Activist Post
July 26, 2018
As the Syrian government marches forward with the liberation of the southwestern front, the United States, Europe, Israel, and Jordan are coming to the humanitarian rescue. But they aren’t rescuing civilians from terrorists or even from being caught in the crossfire. Instead, these countries have identified a group of “exceptional refugees” whose lives matter much more than those of the civilians the West has wantonly slaughtered for the last seven years.
Although refusing to open its borders, Israel (apparently the only country in the world that is allowed to maintain borders) has allowed members of the al-Nusra Front propaganda wing known as the White Helmets to access Israeli territory on their way to resettlement in Britain, Canada, and Germany according to Jordanian officials. Jordan was also part of the Caravan of Evil.
Estimates initially put the number of White Helmets being evacuated at 800 but those numbers were soon reduced to 500.
In my article, “Exceptional Refugees – Israel Helps Evacuate White Helmets From Syria, Exports al-Qaeda To Europe,” I asked the question “Is the West really evacuating its own intelligence agents and intelligence assets?”
I continued by writing:
Syrian MP and Director of the Chamber of Commerce certainly seems to believe so.
His tweet read “The EU intends to evacuate about 800 White Helmets terrorists and move them to Europe before they get caught by the Syrian army as many of them MI6 operatives as all evidence in E Aleppo proved.”
So does Ziad Fadel of Syrian Perspective whose information and sources have been consistently reliable throughout the seven years of this war.
Fadel writes,