Brandon Turbeville
September 23, 2014
Given the behavior of Wal-Mart in recent years, one would be
justified in wondering whether or not the retail giant is actually operating a
think-tank tasked with coming up with new ways to make its employees’ lives
devoid of any semblance of dignity and reasonable living standards. Indeed,
Wal-Mart is doing its part in the global fight against worker’s rights and the
living standards of the world’s population as well as attempting to assist in
the implementation of scientific feudalism variety as the chosen system of the
As if its absurdly low wages, atrocious labor
practices, and generally dehumanizing policies were not enough, Wal-Mart
has now decided to make changes to its “dress code” that will force already
financially strapped (to say the least) employees pay for their own work
While the issue may not sound like such a bad practice,
Wal-Mart has been providing work “uniforms” and/or work clothes for its
employees in the past. Of course, even after the new changes, Wal-Mart
employees will be forced to comply with the Wal-Mart “dress code.” However,
this time, they will be forced to pay for the clothes out of their own pocket.
For an employee that already makes minimum wage with no benefits and is treated
like garbage by Wal-Mart’s labor policies, the extra money it will take to buy
new sets (or even just one set) or polo shirts, khakis, and skirts will cut
into the worker’s budget significantly.
As one might suspect, those employees who have been
attempting to fight for some modicum of worker’s rights and to force Wal-Mart
to the bargaining table have once again reacted with anger at Wal-Mart’s