Activist Post
July 19, 2017
Ever since the United States began openly arming and working with Kurdish fanatics in Syria under the guise of “fighting ISIS,” Turkey has shown signs of irritation, concern, and outright anger towards America. This is because the Turks fear any support given to Kurds from outside forces will embolden them to renew their fight for a Kurdistan entity carved out of Turkish territory. Indeed, Turkey is also concerned that any arming of the YPG/PYD forces in Syria will necessarily act as a conduit for weapons making their way to the PKK in Turkey.
Indeed, in a meeting of the Turkish National Security Council on Monday, a statement was released alleging that weapons given by the U.S. to the YPG had found their way to PKK fighters. “This shows that both are the same organization,” the statement said. It also added that other countries were using a “double standard” for how the treat terror groups, a rather obvious reference to the United States and its position on Kurdish fighters.
Thus, after a series of diplomatic spats, the relationship between Turkey and the United States has become more and more tense and less reliable than at other time during the course of the Syrian crisis with Turkey warming up to Russia on top of an icier relationship with the U.S.
On Monday, however, Turkish papers released a bombshell article revealing the number and location of U.S. bases inside Syria, even listing the number of troops housed in each base. Only last week, I reported that a number of sources had put the number of U.S. bases in Syria as up to nine. The Turkish report raises the count of American bases to ten.
The Turkish report also revealed the presence of French Special Forces.
The Daily Beast was the first American media outlet to report on the Turkish claims but, predictably, the U.S. military asked the organization not to post the information (which was already posted in English on the Anadolou website) and, predictably, the Daily Beast, complied.
Anadolou writes,
Military points in Al-Hasakah
There are also three military points in Al-Hasakah, the latest of which was established in the northern district Tal Baydar.
According to the reporters, 100 U.S. Special Forces soldiers have been deployed to Tal Baydar within the scope of the fight against the Daesh terrorist group.
There are also foreign soldiers from the U.S.-led coalition stationed in the old farm district of Tal Tamir, which is located south of Resulayn near the Syrian-Turkish border.
There are also 150 U.S. Special Forces units in Ash Shaddadi district, south of Al-Hasakah, with a view to backing PKK/PYD during anti-Daesh operations.
Military points in Manbij
The U.S. has established two operational posts in Manbij in 2016 when PKK/PYD captured the district.
One of these posts is located in Ayn Dadad town in the district, which can be used by U.S. Special Forces for patrols against the Free Syrian Army (FSA) units rescued during the Turkish Euphrates Shield Operation.
The other military unit is located in Usariye town, west of Ayn Dadad with the purpose of protecting PKK/PYD units against FSA.
Military points in Raqqah
There are also three military posts in the northern province of Raqqah.
Along with U.S. special forces units, French special forces are stationed in a military post located in Mistanur hill, south of Kobani.
Around 200 U.S. soldiers and 75 French special forces units are also stationed in the PKK/PYD base in Ayn Issah town in northern Raqqah.
A military post in the town of Sirrin in Kobani is also used for airbornes. PKK/PYD is supplied with military equipment and ammunition through this post.
This post also serves as a communication center of the anti-Daesh coalition and used for disrupting Daesh communications.
Anadolou also describes the nature of the bases and the mechanism in which the troops operate.
According to Anadolu Agency reporters, a U.S. military point has recently been established in PKK/PYD-held areas in northern Syria.
Washington had set up two airbases in PKK/PYD-held Rmeilan district in the northeast of Al-Hasakah province in October 2015 and Harab Isk village in southern Kobani in March 2016.
While the Rmeilan airbase is large enough for cargo planes to land, Harab Isk base is only used by military helicopters.
While a part of the U.S. military aid to PKK/PYD goes through Iraqi border by land, the other part is shipped to the region through the Rmeilan airbase.
These “field-type” military points are usually hidden for security reasons, making it hard to be detected, according to Anadolu Agency reporters.
Apart from the military points, the U.S. also uses some other places which are hard to be detected like residential areas, PKK/PYD camps, easily transformed factories as operational points.
The U.S. forces keep the construction of operational points hidden by declaring some areas as "prohibited area" in northern Syria, the reporters say.
There are contact officers for airstrikes and artillery shelling, military consultants, training officers, operational planning officers and military units to engage in active conflicts in eight military points.
The equipment in the military points includes artillery batteries with high maneuverability, multi-barrel rocket launchers, various mobile equipment for intelligence and armored vehicles such as "Stryker" for general patrols and security.
While no one who has followed the Syrian crisis closely is surprised at the new revelations, what is more interesting is how Turkish media exposed the U.S. forces’ location. This may cause some to wonder whether or not the Turkish government intentionally leaked the information or whether it simply allowed for the story to run. Turkey, after all, has never been known as a haven for free speech. The fact is that the United States is intentionally setting up bases in order block progress by the SAA in the North and Southeast of the country. The bases are not there to fight the same terrorist organization the U.S. created, funded, armed, trained, and directed for decades, but to ensure that Syria is federalized, a Washington/Israeli “Plan B” that I and others in the alt media have written about ever since the beginning of the crisis.
Brandon Turbeville – article archive here – is the author of seven books, Codex Alimentarius — The End of Health Freedom, 7 Real Conspiracies, Five Sense Solutions and Dispatches From a Dissident, volume 1 andvolume 2, The Road to Damascus: The Anglo-American Assault on Syria, The Difference it Makes: 36 Reasons Why Hillary Clinton Should Never Be President, and Resisting The Empire: The Plan To Destroy Syria And How The Future Of The World Depends On The Outcome. Turbeville has published over 1000 articles on a wide variety of subjects including health, economics, government corruption, and civil liberties. Brandon Turbeville’s radio show Truth on The Tracks can be found every Monday night 9 pm EST atUCYTV. His website is BrandonTurbeville.com He is available for radio and TV interviews. Please contact activistpost (at) gmail.com.
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