turbeville August 5, 2013

Truth on the Tracks with Brandon Turbeville August 5, 2013

Brandon discusses the crisis in Detroit and the solutions for that city, cities all across the country, the states, and the federal government which comes in the form of the 1% Wall Street Sales Tax.