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Activist Post
September 8, 2015
As the migrant crisis in Europe grows ever more precarious, violence between security personnel and immigrants reaches a new level and tension between citizens and non-citizens inches higher and higher, any informed observer should be asking themselves the question – “What is the ultimate goal here?”
The immigration crisis has not formed organically nor has it formed in a vacuum. The people attempting to enter Europe over the last few weeks are a diverse lot, but the overwhelming majority of them are fleeing countries where the West, the United States, and NATO have brought “peace” and “democracy” in the last few years via bombs, troops, or proxy terrorists. In other words, the migrant crisis was created entirely by the West.
But, while the West has been so absolutely uncaring regarding the people whose lives they destroy with their “exceptional” militaries, photos of a dead Syrian boy have been paraded across Western media outlets to pull on the heartstrings of a public who, when it comes to most Syrians, generally has no heart at all.

However, the boy’s photo is also a prime example of Western hypocrisy and duplicity. While the world has focused on one dead child washing up on the shores of Turkey, nothing at all was said about the little girl – about the same age as the boy in the photo – who was killed by a car bomb in Latakia at around the same time. She was a victim of America’s “moderate rebels” who have beheaded and raped their way across Syria. She died a violent death. Yet Western media remained silent regarding her case and the case of the thousands of children killed by the Western-backed terrorists operating in Syria. Only in the case of the boy on the beach was the media indignant.
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Of course, the media attempted to blame the death of the little boy and his family – indeed, all of the Syrian refugees – on Bashar al-Assad and his “cruelty,” “barrel bombs,” and other methods of “terrorism.” If one were to listen to the Western media, it would appear that not one single civilian has died at the hands of the “rebels.” According to the mainstream press, all deaths in Syria are the fault of Assad.
It should be noted that the Syrian destabilization was initiated by the West and that Assad has done nothing but defend his people and his country in the face of an Anglo-American assault. Assad is widely popular in Syria, unlike the terrorists eating Syrian soldiers and buying Syrian girls as sex slaves.
At this point, it is important to ask yourself, “If the Syrian refugees were escaping Syria because of Assad’s cruelty, why did we not witness an immigration crisis in 2008? 2009? 2010? In fact, why have we not seen such a mass exodus until now?”
The answer is simple – It is because the Syrian refugees are fleeing savages, terrorists, and Western bombs, not Assad. With ISIS forces closing in on the government strongholds to which many refugees inside Syria had already fled, the refugees are now being pushed out into Europe.
An interview conducted by Turkish television with a number of Syrian refugees revealed the fact that the overwhelming majority of Syrians do not fear Assad, they fear the savages funded by the West parading under the guise of “freedom fighters.” The Eretz Channel interview also revealed that these Syrians are not trying to escape Syria for the golden streets of Europe but merely awaiting the time until they are able to return home.
Interviewer: “In Turkey, they say that Assad’s army is oppressing you and destroying your homes. Is this true?”
Refugee: “No, No. No! This is completely WRONG! The Syrian Army rescued me!”
Refugee 2: “We used to live in extreme security, thank God!”
Refugee 3: “The world must see what is happening in Syria. If it gets destroyed it will get rebuilt . . . Whether it’s at the level of the leadership or the people. Anyone that says there’s a Free [Syrian] Army, I tell them ‘No, there is terrorism.’ The terrorism is done via external conspiracy with external financing. But, we are alive, we are returning, we are returning, we are returning!”
The Syrian refugee situation was entirely created by the West from the beginning of the crisis right up until the present. It is precisely the United States, NATO, and Israel that have the blood of these children on their hands. If it were not for the meddling and aggression of these countries both the drowned Syrian boy and the dead Syrian girl would still be alive today.
Turkey Pushing Syrian Refugees Into Europe?
It should be noted that the influx of Syrian refugees into Europe, beginning now in such massive numbers and simultaneously taken place with immigrants coming from other locations in the Middle East and North Africa is not only the result of a pressure valve resulting from a greater ISIS push west, but also from apparent deliberate action by Turkey.
Such a coordinated plan is alluded to in an article entitled “Refugee Flow Linked To Turkish Policy Shift,” published in Greece’s Kathimerini paper. The article states,
A sharp increase in the influx of migrants and refugees, mostly from Syria, into Greece is due in part to a shift in Turkey’s geopolitical tactics, according to diplomatic sources.
These officials link the wave of migrants into the eastern Aegean to political pressures in neighboring Turkey, which is bracing for snap elections in November, and to a recent decision by Ankara to join the US in bombing Islamic State targets in Syria. The analyses of several officials indicate that the influx from neighboring Turkey is taking place as Turkish officials look the other way or actively promote the exodus. [emphasis added]
Goal Of Immigration Push
So why has the Western media focused on the drowned Syrian boy? Why have we seen this image floating around all forms of media over the last few weeks? Obviously, it is not because of the concern held by the West for Syrians or Syrian children.
An even bigger question, however, is “Why the sudden influx of immigrants and refugees into Europe now?” The answer, of course, is at least twofold.
First, with the ability of Assad to hold out for as long as he has in the face of the Anglo-American onslaught, the need for greater use of Western military power in addition to terrorist proxies has become apparent. The creation of a “safe zone” in Syria by the United States and Turkey was one major step toward greater direct military involvement in Syria and the re-creation of the destruction of Libya, this time in version 2.0.
The Russian announcement of an “expeditionary” force in Syria and the upcoming vote on the Iranian nuclear deal in the US Congress, however, has created the need to accelerate the attack on Syria before the Russians become too entrenched and before Iranian money and supplies can flow even freer to the SAA.
Hence, the new “debate” as to whether or not certain European countries should engage in greater bombing in Syria, this time openly stating that Assad and Syrian forces will be the target in addition to the phony claim that ISIS will be the main target.
For instance, the Western media is now awash with reports that the British are seriously considering bombing “ISIS” in Syria. However, while the discussion in England revolves around the bombing of ISIS, the true nature of the discussion revolves around the question of whether or not to engage in the creation of “safe havens” and the bombing of the Assad government forces.
As the Huffington Post reported in its article, “David Cameron Facing Pressure To Bomb Islamic State In Syria After Lord Carey Calls To Group To Be 'Crushed',”
David Cameron is facing growing pressure to extend RAF air strikes into Syria as the worsening conflict threatened to drive increasing numbers of desperate refugees to seek sanctuary in Europe.
Former Archbishop of Canterbury Lord Carey became the latest senior figure to call for a renewed military effort to "crush" Islamic State (IS) in its Syrian heartlands.
He also backed calls for British military intervention to help create "safe enclaves" within the country where civilians would be protected from attack by the warring parties in Syria's bloody civil war. [emphasis added]
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His intervention came after Chancellor George Osborne acknowledged that a comprehensive plan was needed to tackle the refugee crisis "at source".
Speaking to reporters at a meeting of G20 finance ministers in Turkey on Saturday, he said that meant dealing with the "evil" regime of Syrian president Bashar al-Assad as well as the militant jihadists of IS. [emphasis added]
Thus, we see that the influx of “refugees” into Europe is being used to frighten the European public with images of Muslim fanatics, hordes of people chanting “Allahu Akbar!” and “Fuck you!” into supporting a bombing campaign against the Syrian government. The European public, already witnessing their countries and cultures being destroyed under waves of immigration and now being confronted with the physical violence of dislocation of themselves as well as the immigrants, are likely to simply throw up their hands in frustration and accept the bombing campaign as a solution. They will simply say “Do whatever you have to do stop ISIS and/or Assad. Just get these people out of here!”
The waves of immigrants arriving from a war-torn country, fresh with images of drowned children, thirsty adults, and general misery will be used by the Responsibility To Protect (R2P)/Humanitarian Bomber crowds of the left liberal variety in order to bring the second half of the false political dichotomy on board with a bombing campaign right conservatives were already vociferously supporting.
The second aspect of this latest wave of immigration is the destruction of European culture with diverse and often “opposing” cultures and the creation of an easy “divide and conquer” strategy in order to break the European people using the already broken immigrant population. Already, Europe has been overwhelmed with massive waves of immigration from Middle Eastern and African nations as well as other “third world” countries, even before the Syrian crisis.
Under a number of guises – economic, ethical, etc. – the ruling class has opened the floodgates to immigration from countries whose culture is vastly different from that of the host country and where the majority of citizens of European countries are themselves struggling to make ends meet. The influx of immigrants has only worsened the economic situation of the European countries who have taken them in, creating another underclass of low-wage low skill workers who are then played off against the indigenous Europeans. Anger at second class status is directed at Europeans from immigrants while anger at the lowering of wages and living standards are directed at immigrants from Europeans. Neither group ever understands that it is the oligarchical elements of their societies that have created such conditions at home and abroad and thus turn their pent up anger on one another.
In addition, there seems to be a concerted effort to recruit more fundamentalist elements of foreign societies for relocation in Europe. Sources inside Syria, for instance, have told this writer that the more fundamentalist Muslims in Syria seem to be given preferential treatment for “refugee” status. Of course, this is not to say that the Syrian refugees are fundamentalist or even that the majority of them are of this variety. We must be careful not to paint with broad brushes. Still, it is difficult to avoid seeing that the more fundamentalist “refugees” seem to be given greater attention and assistance in making their way to European countries.
That there has been a concerted effort to open the floodgates for immigration in Europe, particularly in Britain, for social engineering purposes can scarcely be denied. After all, Andrew Neather, a former adviser to Tony Blair, Jack Straw, and David Blunkett, admitted that there had been a plan by government ministers, Straw, Blair, and the Labour party to allow so much immigration into Britain that it would change the face of the country forever.
It is also important to point out that the immigrants finding their way to European shores are not all Syrian. Indeed, many of the immigrants are coming from all across the Middle East and North Africa. Some reports have shown how many of the immigrants are declared as Syrian but are, in reality, from other locations. Because of the nature of the conflict, it is easier to claim oneself as a Syrian refugee in order to receive some of the privileges given to Syrians by a number of European countries as a result of the crisis.
The immigration crisis being experienced in Europe today is entirely one of Europe’s own making. By engaging in war after war in the Middle East and North Africa, it is Europe that bears the responsibility (along with Israel and the United States) for killing millions of innocent people and displacing millions more. It is thus the responsibility of Europe and other guilty parties to engage in policies that will eliminate the source of displacement.
Of course, the European oligarchs know well that they are responsible for the mass displacement and are working to exploit that displacement to their own ends. Regardless, it is important to mention a number of rational solutions that would solve an ensuing tragedy in the hopes that activists and the general public may force their implementation.
It is clear that Europe cannot continue to accept such unfettered immigration. Immigration policies such as the ones discussed above have already wrought economic and cultural havoc upon a number of European nations. The average European, of course, is as entitled to his own country, culture, and opportunities as any other human being. However, while Europe should refuse to allow such waves of immigration, immigrants themselves should never be blamed for seeking a better life or for seeking to escape the hell that the West has visited upon them.
Thus, the first step that must be taken, aside from preventing the mass influx of immigrants, is an immediate cessation of any and all bombing of Syria and other related nations. There must be an immediate cessation of support for ISIS, FSA, Nusra, or any other “moderate” cannibal operating in the Middle East. The Syrian government must be allowed to wipe these terrorists off its territory, preferably with assistance and intelligence provided by Europe and the United States. If the United States refuses to change its position on Syria, then the U.S. must go it alone.
Remember, Syrian immigrants in particular are not going to Europe because they dream of debating gender politics, sipping coffee in French cafes, or kneeling at the feet of the queen. They are going to Europe because their homes have been destroyed, their families have been killed, and their country is overrun with savages. Thus, Europe may also be well served to assist in the rebuilding of Syria with a comprehensive plan of foreign investment and credit extended from various European central banks (nationalized banks) for the purpose of rebuilding civilian infrastructure, hospitals, schools, sanitation, roads, and industry. Europe should extend civilized cooperation with Syria in this regard.
While in staunch opposition to the will of the world oligarchy, the above solutions are the only hope of the Syrian and the European peoples. If unheeded, both Syrian and European culture and national identities will be erased and the living standards of all continue to be eviscerated.
Clearly, European oligarchs do not want to see a peaceful end to the crisis in Syria nor do they desire to see a peaceful and humanitarian end to the immigration crisis. It is for that reason that the European people must begin to build coalitions amongst themselves and, indeed, amongst immigrant communities, in order to force them to do so.
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Brandon Turbeville – article archive here – is an author out of Florence, South Carolina. He has a Bachelor’s Degree from Francis Marion University and is the author of six books, Codex Alimentarius — The End of Health Freedom, 7 Real Conspiracies, Five Sense Solutions and Dispatches From a Dissident, volume 1 and volume 2, and The Road to Damascus: The Anglo-American Assault on Syria. Turbeville has published over 500 articles dealing on a wide variety of subjects including health, economics, government corruption, and civil liberties. Brandon Turbeville’s podcast Truth on The Tracks can be found every Monday night 9 pm EST at UCYTV. He is available for radio and TV interviews. Please contact activistpost (at) gmail.com.
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