Friday, January 30, 2015
Brandon Turbeville on The Daily Coin - January 27, 2015
Brandon Turbeville speaks with Rory of The Daily Coin about Dumbed-Down America, Propaganda, and Weaponized Social Media - January 27, 2015
Birds of a Feather: John McCain Defends Henry Kissinger
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Activist Post
January 29, 2015
It has been said that birds of a feather flock together, and proof of that statement can be seen in the fact that terrorist sympathizer John McCain was recently forced toact as Knight in Shining Armor for famed mass murderer Henry Kissinger as the latter was attempting to give yet another speech to the Senate Armed Services Committee.
Kissinger’s arrival, as well as the beginning of his speech, was interrupted by protesters from Code Pink, who attempted to list off the crimes of Henry Kissinger but were unable to continue their presentation for the requisite number of days it would take to do so due to the fact that Capitol Hill police were called in to remove them.
McCain, always a friend to those who have committed or are doing their best to commit atrocities on a mass scale, erupted in typical angry fashion screaming at protesters, “You know, you're going to have to shut up, or I'm going to have you arrested.” As the protesters were being removed, McCain also screamed, “Get out of here you low-life scum.”
McCain went on to apologize to Kissinger by stating that “Dr. Kissinger, I hope on behalf of all of the members of this committee on both sides of the aisle -- in fact, from all of my colleagues, I'd like to apologize for allowing such disgraceful behavior towards a man who served his country with the greatest distinction. I apologize profusely.”
Many Americans, particularly Vietnam veterans, however, may indeed remember “such disgraceful behavior towards a man who served his country with the greatest distinction” taking place in the Capitol on a number of occasions.
Activist Post,
Brandon Turbeville,,
Henry Kissinger,
John McCain,
NSSM 200,
Vietnam Veterans,
Thursday, January 29, 2015
Truth on the Tracks with Brandon Turbeville - January 26, 2015

Brandon discusses the Charlie Hebdo attack, American Sniper, and the culture of militarism in the United States.
Wednesday, January 28, 2015
Israel Launches Artillery Strikes Into Syria, Downs Syrian Jet

Activist Post
January 27, 2015
After two rockets from the Syrian side of the border allegedly landed in the Israeli occupied territory of the Golan Heights on Tuesday, Israel has launched an immediate “response” of artillery fire into Syria.
The “exchange” comes only a week after an illegal Israeli military air assault inside Syria that resulted in the deaths of top Iranian and Hezbollah commanders who were in the country for the purposes of advising anti-ISIS forces as well as investigating the coordination taking place between ISIS, al-Qaeda, and Israel.
As AFP reports,
Israeli military spokesman Lt. Col. Peter Lerner said Tuesday's fire "appeared to be intentional." He declined to comment on whether the fire may have been connected to last week's airstrike.
A message on Lerner's Twitter account said that Israel "responded with artillery towards the positions that launched the attack."
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Israel views the rockets "very seriously" and that it will retaliate to attacks.
"Those that play with fire will get fire," Netanyahu said at a memorial for International Holocaust Remembrance Day.
The military said sirens sounded in communities in the Golan Heights earlier Tuesday. It said that it had evacuated and closed a popular ski resort following the strike. No injuries were reported.
Monday, January 26, 2015
'American Sniper': Lies and Propaganda to Divide a Nation
January 26, 2015
Of course, the American oligarchy via its mouthpiece mainstream media has firmly attempted to draw the battle lines – If you like Chris Kyle andAmerican Sniper then you are firmly in the camp that supports the troops, loves your country, and opposes terrorism. If you do not view Kyle as a hero, then you are clearly in the camp made up of pinko-commies, socialists, and terrorist sympathizers.
And, of course, if you don’t think Chris Kyle was a hero, then you hate the troops.
But the truth is that Chris Kyle was not a hero. Chris Kyle was a murderer. He was also a war profiteer and a liar.
One need only look to Kyle’s past history and his own words to see the proof of that statement. In his book, American Sniper, Kyle repeatedly referred to the people whose land he invaded and whose families he helped kill as “savages,” regretting only that he was unable to kill more of them.
Kyle wrote,
People ask me all the time, “How many people have you killed?” My standard response is “Does the answer make me less, or more, of a man?”
Sunday, January 25, 2015
Je suis Charlie or Je suis Hypocrite?
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Anthony Freda Art |
Activist Post
January 22, 2015
In the aftermath of the Charlie Hebdo massacre, social media was filled with predictable tag lines, hashtags, and memes. It was the result of a general public who had briefly tuned in to current events or the fact that there was a country outside of their own expressing “sympathy and solidarity” with the victims of the terrorist attack. All this proved, however, was that the culture creation machine was well at work at producing feel good messages and that a simple Tweet was quite enough to make the majority of people contented that they had done their patriotic duty.
Critical thinking? Not necessary.
Within hours of the attacks, social media was flooded with “I stand with Free Speech” and “Je suis Charlie.” Americans, unaware of anything that happens outside of their own borders (or within) were happy to retweet and share familiar sounding memes while the French were happy to indulge themselves in the fantasy that they are a free people.
Yet with French President Francois Hollande’s speeches extolling the virtues of free speech and expression, the reality of the matter is that the “Je suis Charlie” meme should have carried the tagline “Je suis Hypocrite.”
The French government and French society in general is by no means a society of free expression. While Christianity and Islam are regular targets of derision and attack by magazines like Charlie Hebdo, other religions are considered more equal in such utopias.
For instance, in 2009, an 80-year-old columnist for Charlie Hebdo was actually put on trial on charges of “inciting racial hatred” for making a joke that then-President Sarkozy’s son was converting to Judaism for financial gain. For all the talk of standing with free speech, the gentlemen making the joke found himself standing quite alone.
Indeed, even the act of “denying the holocaust” is a punishable thought crime in France. While the suggestion that the Nazi regime did not inflict unspeakable crimes against Jewish people is anti-historical in and of itself, a nation of true free speech would not punish the expression of the thought by criminal proceedings.
Thursday, January 22, 2015
Israel Bombs Syria, Kills Top Iranian General and Top Hezbollah Commander

Activist Post
January 21, 2015
In yet another brazen attack on national sovereignty and human rights, Israel has once again launched a bombing mission onto Syrian soil in defense of death squads and terrorists that it has been supporting – along with the United States, France, and the UK (NATO) – since the beginning of the Syrian crisis.
Some reports attribute the attack to missiles fired from helicopters while others suggest that the attack took place using Israeli drones.
Regardless, the attack took place close to the occupied Golan Heights area in southern Syria. Both the Hezbollah and Iranian officials were in Syria to investigate Israeli/terrorist connections as well as to advise Syrian troops.
While Israel has launched a number of airstrikes inside Syria in support of ISIS and al-Qaeda in the past, targets have largely consisted of Syrian military positions, weapons storage areas, and the like. These recent strikes, however, bring a more international dimension to the table as they have claimed the life of a top Iranian General. The attack also took the life of a number of Hezbollah fighters.
Iran has publicly confirmed the death of General Mohammad Ali Allahdadi as well as the fact that he was killed in an Israeli airstrike inside Syria. As is typical, the Israeli government has not publicly confirmed the death or the airstrike operations. However, citing “anonymous intelligence sources,” the Israeli news media has reported that not only did the strikes take place but that they were an attempt to foil a plan by Hezbollah to attack Israel.
Activist Post,
Brandon Turbeville,,
Wednesday, January 21, 2015
Truth on the Tracks with Brandon Turbeville - January 19, 2015

Brandon discusses the Charlie Hebdo massacre in detail.
Tuesday, January 20, 2015
Brandon Turbeville - The Road To Damascus: Terrorism and Destabilization In Syria - Coffee Etc. Mullins, SC - December 2014 - Video
Brandon Turbeville - The Road To Damascus: Terrorism and Destabilization In Syria
December 2014
Coffee Etc. Mullins, S.C.
Part 1
Part 2
December 2014
Coffee Etc. Mullins, S.C.
Part 1
Part 2
Brandon Turbeville,,
Coffee Etc. Mullins,
False Flag Terror,
Saudi Arabia,
South Carolina,
United States,
Eileen Powell Speaking At Coffee, Etc. Mullins S.C. January 22, 2015
Eileen Powell will be speaking at Coffee Etc on January 22 at 8pm. The topic of her presentation will be "Empowering Yourself Through Natural Health, Herbs, and Supplements." She will discuss the benefits of various herbs and supplements and the ways in which individuals may improve their health and quality of life while avoiding dangerous chemical concoctions of the medical world. The event is free and open to the public.

Find Herbs N' Things on facebook here:
Friday, January 16, 2015
15 Signs The Charlie Hebdo Attack Was A False Flag

Activist Post
January 14, 2015
In the aftermath of the Charlie Hebdo massacre and as more and more information comes to light surrounding the details of the attacks as well as the connections between the perpetrators, groups, and NATO-based intelligence agencies, the suggestion that the attacks were, in reality, of the false flag nature, is being proven more and more valid by the hour.
As is to be expected, the xenophobic pro-war right is using the attack as an example of how all Muslims are terrorists and how their total annihilation and implementation of police state tactics are the only solution. On the one hand, the pathetic left-wing attempts to blame the victim for incitement and focuses on the need to become more politically correct, self-censoring, and linguistically minimal. The vast majority in the middle, however, believe the official mainstream version of events, quake in their boots, and move on to the next form of entertainment provided to them by the culture creators without a second thought.
Yet, as is almost always the case, there is much more to the story than is being reported by mainstream outlets. There exist a number of questionable details regarding the Charlie Hebdo attack, as well as the relatively open control over terrorist groups and Islamic jihadists by the French intelligence apparatus, the US, and NATO.
While random acts of violence certainly do occur – some motivated by religious extremism and some not – it is important to examine all of the facts surrounding these acts before coming to a judgment regarding the nature of them. We cannot simply engage in knee-jerk reactions labeling every act of violence as a “false flag” yet we cannot ignore the history of such acts and the prevalence of false flags in recent times.
Activist Post,
Brandon Turbeville,,
Charlie Hebdo,
Cherif Kouachi,
False Flag,
False Flag Terror,
Said Kouachi,
Wednesday, January 14, 2015
Truth on the Tracks with Brandon Turbeville - January 12, 2015

Brandon discusses the "convenient mistakes" of airdropping arms to ISIS, John McCain's connections to terrorism, and the Charlie Hebdo massacre.
Brandon Turbeville,,
Charlie Hebdo,
John McCain,
Truth on the Tracks,
Thursday, January 8, 2015
6 Points To Consider When Analyzing The Charlie Hebdo Attacks

Activist Post
January 8, 2015
In the aftermath of yet another highly publicized terror attack - this time in France - by Islamic fundamentalists, the Western public is once again experiencing a variety of emotional reactions that they have carefully been trained to experience whenever such events take place at home or abroad.
The xenophobic pro-war right is predictably using the attack as an example of how all Muslims are terrorists and how their total annihilation and implementation of police state tactics are the only solution. On the one hand, the pathetic left-wing attempts to blame the victim for incitement and focuses on the need to become more politically correct, self-censoring, and linguistically minimal. The vast majority in the middle, however, believe the official mainstream version of events, quake in their boots, and move on to the next form of entertainment provided to them by the culture creators without a second thought.
Yet, as is almost always the case, there is much more to the story than is being reported by mainstream outlets. There exist a number of questionable details regarding the Charlie Hebdo attack, as well as the relatively open control over terrorist groups and Islamic jihadists by the French intelligence apparatus, the US, and NATO.
While random acts of violence certainly do occur – some motivated by religious extremism and some not – it is important to examine all of the facts surrounding these acts before coming to a judgment regarding the nature of them. We cannot simply engage in knee-jerk reactions labeling every act of violence as a “false flag” yet we cannot ignore the history of such acts and the prevalence of false flags in recent times.
To be clear, this article is not attempting to definitively prove that the Charlie Hebdo attacks were false flags. It is, however, attempting to provide a brief collection of points that may shed light on the nature of those attacks and possible motivations for them that the mainstream media is largely refusing to cover.
Charlie Hebdo Killers Armed and Trained In Syria - Terrorism Made In France?
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Activist Post
January 8, 2015
It has now been officially revealed (to the surprise of virtually no one) that at least two of the suspects in the Charlie Hebdo shootings are French-born individuals who were recruited for and trained in Syria in order to fight against the secular government of Bashar al-Assad.
French police revealed today that the three suspects, Said Kouachi, 34, and Cherif Kouachi, 32, and Hamyd Mourad, 18, were the target of a massive manhunt. Said and Cherif are both French nationals while Hamyd’s nationality is not known at this time.
Cherif Kouachi was no stranger to French law enforcement. He was sentenced to three years imprisonment with 18 months suspended for terrorism charges in 2008 when was convicted of “criminal association with a terrorist enterprise.”
Apparently, the group to which Cherif was affiliated, known as the 19th Arrondissement Network (named for the neighborhood it was based out of), was involved in recruiting French Muslims to fight for al-Qaeda in Iraq. As is typical in Western-backed terrorist operations, the group preyed on poor, disenchanted, struggling, and working-class young men.
After procuring the necessary manpower, the group would then organize for weapons training and provide the necessary travel arrangements.
Although convicted in 2008, police had arrested Charif in 2005, just days before he planned to travel to Syria.
France Announced Aircraft Carrier For Gulf The Day Before Hebdo Attack

Activist Post
January 7, 2015
While certainly not conclusive evidence that the attack on Charlie Hebdo was an “inside job,” it is without a doubt very questionable that the French military announced that it will be sending an aircraft carrier to the Gulf for the alleged purpose of “fighting ISIS” the day before the barbaric terror attacks against controversial French magazine.
While the two events may indeed be unrelated, such brazen attacks inside France will undoubtedly serve to drum up even more support for French military action in the Middle East. The fact that the military action was announced a full day before the attacks took place will be no matter to the few members of the general public who discover it, as support for retribution and retaliation will be given for military action retroactively.
Nevertheless, As Agence France Presse reported on Tuesday January 6,
The deployment of the marine battle group is due to be announced by President Francois Hollande when he gives his annual new year’s speech to the armed forces onboard the Charles de Gaulle on January 14, according to the “Mer et Marine” news site.
The Elysee Palace confirmed to AFP that the carrier would travel to the Gulf on its way to India, where it is due to take part in exercises in mid-April.
“The Charles de Gaulle will be available to participate, if necessary, in all operational missions”, the Elysee spokesman said.
According to Mer et Marine, the Charles de Gaulle carrier will travel to the Gulf with its fleet of air and naval craft, including Rafale and Super Etendard fighter jets and an attack submarine, to take part in the US-led bombing campaign against IS forces in Iraq.
New UN Report Highlights Israeli Connection To Syrian Death Squads

Activist Post
January 7, 2015
Ever since the Western-backed attack on the secular government of Bashar al-Assad began in earnest in late 2010, Israel had been clearly implicated in providing assistance to the fundamentalist death squad organizations running rampant across Syria. This aid was provided despite an alleged mutual hatred between the Zionist settler state and Islamic fundamentalists.
As the crisis continued to unfold, Israel’s connections to the terrorists (backed by NATO and the GCC) began to grow more and more apparent.
Now, a recent series of reports (March 2013 – November 2014) released by the United Nations observers in the Golan Heights and submitted to the United Nations Security Council apparently corroborates those connections. Indeed, the reports claim that, at least for the past 18 months, the Israel Defense Forces have been in regular contact with “Syrian rebels,” including members of the Islamic State.
According to Israeli news agency Haaretz, the UN reports detailed several instances where close ties between the Syrian death squads and the Israeli military have been demonstrated.
As the International Business Times writes,
According to the UN reports, a person wounded on 15 September "was taken by armed members of the opposition across the ceasefire line, where he was transferred to a civilian ambulance escorted by an IDF vehicle."
Moreover, from 9-19 November, the "UNDOF observed at least 10 wounded persons being transferred by armed members of the opposition from the Bravo side across the ceasefire line to IDF."&
Complaints Filed At UN Against McCain - Senator Meets With Terrorists, Fascists, and Nazis Across The World

Activist Post
January 7, 2015
John McCain’s sordid travel history is back in the headlines. This time, it is his notorious visit to Syria in 2013 that is once again being put at the forefront of informed discussion due to a Syrian complaint filed with the United Nations regarding McCain’s illegal entry into the country in order to meet and coordinate with death squad terrorists slaughtering innocent people numbering in the hundreds of thousands.
French Foreign Minister Bernard Kouchner, former Kuwaiti politician Walid Tabtabai, and former US diplomat Peter Galbraith were two other officials named in the Syrian letter to the UN; but McCain’s visit has drawn much more attention ever since it was revealed that McCain had not only met with the Commander of the Fundamentalist “moderate” rebellion known as the Free Syrian Army but also with a cannibal and the leader of ISIS himself, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi.
This meeting, of course, is in addition to the meetings that McCain has held with terrorists in Libya - fanatics he once called “heroes” and who then went on to murder US Ambassador Chris Stevens in the famous Benghazi incident. McCain also took the time to meet with Fascists and Nazis in Ukraine as the US-orchestrated color revolution was in full swing.
Syria’s official letter to the UN, however, focused on the issue of sovereignty. The Syrian Ambassador to the United Nations, Bashar Ja’afari urged UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon and the UN Security Council to begin pressuring national governments to put in place “the necessary measures against their nationals who enter Syrian territory illegally.”
Ja’afari stated that “Such actions are a blatant violation of Syria’s sovereignty and of the resolutions of the Security Council concerning Syria.”
BATFE Ruling Creates New Hurdle To Private Gun Manufacture

Activist Post
January 6, 2015
It only took two days before the anti-gun American bureaucracy began chipping away at the Second Amendment in areas where Congress and the President, despite being backed by billion dollar NGOs and Foundations, have so far been unsuccessful.
On January 2, 2015, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (BATFE) issued its ruling regarding “whether Federal Firearms Licensees (FFL), or unlicensed machine shops, may engage in the business of completing, or assisting in the completion of, the manufacture of firearm frames or receivers for unlicensed individuals without being licensed as a manufacturer of firearms.”
The ruling that was made in order to address the issue that ATF Ruling 2015-1 has called into question - whether or not the ability of American citizens to produce their own weapons, pass them down, and modify those weapons in specific capacities will remain a viable option.
Thankfully, the BATFE is not attempting to entirely eliminate the ability of individuals to manufacture their own weapons, but the agency is attempting to limit that ability.
So far, the policy of the BATFE’s Firearms Technology Branch (now called the Firearms Technology Industry Services Branch) as it was enumerated in 2010 remains the same. The BATFE states that “For your information, per the provisions of the GCA, an unlicensed individual may make a ‘firearm’ as defined in the GCA for his own personal use, but not for sale or distribution.” The FTB continued by stating “Also, based on the GCA, manufacturers’ marks of identification are not required on firearms that are produced by individuals for personal use.
Prince Law Offices analyzed the policy statement and concluded that “it is completely lawful, as acknowledged by ATF, for one to manufacture his/her/its own firearm, provided there is no intent to sell or distribute it.” However, the lawyers’ blog also asked another pertinent question, “but what about when that individual is incapable of turning a block of metal or 80% lower into a functioning firearm?
Wednesday, January 7, 2015
Middle East Officials Question ''Convenient Mistakes'' Of US Airdrops To Al-Qaeda
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Anthony Freda Art |
Activist Post
January 6, 2015
As the “convenient” and “accidental” airdrops of weapons and supplies by the US and NATO into the hands of ISIS and al-Qaeda jihadists fighting inside both Syria and Iraq begin to draw more attention throughout largely alternative media outlets, such convenient mistakes are also being questioned by national governments, particularly those who may be in the crosshairs of NATO in the very near future.
Individuals who have come to question the nature of the allegedly accidental air drops are legion, but one of the more recent and high profile skeptics is the Commander of Iran’s Basij Force, Brigadier General Mohammed Reza Naqdi.
In an address to a group of Basij forces on January 5, Naqdi stated that “The US directly supports the ISIL in Iraq and the US planes drop the needed aids and weapons for ISIL in Iraq …” In addition, he stated that the US Embassy in Baghdad is the command center for ISIL and other “takfiri” militants.
Indeed, while the United States military portrays the receipt of weapons and supplies by ISIS as entirely accidental, Naqdi presents the situation as quite the opposite. Contradicting the propaganda and stated aims of the US military, Naqdi stated that the Iraqi forces have managed to retrieve aid that was actually intended for ISIS fighters, not the other way around.
Naqdi, however, is merely the latest official in the region who has suggested that the U.S. “assault” on ISIS is half-hearted at best. Iraqi Member of Parliament Majid al-Gharawi recently stated that all information available “pointed out that US planes are supplying ISIL organization, not only in Salahuddin province, but also other provinces,” according to Iraq TradeLink.
Activist Post,
Brandon Turbeville,,
Truth on the Tracks with Brandon Turbeville - January 5, 2015

Brandon discusses the way forward for 2015, Australian surveillance laws, homeopathy under attack in Australia, Syria, Iraq, Us Funding ISIS, and US attack on Seed Saving...
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