
Monday, August 28, 2023

Documentary: Crimes Against Syria

Brandon Turbeville
August 28, 2023

Brandon's work featured in "Crimes Against Syria." 

From Mark Taliano's article, "Video: Crimes Against Syria:"
Washington-led Empire’s criminal war on Syria is a war against civilization itself.

Empire, with its legacy media accomplices, hides behind veils of fabricated lies to commit crimes against children, women, men, Muslims, Christians, minorities, secularism, democracy, and the entire fabric of the sovereign nation of Syria itself.

Empire balkanizes, steals, loots, plunders, and supports terrorism of all kinds, even as it imposes colllective punishment in the form of unilateral coercive measures against those in government-secured areas.

Saturday, August 26, 2023

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Campaign Speech In Florence, SC - August 20, 2023 - FULL SPEECH

Brandon Turbeville
August 26, 2018

This is the full RFK Jr. Campaign Speech at Red Bone Alley in Florence, SC - August 20, 2023. 

Monday, August 21, 2023

Brandon Turbeville Brief Interview With Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Florence, SC

Brandon Turbeville
August 21, 2023

Despite very little mainstream media coverage of the Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Presidential Campaign, Kennedy is still attracting large in-person crowds as well as large audiences in the podcast world as his run for the Presidential Nominee of the Democratic Party continues. Mr. Kennedy's goal is a lofty one - unseating an incumbent President in a party whose nomination process is notoriously corrupt. But there is no doubt he believes he is up to the challenge and recent polls within the Democratic Party indicate he might be right. Kennedy has consistently polled in the 20% range despite a mainstream media blackout and a refusal by Joe Biden to debate or even acknowledge him.

On August 20, 2023, I had the opportunity to attend a Meet and Greet Townhall campaign event for Robert F. Kennedy Jr. in Florence, SC where I was able to listen to Kennedy's near hour long talk where he touched on almost every aspect of his campaign - his vision for America, the economy, foreign policy, the environment, and the corporate stranglehold over American regulatory agencies. Kennedy also spoke at length about how super wealthy corporations like BlackRock are buying up American homes, driving up housing prices and, as a result, rent as well as depriving American citizens the ability to own their own homes.

With about 75 people in attendance - a decent turnout for a campaign event in Florence, particularly one that has no mainstream media coverage ahead of time - Kennedy was eager to take pictures and talk with every attendee. Kennedy took plenty of time to sign books and discuss specific issues with anyone who had something they wanted to know more about regarding his platform points, his research and activism, or just a word with the candidate himself. 

Saturday, August 19, 2023

Brandon Turbeville on "Real History" With Melissa Of Cutting Through The Matrix
August 19, 2023

After close to a four year hiatus, I have decided to initiate a limited return to the alternative media and return to writing on a variety of topics, both journalistic and creative. This is the first interview I have done in approximately four years and it was an honor to be invited to talk to Melissa of Cutting Through The Matrix, the home of Alan Watt's work and a site I have followed and respected for many years. 

Melissa is continuing to keep the site alive with podcasts of her own, additional podcasts from Alan's associates, and reposting of Alan's talks with relevant links attached to the reposting. Alan's work was ahead of its time, groundbreaking, and continues to be revelatory to this day. I highly encourage all of my readers to visit and give Alan's talks a listen as well as the newly added podcasts being posted their on a regular basis. 

August 17, 2020 "Real History" with Melissa Ep. 31 - Brandon Turbeville

Below are the links to the interview: