
Monday, November 7, 2016

Syria Created Civilization And Will Do So Again

Afraa Dagher
Brandon Turbeville
November 7, 2016

In Damascus

A bird picks

At what is left of wheat

In my palm

And leave for me a single grain

To show me my tomorrow


In Damascus:

The stranger sleeps

On his shadow standing

Like a minaret in eternity' bed

Not longing for a land

Or anyone…

Palestinian Poet Mahmoud Darwish.

In Damascus (Dimashq) the Syrian capital, however it is not only the capital of Syria but the capital of the whole world, especially for those who are oppressed from neighboring countries and for those who love passion, Jasmine, history, and love itself.

With its old roads and ancient sites all over, with its roses, every spot you look at you cannot help but smile at the love and peace that surrounds you. You will never feel that you are a stranger, or poor, or homeless. Here, in Syria, you are in your motherland, and you will learn the original language of this country as soon as you drink its fresh water!

In Dimashq, you will see doves flying around our children who were learning peaceful songs, and the first alphabet of civilization, which found in their motherland Syria, Lattakia, Ugarit.

“Smash your sword and carry your shovel and Follow Me . . You are Syrian and Syria is the center of the ground!)

“To cultivate peace and love in the midst of the earth . . .”, a message from Syrian deity Baal 5000 BC.

That's why Syria welcomed every refugee from Iraq, Armenia, Palestine, and Lebanon. It does not matter where are you coming from, which war torn zone you are leaving. In Syria, you will live the same as your Syrian brothers and sisters. No refugee camps. No racism. Our houses are yours. You are our brother/sister in Humanity.

War and blood is not our language. Greed and hegemony is not our code.

However, defending this land is our ideology. Until the last breath in our souls, till the last son of our children, we are going to sacrifice for this mother Syria!

In Syria, there are love stories as beautiful as any western song (“I close my eyes and the flashback starts…”)

In Syria, there are great soldiers, and they represent all of us. They are well educated men. They were raised in Syrian families. My brother. My friends. Her brother. Her son. Her husband. Her friends.

When the war forced us, even Syrian girls joined the fight. We met the call of our duty to defend our motherland.

Those in the West, the politicians who parasitize the American people have only a statue of liberty but not the real thing.

They launched their war of inhumanity upon the land of freedom, the oldest civilization in the world, under the name of freedom and democracy.

By the help of the horrific kingdom of camels and sand, Saudi Arabia, this war was launched against us.

It is a war to starve Syrians. To genocide Syrians. To remove every feature and remnant of Syria from this region.

This war is fought by proxy fighters, savage takfiri groups who bomb ancient sites, kill as many people as possible and displace the rest.

Later, the West sends its “coalition” to bomb our country and support the terrorists.

But Syria is the phoenix which will rise from the ashes. It is the beating heart of every real free person in this world who is prepared to resist. Syria is not alone.

The hypocritical international community has murdered our kinds, made others orphans, assassinated our scientists and backed the takfirist since 2011, and even before the U.S. invasion of Iraq in 2003.

And in the United Nations, there is Saudi Arabia, occupying a seat on the Human Rights Council. Is this not the ultimate hypocrisy?

Syria will survive. It will be the reason that the whole world survives these warmongers.

Syria will open the gate to the peaceful world by the sacrifices of it sons and the support of its friends.

Pray for Syria

Afraa Dagher is a political analyst currently residing in Syria. She has made numerous media appearances commenting on the current state of affairs inside Syria as well as the nature of the current crisis. She has appeared on RT, PRESS TV, and is a regular guest on Activist Post writer Brandon Turbeville’s Truth on the Tracks radio program. Her website is

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