
Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Australia To Run Out Of Rice By December

Robert Wheeler
September 29, 2020

Recently, I wrote an article regarding coming food shortages the world over, but particularly in the United States. I should say, food shortages are coming in the Western World, particularly those parts of the world that continue to cling to fanatical "health guidelines" that involve the shutting down of economies and normal life. These food shortages are no accident and there is a much deeper agenda here than can be covered in the pages of this article. Needless to say, I plan to do this in the very near future. 

But, while the United States receives so much attention from readers of my articles, it's important to mention the scale of food shortages that are going to be seen not just here but in other places as well. 

Case in point, Australia. The entire continent is now on total house arrest, with the level of totalitarianism and police state enforcement only rivaled by that of China. 

Australia is now bracing to be out of domestically produced rice by Christmas. Yes, you read that right. 

Monday, September 28, 2020

Here Are 4 Potential Hotspots Where the Next World War Could Erupt at Any Time

Robert Wheeler
September 28, 2020

If 2020 had a slogan, it would be “The Year Of Our Discontent.” This sentiment is felt in virtually every country globally as national governments declare war on their economy, the working class, the poor, and the very old and the very young. In America, the “discontent” is genuine.

Already reeling from a mass propaganda campaign of division created by the MSM corporate outlets, Americans were still attempting to claw their way out of an economic depression with some success.

Then, of course, came COVID.

China engaged in a massive police state repression of what few individual liberties existed, locking residents in their apartment buildings, disappearing doctors, and, allegedly, patients themselves. Australia and Western Europe joined in the hysteria, with Australia attempting to become as totalitarian as the Chinese and mainly succeeding.

Western Europe engaged in the biggest propaganda campaign since the war in Iraq and the United States. Locked in some media manipulated struggle, Western Europe saw its governments shut down their economies, deploy National Guard troops, enforce lockdowns, and wear masks for their states’ populations.

Sunday, September 27, 2020

What’s the Conflict Between Greece and Turkey All About?

Brandon Turbeville
September 27, 2020

The majority of people tend to think of the concept of history as if it is something relegated only to the past. As if they are not living through what will become history in the future. Doing so allows them to maintain a thought process that convinces them that world wars and European wars, in general, are over.

After all, Europe learned its lesson in the Big One – and the Big One after that. Of course, with any such incident, there’s history, and there’s what actually happened.

If things between Greece and Turkey don’t cool down, a European/Mediterranean war will ensue.

Such a war would not be merely European but Euro-Asian and, at its furthest reach, global.

With Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s neo-Ottoman desires at the forefront, Turkey is expanding its national borders, with what Erdogan seems to believe will resurrect the Ottoman Empire. From Iraq to Syria and Libya, Turkey has attempted to either gain territory or forcefully make a seat at the international table through military action. Now, however, Turkey is threatening Greece as well and, as a result, Europe.

Saturday, September 26, 2020

The Supply Chain Is Broken and Food Shortages Are HERE

Robert Wheeler
September 26, 2020

If you are a reader of this site, you might be more interested in the food supply chain than most, at least when things are good. So, if you have been paying attention recently, you might find that there have been some severe disturbances in that supply chain.

Several months ago, the immediate disruptions began at the beginning of the COVID-19 hysteria, when factories, distribution centers, and even farms shut down under the pretext of “flattening the curve.”

As a result, Americans found necessities were missing on the shelves for the first time in years. Items like hand sanitizer and Clorox wipes were, of course, out of stock.

Soon other items became noticeably missing as well.

People began to notice meat, and even canned vegetables and rice were soon missing from the shelves. Most of this was simply the result of mass panic buying, although “preppers” were blamed for “hoarding.” Therefore, people who had not been prepping all along and were suddenly caught with their pants down.

Friday, September 25, 2020

Facebook’s New AI Could Help You “remember everything from where you left your keys to whether you already added vanilla to that bowl of cookie dough”

Robert Wheeler
The Organic Prepper
September 24, 2020

If you are uncomfortable with Mark Zuckerberg’s massive data-mining operation, otherwise known as Facebook, you might be even more uncomfortable with his next public venture.

While the software, AI, and algorithms used by Facebook are already uncanny in their ability to monitor and predict behavior, Facebook is now launching a research program into creating an AI indoor mapping technology and increased sound recognition.

This isn’t your ordinary AI program.

It’s not just about mapping and recognition but the permanent memory of objects and locations.

Just read part of this CNN report, “Facebook Wants To Help Build AI That Can Remember Everything For You.”
The company announced a real-world sound simulator that will let researchers train AI systems in three-dimensional virtual spaces. These spaces will mimic sounds that occur indoors, opening up the possibility for an AI assistant to help you track down a smartphone ringing in a distant room.

Tuesday, September 22, 2020

China is Spying on Millions of People. And They Aren’t in China

Robert Wheeler
The Organic Prepper
September 22. 2020

After years of constant media fear-mongering, a sizeable number of Americans continue to believe in the disproven “Russiagate” conspiracy theory.

Putin, the story goes, owns Donald Trump and engaged in a massive propaganda campaign via social media, hacking elections, and other collusion forms to ensure that Trump was elected. Now, Putin sits like Cobra Commander in the Kremlin, directed Trump’s actions, and Trump does what he is told.

Yet these same Americans harbor little fear of China, the nation to which America’s economy was sold decades ago (and the one who threatened to withhold all medical exports during a pandemic) and the only real aggressive empire (though admittedly the Russian bear is beginning to wake up) outside of the United States.

Despite China’s imperial ambitions, leftists all across the United States reacted in outrage and mockery when Donald Trump announced plans to ban TikTok, the Chinese owned social media firm. According to them, the idea that China may be using TikTok for nefarious purposes is beyond the scope of reality. It is yet one more conspiracy theory conjured up by Trump and Qanoons.