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From the video posted on Vanessa's Facebook page, written by Vanessa Beeley:
Sabah Hassoun's son Mohammed Fahim Shaaban was only 24 years old when he was martyred fighting with the Syrian Arab Army in Tal Kurdi in Eastern Ghouta. On the 13th August 2013, terrorist snipers shot Mohammed in the stomach. He was rushed to Harasta hospital but he died during surgery.
Sabah's husband told me:
"Our martyrs are in heaven, the martyrs who defend the terrorists and murder our people for Gulf money are in Hell. Our soldiers are defending their people, their country."
Sabah told me that Mohammed was her youngest son. She said:
"We give our children for #Syria because our country is precious but we pray that this crisis will end soon. Syria deserves the blood of our children but please God may this conflict end soon.
We wish Western countries would support us, put themselves in our shoes, not for the whole 7 years, just for one year. America, for example, just please put yourself in our shoes for one year and see what we have to live with. This is enough, this is enough"
Sabah's husband said:
"We are so proud of the SAA defending our honour, our land and our right to choose our destiny. We say to all the countries conspiring against Syria - enough! Syria's victory will be for their people, their army and their refusal to be defeated."
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When I was in the northern countryside of Latakia in Septemeber 2018, I met with the families of Syrian National Defence Forces and Syrian Arab Army soldiers.
Amir Salami is one of four sons (Ahmed, Alaa, Emad) in one family all of whom have been terribly injured fighting against the terrorist factions that have invaded their country, financed and armed by NATO member states and their allies in Turkey, the Gulf and Israel.
When you come face to face with the heartbreaking suffering that these young men have had to cope with, it brings home the horrific consequences of the criminal actions of our governments and renders all the ridiculous analysis and counter analysis, pointless. This is the truth of war. This is the effect of war and it leaves nobody untouched.
The bravery of these young men is both uplifting and profoundly sad to witness. They should never have had to deal with the bloodshed they have seen for almost eight years. They should be students, doctors, carpenters, teachers, farmers. They should not be sent to their death or disability because of the evil designs of nations that would see them driven from their country...
God bless Syria and the brave children of Syria who defend her with their lives.
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Injured #SAA soldier appeals to Syrians "seduced by Western propaganda" to return to their land.
Yesterday I published a short video of a statement, taken in the Latakia countryside, from #SAA volunteer solider, Amir Salami during which he described the terrible injuries he received when driving the terrorists out of Castello Road in Aleppo in 2016. His face received the full impact of a Doshka rocket fired by the terrorist attacks.
His left cheekbone was shattered. He lost all his upper teeth, his left eye is a glass one and his sight in his right eye is badly impaired. His hearing is severely damaged. Yet, despite all this he still spoke to me about the importance of his sacrifice for his country and he sent this message to Syrians who have left Syria (in the video below)
Amir told me at the end of this interview:
"I just want to say to each Syrian citizen - I will keep saying it - please remember there is nothing like our land, our country, no advantages from another country can compensate you for the love of this land."
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An entire family fighting against terrorism in #Syria
When I was in the northern countryside of Latakia in Septemeber 2018, I met with the families of Syrian National Defence Forces and Syrian Arab Army soldiers.
Amir, Ahmed, Alaa and Emad Salami are four brothers, all of whom have been terribly injured fighting against the terrorist factions that have invaded their country, financed and armed by NATO member states and their allies in Turkey, the Gulf and Israel.
In this video, Ahmed, Alaa and Emad talk about the terrrorism that has been brought into Syria by the West, their mother also explains the role of the Syrian Arab Army in defeating this 21st Century plague.
It is almost impossible to put the courage of these young men into words. Their bodies have been broken and mutilated multiple times but their spirits keep fighting because Syria "deserves this and so much more".
It is these young men who will prevent Syria being broken by the global powers that gather around it and wish to see her disintegrate so they can pick her clean of her resources and land. God bless the children of Syria.
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