Brandon Turbeville
December 21, 2012

From the traditional macro-events which are taking place at the international and global levels to the micro-events (or seemingly micro) that are taking place at the national, state, and local arenas, the opportunity for optimism in the outcome of the decisions made seems to be few and far between.
Indeed, in order to find areas where battles are won by those on the ground fighting against an encroaching police state, further pollution of the environment, war, proliferation of GMOs, or related causes, one must search on average one hundred times harder than would otherwise be necessary to locate the news of another defeat. The headlines from both the mainstream and alternative media outlets suggest only greater accomplishments of the system (New World Order/Anglo-American Establishment/Shadow World Government, etc.) with each passing day.
Obviously, the mainstream media is intent and focused on the further brainwashing and propagandizing of the world’s people, blatantly promoting their enslavement for those who are aware of the methods used, further implanting the accepted opinions of the future in the minds of the masses who are not. The constant replay of a laundry list of possible catastrophes - those that have occurred and those that might occur - serve to wrap the human mind in a cloak of continual panic and subconscious desire to protect oneself by any means necessary.
That method of protection, of course, is readily
served up by the mainstream media under the guise of sacrificing freedom for
security, which the victims of the propaganda continue to fall for on an
ever-increasing scale. Whether the initial incident is 9/11, mass
shootings, flu outbreaks,[1] or financial calamity, the unchanging trend is
FEAR and the unchanging solution is the sacrifice of basic human rights under
the guise that government, its agents or agencies, will act as the