Activist Post
June 13, 2017
Only days after the falling out between Saudi Arabia and Qatar that resulted in a virtual blockade of Qatar by Gulf countries and Egypt, overtures are apparently being made between Saudi Arabia and Kurdish political and military units. While many may not understand the connection between the two events, rest assured there is a direct cause- and –effect between the Qatari row and the newfound interest in Kurds by Saudi Arabia.
Shortly after the Qatari isolation, Turkey announced that not only was it not taking part in the isolation, but that it was moving troops to a base in Qatar. Turkey did not take part in the movement against Qatar likely because of Qatari support for the Muslim Brotherhood, a powerful force in Turkey to which Erdogan is close to say the least. Thus, with both Turkey and Qatar engaged in supporting the Brotherhood and terrorists in Syria, it was logical that the two would retain ties.
Saudi Arabia, however, having long worried about Muslim Brotherhood activity in KSA (and for other reasons) and the country leading the charge against Qatar is thus now sending overtures toward Kurdish forces in all four countries – Iran, Iraq, Syria, and Turkey. These overtures, some analysts suspect, may very well turn into direct financial payments at some point in the future.
Although it appears that direct payments or official support has yet to take place, Saudi social media is alight with pro-Kurdish sentiment and hashtags like #saudiwithkurdistan. This is notable because, in Saudi Arabia, social media is heavily restricted, almost to the point of being state run and users are always in danger of being brutally punished for even the most routine statements.
The fact that the Kurdish fighting units are the enemy of Turkey and that Saudi Arabia might be open to supporting them signals that Turkey is going to be punished by KSA for its support of Qatar and the Muslim Brotherhood. The United States has also offered greater support to Kurdish fighters, particularly in Syria, and Kurdish Iraqis have finally set a date on their “Referendum” on independence set to take place in September, 2017. Both the Turkish and Iraqi governments have condemned the latter moves but the United States has remained silent.
Thus, we see the Saudis potentially aligning themselves with the Kurds – the enemy of Turkey but the friends of the United States – so much so that some Kurds have even spoken positively about the potential new Saudi position. As Ara News reports,
The Syrian Kurds are ready to work with Saudi Arabia, a senior Kurdish official said in response to the tensions between Saudi Arabia and Qatar, which is backed by Turkey.
“Saudi Arabia is an important power in the region and it must play its role in promoting stability in Syria. We are ready to cooperate with Saudi,” said top Kurdish politician Ilham Ahmed, who is currently on a visit to Washington to discuss the ongoing Raqqa operation.
The statement comes after Turkey threw its support behind Qatar, as other Arab states imposed an embargo on Qatar. The Turkish parliament approved a motion to deploy troops in Qatar and provide food and water supplies that have been cut off from Qatar by Saudi Arabia.
So with the apparent Saudi shift to the Kurds, we are likely to see a further distancing of Turkey from the United States toward Russia, although any Russian strategist worth his salt would likely be greatly hesitant towards trusting Turkish diplomacy.
One other effect this may have is pushing Saudi Arabia and Israel closer together since both countries already support terrorists in Syria, Iraq, and Iran. With both supporting Kurdish fighters, the Yinon/Brzezinski/Federalization plan will come closer to being realized and thus push the two countries together, an ongoing effort by President Trump.
“If Turkey continues to move further towards Russia and finds itself as part of similar alliances as Iran,” writes Adam Garrie of The Duran. “Turkey’s journey from willing western aggressor to tentative eastern partner could be complete. That being said, there is still a great distrust for Turkey not only in the Arab world but also in Iran. Privately, many in Russia remain anti-Turkish although under Vladimir Putin the Russian government has been able to draw Turkey closer into an economic partnership that benefits Turkey immensely. This is all the more reason for Turkey not to upset this new alignment.”
“If both Saudi and the US are now pro-Kurdish, it could see the main conflict in Syria become one fought between a Syrian Arab Republic on the verge of winning the war against Salafist terrorists and pro-Kurdish actors including the US, Israel and now possibly also Saudi,” adds Garrie.
Some analysts believe we are now witnessing a case of the United States losing control of its allies, a loss that will ultimately benefit Russia. Others, however, may interpret the recent events as a strategic calculation regarding the worth of one ally over another given the fact that the Western plan of destruction and destabilization of Syria seems to be falling apart and is calling for greater measures. Whichever perspective is correct, we can only watch as time passes to gain a clearer grasp of the machinations working hard behind the curtain.
Brandon Turbeville – article archive here – is the author of seven books, Codex Alimentarius — The End of Health Freedom, 7 Real Conspiracies, Five Sense Solutions and Dispatches From a Dissident, volume 1 andvolume 2, The Road to Damascus: The Anglo-American Assault on Syria, The Difference it Makes: 36 Reasons Why Hillary Clinton Should Never Be President, and Resisting The Empire: The Plan To Destroy Syria And How The Future Of The World Depends On The Outcome. Turbeville has published over 1000 articles on a wide variety of subjects including health, economics, government corruption, and civil liberties. Brandon Turbeville’s radio show Truth on The Tracks can be found every Monday night 9 pm EST atUCYTV. His website is BrandonTurbeville.com He is available for radio and TV interviews. Please contact activistpost (at) gmail.com.
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Image Credit: 21st Century Wire
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