August 31, 2016
The DEA has recently made an emergency decision to place Kratom on the Schedule I list of controlled substances.
Find more information about the issue here:
DEA Adds Kratom To Schedule I List Alongside Heroin
Kratom Now Schedule 1: Cartel Sex Scandal Shamed DEA Suppresses Herb Imports
What You Can And Need To Do:
1.) Support the American Kratom Association in their upcoming legal battle for civil liberties and health freedom. www.AmericanKratom.org
From the AKA:
After talking with some high level D.C. political folks who put out some feelers for us today, I do have a glimmer of hope that we can challenge this. It's a glimmer but it's there, shining through all my pain and devastation. Are you ready to RAGE with us???
Please donate so that we can hire a well connected, experienced attorney in DEA matters, a federal lobbying firm AND a public relations firm. All 3 will be needed for us to have a chance. Plus all the great grassroots work that's already been started. We will have a more formal plan of action together shortly.
Www.americankratom.org/donate. *Or if the site happens to be down (we've created problems for our host today due to the amount of traffic 😱), PayPal to akratomassociation@gmail.com
3.) Contact the Relevant Authorities And Make Your Voice Heard:
U.S. Department of Justice
950 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20530-0001
The Department may be contacted by phone at the following:
•Department Comment Line: 202-353-1555
•Department of Justice Main Switchboard: 202-514-2000
Peter J. Kadzik
Assistant Attorney General
Office of Legislative Affairs
(202) 514-2141
Intergovernmental Affairs and Public Liaison
(202) 514-3465
Michael J Lewis, Office of
Diversion Control, Drug Enforcement Administration; Mailing Address: 8701
Morrissette Drive, Springfield, Virginia 22152; Telephone: (202) 598–6812.
also please contact the assistant secretary of HHS, Karen B. DeSalvo, MD, MPH, MSc
Acting Assistant Secretary for Health
E-mail Address:
Phone Number:
(202) 690-7694
Jim Esquea
Assistant Secretary for Legislation (ASL)
Phone Number:
Kevin Griffis
Assistant Secretary for Public Affairs (ASPA)
Phone Number:
Colleen Barros
Acting Assistant Secretary for Administration (ASA)
HHS Office of the Secretary
E-mail Address:
Phone Number:
Be sure to contact your U.S. House Representative and U.S. Senator and encourage them to pressure the DEA to back off its attack on Kratom.
4.) If you are a writer, please write relevant content regarding Kratom, Kratom freedom, etc. and post this material to your website or send it to Brandon Turbeville at anticodex@yahoo.com. Write to local newspapers and contact your local news media. Preferred angle for local outlets is that the DEA is attempting to ban a substance that reduces drug use and is incredibly safe.
5.) Act as a liason between pro-Kratom organizations, anti drug war organizations, and pro-legalization organizations as well as groups that simply support individual choice in order to create a united front against this latest move by the DEA.
Feel free to send your Action Slugs (reports on progress and activity) to anticodex@yahoo.com.
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