
Monday, October 24, 2016

U.S. regime change and war against Syria, disguised as a war against ISIS

Afraa Dagher
October 18, 2016

The US is not fighting ISIS in Syria. Together with its ally Saudi Arabia it is using ISIS and other Wahhabi terrorist groups like Jabhat Al-Nusra to wage a war of aggression against Syria so that it can take control of Syria and gain possession of the resources of the Middle East.

We may as well start with the US-led “anti-ISIS” coalition airstrikes on the Syrian Arab Army’s positions in the Thardeh Mountain in Deir El-Zour.

These airstrikes were an act of aggression against the Syrian Arab Army, which has been fighting terrorists from the beginning, whether these groups go by the name of the ‘Free Syrian Army’, ‘Al-Nusra Front’, ‘Fath al-Sham’, or what has now become the biggest phenomenon since the Taliban: ISIS.This act of aggression was not just a violation of the ceasefire. It was an act of direct help for the terrorists, for ISIS above all.

The Thardeh Mountains are strategically important for the defence of the Queries Airbase. Their fall would also open up all of Deir El Zour to terrorist control. From there ISIS can spread into other areas of Syria.

US bombing of Syrian Arab Army positions was intended to give ISIS air cover for an offensive intended to enable it to expand across Syria.

The US not only bombed Syrian military positions. It also bombed bridges in Deir El-Zour province. It did so in the knowledge that the bridges were the terrorists’ escape route to Iraq.

After the bombing of the bridges this escape route has been closed. Terrorists who want to escape Syria for Iraq can no longer do so. They have to stay in Syria and wreak their havoc here, draining the power of the Syrian Arab Army and its Russian allies.

The blood of our Syrian soldiers and martyrs in Deir el-Zour has yet to dry. Yet instead of being ashamed of its lies the US claims it is “fighting ISIS.”

On the other side of the country there is Aleppo. This has now become the centre of world attention. However not all parts of Aleppo are receiving equal attention. Only eastern Aleppo – the part where al-Nusra Front (al-Qaeda’s branch in Syria) runs things – does so.

The US laments the failure of the ceasefire. Of course it fails to say it was never committed to the ceasefire in the first place.

The US rushed to accuse the Syrian Arab Army and Russia of targeting a humanitarian convoy which was in “rebel”-held territory, despite the fact that Russian videos show no Syrian or Russian jets were there. The US together with Britain and France called on the UN Security Council to treat this as a war crime and to impose a no-fly zone over Syria.

The party which should be asking the UN Security Council for an emergency meeting to end the aggression against it is Syria, just as the party which should be tried for war crimes is the US – first and foremost for bombing Syrian soldiers in the Thardeh Mountains with full intent and knowledge when a ceasefire was in place.

The US and its allies claim to be concerned about a humanitarian catastrophe in eastern Aleppo. Their real concern is not for Aleppo or its people. It is for their terrorist proxies there. Should the Syrian government finally liberate eastern Aleppo it would be a shattering blow for the US’s ambitions in Syria. Their concern is not for Aleppo. It is just cover for supporting the terrorists.

It is also a way of threatening Russia and Syria with the possibility of military conflict with the United States if they do not bend to its demands.

Most people long ago fled the Al-Nusra controlled eastern part of the Aleppo for the rest of Aleppo, which is protected by the Syrian military. However some citizens have not been able to flee.

This is because the terrorists stopped them doing so, so that they can use them as human shields. Of course we do not hear one word about that in the Western media or in the halls of the UN Security Council.

Take what Steffan De Mistura, the U.N. envoy, said in a direct appeal to the al-Nusra leaders in eastern Aleppo,

“If you decide to leave with dignity, and with your weapons, to Idlib or anywhere you wanted to go, I personally, I’m ready, physically, to accompany you”

What is this if not an admission of the sort of criminals these “rebels” are, and not by the way just in eastern Aleppo but throughout Syria?

De Mistura’s call is actually criminal and absurd. Would any other country ever agree to allow terrorists to leave one part of the country to go to another? Would it have the full approval of De Mistura if it did? Would any other country in the same position not use all the means in its power to destroy the terrorists and protect its citizens?

Ask Mr. Hollande how they deal with just one terrorist in France; how many bullets did French security use to shoot down just one terrorist last year in Toulouse?

The civilians in eastern Aleppo the West pretends to care about and about whose humanitarian catastrophe we hear so much, are not the victims of Russia or of the Syrian government, which is trying to rescue them. They are the victims of al-Nusra and of the other terrorists backed by Saudi Arabia who are using them as human shields.

Which brings us to Saudi Arabia. Let us consider what Saudi Arabia is doing to Yemen where the Yemeni people are under brutal Saudi airstrikes aimed at schools, hospitals, cemeteries, and weddings. There are no UN Security Council emergency meetings to condemn Saudi atrocities in Yemen, or to stop the Saudis killing the Yemeni people; just as you will never hear Western leaders say in the UN Security Council that it is the Saudis who are the puppet-masters of the terrorists and the source of the Wahhabi ideology of ISIS and of every other terrorist Islamist group in the world.

So far as the West is concerned its policy is “Let Arab Kill Arab” so that it can march on to its new Cold War in the Middle East, a war that is not so cold for us, the people who live there.

Mrs. Clinton does not even hide the fact. Wikileaks has revealed her straightforward gloating about it in a spirit of “Let them kill and be killed”.

Meanwhile the Western media runs a daily stream of anti-Muslim propaganda intended to justify the endless aggressions against the Palestinians and other Muslims and Arabs.

The real godfathers of the terrorists, the real Wahhabists, the countries of the Gulf Cooperation Council, are allies of the West and Israel, though only in secret in the case of the latter. However the reality of their alliance with Israel is exposed daily by their actions.

First and foremost this is by their terrorist war against the Syrian people and the Syrian Arab Army, even whilst Israel seizes Palestinian lands, drives Palestinians from their homes, and builds more and more illegal settlements on Arab and Palestinian land.

Though the Saudis constantly declare their concern for Islam, where is their concern for the al-Aqsa mosque? What do they do about it? Their silence and their failure to act shows where their true allegiance is.

The US is fighting a war for the resources of the Middle East. It is not a war fought for democracy or for freedom or for the people living there. If you think it is then just look at who stands besides the US when it talks about “democracy in Syria” and “democracy in the Middle East”: Saudi Arabia, the US’s ally and friend, the greatest autocracy and the most monstrous tyranny in the whole Middle East and in the Arab and Muslim world.

Syria is the point in the Middle East where the gas and oil pipelines meet. It enjoys a key strategic position in the eastern Mediterranean. The Arab and Russian oil and gas industries would be greatly affected if the US and its Wahhabist allies Saudi Arabia and Qatar ever achieved control of Syria. It is for this reason that Qatar, the US, Israel, and Turkey, are all united against Syria.

Beyond Syria are Lebanon and Gaza, also with important gas resources, and Libya and Egypt.

This is the true reason for the US wars in the region. This is why the US and its allies constantly agitate for military action in Syria, itch to bomb Syrian airbases, and seek to protect the Wahhabi fighters and let them spread all across Syria until it is utterly destroyed.

The only ones who are really fighting terrorists in Syria, and who are fighting them on behalf of all humanity, are the Syrian people and their army, the Syrian Arab Army, and its allies: Russia, Iran, and Hezbollah.

This article first appeared at The Duran. 

Afraa Dagher is a political analyst currently residing in Syria. She has made numerous media appearances commenting on the current state of affairs inside Syria as well as the nature of the current crisis. She has appeared on RT, PRESS TV, and is a regular guest on Activist Post writer Brandon Turbeville’s Truth on the Tracks radio program. Her website is

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