Activist Post
March 20, 2018
As the recent Russian elections conclude and current President Vladmir Putin has been re-elected and confirmed as the clear winner, the United States continues its hysterical claims that the scary Russians have “meddled” in American domestic affairs with American elections being the chief target. But, despite all the money spent, witch hunts, and censorship, the accusers have yet to produce one shred of credible evidence of any “Russian meddling” that has taken place.
One perfect example of the “debate,” if both sides given equal time and opportunity to state their positions and facts, is the hilarious interaction between radio personality Lionel and career imperialist and spokesman for the intelligence community, Brent Budowsky, when both men were scheduled to debate the question of Russian meddling on RT. The exchange succintly sums up the evidence allegedly proving Russian meddling vs a demand that the case be proved.
See video here
Yet, despite the US hysteria over alleged Russian meddling, the United States has been and continues to meddle directly in both Russian elections as well as in Russian society. Such is the level of American meddling in Russian affairs that the publicly admitted meddling operations in Russia coming from the National Endowment for Democracy alone number at nearly 100 organizations.
“Remarkably,” writes Ulson Gunnar, “as Washington accuses Russia of political meddling within the United States, the NED openly lists nearly 100 subversive activities or organizations they are funding inside of Russia itself. Beyond what is listed on NED's website is support the US and Europe is providing unpopular opposition figures like Alexei Navalny, the now deceased Boris Nemtsov, Yevgeniya Chirikova (NED-funded Strategy 31), Lev Ponomarev (NED-funded Moscow Helsinki Group), Liliya Shibanova (NED-funded GOLOS) and many others who have been repeatedly caught conspiring with American diplomats and financiers backing their subversive activities.”
The United States has long been meddling in Russian elections and Russian society. As Tony Cartalucci wrote in his article, “Bombshell: US Caught Meddling In Russian Elections!” in 2011,
After the fall of the Soviet Union, there proceeded a lawless free-for-all where foreigners began rushing in in an attempt to create their own order out of the chaos. Leading this charge was billionaire oligarch Mikhail Khodorkovsky who fashioned an “Open Russian Foundation” and even had western corporate-financier elitists Jacob Rothschild and Henry Kissinger chair its board of directors. In a now all too familiar scenario, Khodorkovsky and his networks of foreign-funded NGOs attempted to consolidate and transfer Russia’s wealth, power, and the destiny of its people into the hands of Wall Street and London’s global “corporatatorship.”I highly encourage the reader to access Cartalucci's article in order to get a better understanding of the methods and scale of American meddling Russia has had to deal with ever since the collapse of the Soviet Union.
Below are operations listed on NED’s own website, also found at this link:
Access to Information
Freedom of Information
To provide analysis on political and current affairs.
Objective, fact-based reporting will be conducted and public presentations will
be made.
Aiding Corruption Investigations
Accountability and Governance
To raise awareness of kleptocracy and its local and global
implications. Information about these issues will be provided to international
Assessing and Building Partner Capacity through
Political Processes
To increase civil society organizations’ capacity to use
technology for more secure and effective organizing and communications and to
strengthen the capacity of civic organizations to effectively pursue their
goals. A digital security diagnostic tool will be developed to meet these
Capacity Building for Journalists
Freedom of Information
To strengthen the capacities and digital skills of regional
journalists and to foster regional and national journalism networks. A series
of capacity-building workshops for journalists will be organized.
Civic Education
Civic Education
To promote democratic ideas and values. Seminars and
trainings will focus on civic education and the benefits of activism to local
Civil Rights Education
Civic Education
To raise awareness of corruption and its relation to human
rights violations. Project activities will include investigating instances of
corruption and collaborating with the media to publish information about their
Counteracting Discrimination Against Minorities
Human Rights
To reduce instances of hate crimes. A series of trainings
for volunteers, activists, and members of the community at large will focus on
public activism and means of responding to hate crimes.
Defending Digital Rights
Freedom of Information
To promote public engagement on Internet freedom issues and
to defend citizens’ rights to freedom of expression and privacy. Strategic
litigation and public advocacy will be conducted on freedom of information
Defending Freedom of Association
Freedom of Association
To assess and raise awareness of the state of civil society
and human rights, and to provide recommendations to the international community
on how best to support it. Reports will be written analyzing these issues and
presented to various actors.
Defending Human Rights
Human Rights
To raise awareness of human rights violations committed in
the region and to lower tensions between minority communities and local
officials. Free legal aid and a series of roundtables and conferences will help
deepen local understanding of human rights.
Defending Human Rights
Human Rights
To raise awareness of human rights violations and to provide
support to victims of human rights violations. Activities will include
monitoring the situation with human rights, providing legal defense for victims
of human rights violations, and raising public awareness of these issues.
Democratic Film Festival
Democratic Ideas and Values
To support regional democracy-themed cultural events that
will present democratic values and ideas to the public through movies, public
discussions, and presentations. Young professionals will be provided an
opportunity to develop their skills through participation in master-classes.
Developing the Capacity of Activists
Human Rights
To increase the capacity of young activists. Representatives
of civil society will be trained in human rights history and law. A series of
trainings and events for professionals working on these topics will be
Documenting Human Rights Abuses
Human Rights
To improve access to information pertaining to the violation
of fundamental human rights and international law. A website with
regularly updated news and information will be maintained.
Documenting Repression
Freedom of Information
To create a unified information platform linking databases
with information on political repression in the former Soviet Union. A new
online platform will be developed, providing access to a significant amount of
historical information on political persecution to scholars and the general public.
Documenting Repression
Freedom of Information
Supplement: $15,000
To unify information in databases of information on
political repression in the former Soviet Union. The project will provide
access to a significant amount of historical information on political
persecution for scholars and the general public.
Emergency Support for Civil Society
Human Rights
To provide emergency support to civil society activists
operating in a restrictive environment and to promote the continued work and
effectiveness of local civil society organizations. Such assistance may include
emergency relocation support; emergency assistance to those suffering from
politically motivated persecution; and support for civil society organizations’
Empowering Civil Society
NGO Strengthening
To organize a series of capacity-building workshops for
graduates of a prestigious civic activism program with the goal of maintaining
a network of democratically minded people. The project will focus on
establishing a support network of regional organizations and activists to
enable networking among young leaders.
Engaging Regional Activists
NGO Strengthening
To support local civic activists. The program will carry out
research on local-level civic activism and help organizations develop their
Enhancing Public Access to Information
Freedom of Information
To provide the public with accurate information about
foreign policy developments. In-depth investigative reports, short news items, and
educational reference material will be published online.
Fostering Civic Engagement
Civic Education
To promote civic consciousness, cultivate better
understanding of democratic institutions and values, and foster independent
critical thinking. Civic and legal education programs for students will support
networking among programs and provide technical and information assistance to
program participants.
Freedom of Information and Expression
Freedom of Information
To provide an independent source of information on social,
political, and human rights developments A website will be maintained with
regularly updated news and information, and a program to raise awareness about
and counter censorship online will be conducted.
Hall of Memory, Center of Tolerance
Human Rights
To support civil society and human rights activists.
Discussions on history and human rights will be hosted and resource support
will be offered to activists, local NGOs, and initiative groups.
History and Human Rights
Civic Education
To educate and encourage discussion among youth and
educators about the ramifications of political repression and other human
rights violations. Seminars for educators and activists will focus on methods
for teaching human rights.
Human Rights Center
NGO Strengthening
To improve knowledge of and respect for international human
rights standards and to raise awareness of individual rights. Human rights and
legal education programs will be conducted, leadership trainings and seminars
will be offered, and legal assistance will be given.
Human Rights Coordination
Human Rights
To coordinate the activities of proponents of civil
liberties and human rights. A broad range of support will assist victims of violations
of the right of free assembly.
Human Rights Education
Human Rights
To raise awareness of human rights and to enable
participants to better defend their rights. A series of trainings and
roundtables will improve participants’ awareness of their rights and develop
strategies for defending them.
Human Rights Education
Civic Education
To promote and explain the practical importance of human
rights and civic education in regional universities and school communities.
Human rights trainings, including human rights education methodology seminars
and regional school competitions will equip school and young university
teachers to understand the practical application of human rights norms. An
online presence will be maintained.
Human Rights Monitoring
Human Rights
To raise public awareness of and maintain an information and
news collection network about human rights violations. A website will post
regular updates on instances of civil and human rights violations.
Human Rights Monitoring
Human Rights
To continue its legal aid program for victims of human
rights violations. Monitoring of human rights abuses will be conducted, and
free legal assistance to victims will be provided.
Improving Access to Independent Journalism
Freedom of Information
To improve the availability of unbiased, locally relevant
information and to increase citizen engagement. An online platform for use by
independent journalists and civic activists will be maintained.
Improving Access to Information
NGO Strengthening
To improve access to information, to support grassroots
initiatives, and to improve the quality of journalistic reporting on access to
information issues. Trainings will be organized on how to properly access information
and to write about local issues.
Increasing Access to Justice
Rule of Law
To support the rule of law and improve access to justice.
Legal support will be offered to victims of human rights violations and
activities will be conducted aimed at raising public awareness on issues
concerning the rule of law and access to justice.
Increasing Access to Justice
Human Rights
To promote adherence to the rule of law by advocating for
compliance with and implementation of international norms and domestic
legislation, and to increase domestic and international awareness about the use
of international mechanisms as a tool to address human rights violations.
Monitoring will be conducted and technical assistance will be offered to
victims of human rights violations.
Increasing Access to Legal Aid
Human Rights
To provide legal aid and trainings for citizens whose rights
have been violated. Meetings and consultations with citizens will help answer
questions they have about their rights, in particular women’s rights.
Increasing Access to Legal Aid
Human Rights
To provide legal aid and seek recourse for victims of human
rights violations, to help persecuted citizens understand their rights, and to
monitor hate crimes and discrimination against minorities. Project activities
will include providing free legal support and conducting public awareness
Increasing the Capacity of Civic Activists
Civic Education
To increase the capacity of civic activists. A series of
seminars will bring activists together to share best practices, discuss
security issues, and network with their colleagues.
Increasing the Capacity of Civil Society
NGO Strengthening
To improve access to information about human rights and environmental
issues. Consultations and events will he held and informational materials on
these issues will be written.
Independent Journalism and Legal Analysis
Freedom of Information
To support independent journalism on civil society, human
rights, and legal issues. A website will be maintained to publish articles and
host an online database of legal information.
Independent News and Commentary
Freedom of Information
To provide an independent source of national news and
commentary to Russian-language audiences. Online video news programs will be
produced featuring analysis and commentary.
Independent News and Commentary
Freedom of Information
Supplement: $10,000
To provide a high-quality source of national news and
independent commentary to Russian-language audiences. Video news programs will
be published online featuring analysis and commentary.
Independent News and Internet Television
Freedom of Information
To provide an independent source of information on local
developments and commentary on national-level political and social issues to
Russian-speaking audiences, while connecting them to fact-based reporting on
national and international events. Original reporting, analysis, and video
content will be published online and through social networks as well as
aggregate national and international news from a variety of reliable sources.
Information Network
Freedom of Information
To provide reliable and accurate information on local events
through a network of regional correspondents. The project will support the
maintenance of a website with regularly updated news and information.
Information Network
Freedom of Information
To provide reliable and accurate information on local events
through a network of regional correspondents. Activities will include
maintenance of a website with regularly updated news and information.
Information Portal
Freedom of Information
To inform citizens about human rights and ecological
problems and ways of resolving them. A website with regularly updated news and
information about these issues will be maintained and assistance will be
offered to journalists and activists.
Investigating Corruption
Freedom of Information
To raise awareness of corruption and its relation to human
rights violations. Project activities will include investigating instances of
corruption and collaborating with the media to publish information about their
Investigative Journalism and Independent News
Freedom of Information
To increase the availability of quality Russian-language
investigative journalism and to provide the public with an independent source
of news and analysis of developments. Investigative reporting, analytical
articles, and current events coverage will be published online.
Journalism Resource Center
Freedom of Information
To strengthen the capacities of journalists to conduct their
work. The project will provide informational and professional support to
journalists as they conduct joint projects on topics of mutual interest and
will help to establish ongoing partnerships between journalists.
Legal Assistance for Human Rights
Human Rights
To improve access to justice for migrants and ethnic
minorities. Activities will include monitoring instances of hate crimes,
providing information and legal aid to victims of hate crimes and other rights
violations, and conducting trainings for potential victims about their rights.
Legal Defense
Human Rights
To protect fundamental freedoms. Legal defense will be
provided to civil society organizations, activists, and others, and strategic
litigation will be pursued to oppose laws and practices that deny citizens
their fundamental freedoms. Awareness of these issues will be raised and
lawyers will be trained to conduct similar work.
Legal Expertise
Accountability and Governance
To support legal research and analyses, and to inform the
public about the findings. Developments related to human rights will be
monitored, and research results will be published online.
Legal Resource Center
Human Rights
To provide legal assistance to victims of human rights
abuses and to disseminate information concerning such cases. Regular monitoring
of human rights abuses will be conducted.
Legal Support of Citizens’ Rights
Human Rights
To provide informational and technical assistance to
movements working on locally relevant human rights violations. Legal assistance
will be provided to protect citizens’ rights and the public will be educated
about the corrupt practices that often lead to violations.
Local Governance Schools
Political Processes
To support local civic activists. Research on local-level
civic activism will help civic organizations develop their capacity.
Monitoring Extremism
Human Rights
To foster greater attention to the problems of extremism and
xenophobia, and to promote tolerance for ethnic and religious minorities.
Project activities will include monitoring and publishing reports and analyses.
Promoting Accountability
Accountability and Governance
To expose cases of corruption among public officials at the
regional and federal levels. Public records will be used to research and
investigate reports of corruption and produce documentation demonstrating
corrupt activities. Research will be published on the organization’s website
and in collaboration with local and foreign media.
Promoting Civic Engagement
Freedom of Information
Supplement: $6,880
To involve a broader segment of the local population in
civic activism and to further discussion of local issues. An online platform
will be maintained to facilitate the exchange of information and local
activists will be assisted.
Promoting Civic Engagement
Freedom of Information
To maintain an online platform to facilitate the exchange of
information on local issues and to work offline to help local civil society and
NGOs to organize activist campaigns and civic initiatives. Public discussion of
local problems and civic activism at the neighborhood, municipal, and regional
level will be encouraged.
Promoting Independent Media
Freedom of Information
To promote the independent assessment of political, social,
and human rights developments. Information and analysis will be provided on
political, social, and human rights developments in the regions.
Promoting Internet Freedom
Freedom of Information
To provide information and promote public engagement on
digital rights issues in Russia. The program will support the maintenance of
informational resources on related topics.
Protecting Activists
Human Rights
To foster the respect of, and adherence to, international
norms on human rights, rule of law, and democratic values. Activities will
include maintaining a website and providing informational and legal support to
Protecting Ethnic Minorities
Human Rights
To defend the rights of ethnic minorities. Project
activities include the provision of legal aid to members of minority populations
with a focus on gaining citizenship or other legal status for stateless
peoples. Advocacy will be conducted on behalf of marginalized and stateless
peoples and strategies will be developed to coordinate efforts to acquire
documents required for displaced ethnic minorities to obtain legal status.
Protecting Human Rights
Human Rights
To reduce the incidence of human rights violations, to
strengthen compliance with international human rights standards, and to help
citizens understand their rights. Legal support will be provided and
informational campaigns will be conducted.
Protecting Human Rights
Human Rights
To enable young people and their families to protect their
rights and to decrease the frequency of human rights abuses. Human rights
seminars and consultations on these issues will take place.
Protecting Minority Rights
Human Rights
To provide information support and legal counsel and to
inform the public about ongoing abuses of the rights of minorities. A series of
public events will inform the public about ongoing discrimination against
Protecting the Right to Information
Freedom of Information
To assist citizens in realizing their right to information
and to improve the implementation of laws guaranteeing citizens’ right to
information. A series of activities will be conducted including informational
campaigns to raise the awareness of the right among the legal community and the
general public.
Providing an Open Space for Civil Society
NGO Strengthening
To enhance the capacity of civil society. The project will
support public events and collaboration between civic activists and
organizations, including civic education programs.
Providing Independent Local Reporting and Combating
Freedom of Information
To raise awareness of local issues, to provide accurate
information on local and national news, and to foster government accountability
and combat public corruption. A website covering local news, events, and civic
initiatives will be maintained and a program to monitor and combat public
corruption will be conducted.
Public Movements, Past and Present
Human Rights
To raise awareness of the problems facing civil society and
to improve understanding of the role of political repression in history and
modern society. Project activities will include the continued development of
the grantee’s online presence, including making sections of its archives more
accessible to the public.
Public Opinion Research
Democratic Ideas and Values
To measure public opinion. Surveys on public attitudes
regarding a range of issues will be conducted and published.
Raising Awareness of Human Rights
Human Rights
To provide free legal representation and consultations to
victims of human rights violations. Information will be collected about human
rights violations and assistance will be provided to victims. Regional and
international instruments for human rights protection will be utilized.
Resolving Social Issues
Democratic Ideas and Values
To facilitate the discussion of approaches to addressing
social issues and to foster cooperation between activists. An event dedicated
to the discussion of current social issues and how to address them will be held.
School of Investigative Journalism
Freedom of Information
To strengthen the capacity of regional journalists, to
increase the amount of independent investigative journalism available to the
public, and to foster regional and national networks among journalists. An
investigative journalism training program will take place.
Sociological Research
Freedom of Information
To improve understanding of public attitudes. Research
regarding major political and economic developments will be conducted using a
variety of tools and methods.
Strengthening Civil Society
NGO Strengthening
To provide informational, legal, technical, and financial
assistance to NGOs and initiative groups. Events will be facilitated focusing
on common problems faced by NGOs and civil society activists, such as legal
challenges, registration procedures, and reporting requirements.
Strengthening Women’s Organizations
Human Rights
To strengthen civil society and to improve the ability of
women in society to protect their rights. Trainings will help participants
identify and address pressing social and political issues in the region.
Support for Independent Journalism
Freedom of Information
To increase the availability of quality Russian-language
investigative journalism and to provide the public with an independent source
of news and analysis on significant social issues. Investigative reporting and
news coverage will be published online.
Support for Investigative Journalism
Freedom of Information
To increase the availability of independent investigative
journalism on Russia-related issues. Project activities include a high quality
investigative journalism program. The reporting will be published online.
Supporting Activists
Human Rights
To provide support for activists under pressure. Legal and
technical assistance to individual activists facing pressure or threats due to
the nature of their work will be provided, and capacity-building and technical
support for activists and organizations will be offered.
Supporting Civic Activists
Civic Education
To promote civic engagement and activism among young people.
Trainings will be held for rising civic leaders and support will be provided to
grassroots initiatives.
Supporting Civil Society
NGO Strengthening
To maintain a center for the support of citizen initiatives
and to defend citizens’ rights. Trainings will be hosted and awareness will be
raised about these issues.
Supporting Civil Society
Human Rights
To support civic education and public dialogue. Activities
will include hosting various events such as public discussions, seminars,
lectures, roundtables, and trainings, and networking opportunities for civil
society activists and organizations.
Supporting Civil Society
Human Rights
To monitor human rights violations and to offer legal aid to
victims of human rights violations. A website with information about legal
resources and human rights will be maintained.
Supporting Civil Society Activists
Democratic Ideas and Values
To support democratic activists. Fellowships to activists at
risk and humanitarian aid will be provided to political prisoners. Awareness
will be raised about human rights issues, including politically motivated
persecution against activists.
Supporting Democratic Reforms
Democratic Ideas and Values
To develop a positive agenda for building a more democratic
and inclusive society. Reports will be commissioned and roundtables will be
organized on this topic.
Supporting Human Rights Defenders
Human Rights
To support regional civil society organizations through
public outreach, training, and informational support for activists.
Informational and technical assistance will be offered to civil society
activists and other democrats at risk who have come under pressure due to their
Supporting Human Rights Defenders
Human Rights
To provide support to human rights activists at risk. In
response to a growing authoritarian crackdown against civil society actors,
activists who have come under pressure will be hosted at a respite and
rehabilitation program.
Supporting Independent Media
Freedom of Information
To provide independent news and analysis on social,
political, and human rights developments along with a platform for open
discussion and debate. Content related to the development of democratic norms
and competitive politics will be published.
Supporting Independent Media
Freedom of Information
To provide an independent source of information on
developments in the Baltic countries, Russia, and the world to Russian-language
audiences. The program will support an independent media project to provide
quality reporting to the public.
Supporting Interregional Human Rights Defense
Human Rights
To reduce the occurrence of human rights violations and to
seek recourse for victims. Legal assistance will be provided to the victims of
human rights abuses and their families.
Supporting Open Dialogue
Democratic Ideas and Values
To support civic debate and open dialogue by providing a
venue and resource center for a network of independent civil society groups. A
facility will host exhibitions, seminars, debates, networking events, and
coordination meetings for civil society activists.
Supporting Regional Independent Media
Freedom of Information
To improve the availability of objective information. A
weekly printed version of an independent newspaper and a daily online newspaper
with both original reporting and posts from regional experts and journalists
will be supported.
Supporting the Rule of Law
Human Rights
To improve the handling of gross human rights violations
cases in the domestic and international justice systems and to raise public
awareness of these issues. Monitoring of such violations will be conducted, and
legal assistance will be provided to victims.
Trainings on Effective Representation Before the European
Court of Human Rights
Rule of Law
To train human rights lawyers on international judicial
procedures. Activities will include free legal advice and trainings for
human rights lawyers.
Video Reporting
Freedom of Information
To provide an independent source of news and analysis of
current events to the public. An Internet television program will cover
pressing social topics in the former Soviet space.
Video Series
Freedom of Information
To provide an independent source of national-level news and
analysis of current events to the public. An online video series covering news
and social topics will be produced.
Brandon Turbeville writes for Activist Post – article archive here – He is the author of seven books, Codex Alimentarius — The End of Health Freedom, 7 Real Conspiracies, Five Sense Solutions and Dispatches From a Dissident, volume 1 and volume 2, The Road to Damascus: The Anglo-American Assault on Syria, The Difference it Makes: 36 Reasons Why Hillary Clinton Should Never Be President, and Resisting The Empire: The Plan To Destroy Syria And How The Future Of The World Depends On The Outcome. Turbeville has published over 1000 articles on a wide variety of subjects including health, economics, government corruption, and civil liberties. Brandon Turbeville’s radio show Truth on The Tracks can be found every Monday night 9 pm EST at UCYTV. His website is BrandonTurbeville.com He is available for radio and TV interviews. Please contact activistpost (at) gmail.com.
This article may be freely shared in part or in full with author attribution and source link.
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Brandon Turbeville writes for Activist Post – article archive here – He is the author of seven books, Codex Alimentarius — The End of Health Freedom, 7 Real Conspiracies, Five Sense Solutions and Dispatches From a Dissident, volume 1 and volume 2, The Road to Damascus: The Anglo-American Assault on Syria, The Difference it Makes: 36 Reasons Why Hillary Clinton Should Never Be President, and Resisting The Empire: The Plan To Destroy Syria And How The Future Of The World Depends On The Outcome. Turbeville has published over 1000 articles on a wide variety of subjects including health, economics, government corruption, and civil liberties. Brandon Turbeville’s radio show Truth on The Tracks can be found every Monday night 9 pm EST at UCYTV. His website is BrandonTurbeville.com He is available for radio and TV interviews. Please contact activistpost (at) gmail.com.
This article may be freely shared in part or in full with author attribution and source link.
Support us at Patreon. Follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Steemit, and BitChute. Ready for solutions? Subscribe to our premium newsletter Counter Markets.
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