
Friday, January 31, 2020

Coronavirus Special Report: “Epidemics” Become More Deadly When Living Standards Are Lower

Brandon Turbeville
The Organic Prepper
January 28, 2020

Year after year, the world's public is subjected to a fear campaign surrounding some frightening disease, from Zika virus to Ebola. Each year Western audiences in particular are brow beaten with fear over a disease that, one year later, is scarcely remembered. What is remembered, however, is the reaction of Federal, local, and state governments and the ever growing authoritarian "solutions" provided. The solutions always take the form of "discussions" over even greater violations of individual rights, forced vaccination, dislocation, forced quarantine, and medical tyranny. 

 This year's disease is Coronavirus, a SARS-like upper respiratory illness that has allegedly killed over 40 people in China and is allegedly popping up all over the world, including here in the United States.

For the purpose of this article, we will leave aside questions of how this virus suddenly appeared, its origins, real dangers, and how it is spreading so fast.

Assuming that the threat of Coronavirus is real, there are a number of solutions to the festering pandemic that are acutely being ignored. Travel bans from affected areas, greater screening at airports and other national access points, particularly the U.S./Mexico border have all been largely ignored until recently. A comprehensive policy of treatment and containment of the disease that does not entail the implementation of martial law and the violation of Constitutional rights also appears to be nonexistent.

Yet there is also a more long term set of solutions that must be implemented in order to prevent the disease from spreading and to prevent its appearance in the first place. The end of austerity, the rebuilding of economic opportunity, access to proper nutrition, and the progress and development of the American health system are all essential to treating and preventing Coronavirus and outbreaks from diseases like it.

Austerity begets disease

Throughout history, plagues and disease epidemic can be traced directly to austerity, low living standards, and/or poor sanitation conditions often coupled with inadequate nutrition and lack of available treatment. War and periods of struggle are also precursors to epidemics. Any one of these conditions can themselves beget plague and disease. Yet, when taken together, they are a recipe for devastation and plague.

Tuesday, January 14, 2020

OPCW Discredits Itself, Whistleblowers Lay Corruption Bare Before The World

Brandon Turbeville
Activist Post
January 4, 2020

It’s almost two years after the bombing of al-Sha’aryat Airbase in Syria by the United States. Almost two years since the alleged “chemical weapons attack” on Douma, Syria which was blamed on the Syrian government and justified the subsequent American bombing. Now, after the resultant deaths of innocent people via America's Tomahawk missile attack and the ridicule and blacklisting of alt media outlets who questioned and disproved the claims of the U.S. government regarding Douma, more and more evidence has come to the foreground showing that alternative media analysts (such as myself) were right all along.

For those unfamiliar with the alleged attack and the Western response, I highly encourage you to read my article, "The Truth About The Syria Chemical Attacks - No Evidence Of Assad Chem Weapons, Western False Flag Seems Likely.

In the year since that article was written, however, even more evidence has come to light regarding the alleged attack and the attempt to cover up how the entire event was staged by the terrorist White Helmets, Western media outlets and NGOs, as well as Western intelligence agencies. 

OPCW Reports

After a year of "pre-reports," "unpublished reports," and reports from various factions of the OPCW organization such as the Fact Finding Mission in Syria, the OPCW finally released its comprehensive and official report in March, 2019. This report claimed that forensic evidence was consistent with the use of chlorine gas and advanced a ballistics report that implicated the Syrian government (by suggesting the "chemical weapon" was delivered by an aerial drop). Western governments immediately began claiming that the report had confirmed not only that a chemical weapons attack had taken place but that the Syrian government was responsible. 

Despite it's previous report, it was apparent that, once the evidence made it to the higher ups at the OPCW, that evidence was either ignored or twisted to fit a predetermined narrative.

Monday, January 13, 2020

Salient Points About The Soleimeini Assassination

Brandon Turbeville
January 6, 2020

This article contains some brief information, culminated from this writer and a number of others written in the aftermath of the US assassination of Qassim Soleimani. I highly encourage you to read the articles linked after the quotes below and explore the rest of what these researchers have to say. 

(1.) The claim that Soleimani posed an “imminent threat” is completely without evidence, rumored to be “razor thin”, and entirely debunked in this excellent essay by Craig Murray. Caitlin Johnstone - "The US Government Lies Constantly, And The Burden Of Proof Is On The Accuser"

(2) Mike Pence’s claim that Soleimani assisted 9/11 terrorists is so ridiculous that even the war-loving Washington Post dismissed it. Caitlin Johnstone - "The US Government Lies Constantly, And The Burden Of Proof Is On The Accuser"

(3) There’s no proof that Soleimani directed the strike that allegedly killed a US contractor, or that that contractor even existed. Caitlin Johnstone - "The US Government Lies Constantly, And The Burden Of Proof Is On The Accuser"

(4) There’s no proof that Soleimani was involved in any “attack” on any US embassy, leaving aside the obvious fact that a little graffiti on the walls wouldn’t justify his assassination if he did. Caitlin Johnstone - "The US Government Lies Constantly, And The Burden Of Proof Is On The Accuser"

(5) The “hundreds of American deaths” line you hear regurgitated by everyone from Trump to Elizabeth Warren actually refers to Iraqis defending themselves from an illegal US invasion with some training from Iran. The claim that Iran was behind Iraqi bombs is without evidence and wouldn’t matter if it were true; claiming the inhabitants of an invaded nation don’t have the right to defend themselves is absurd, regardless of where they got their weaponry.  Caitlin Johnstone - "The US Government Lies Constantly, And The Burden Of Proof Is On The Accuser"

This is a horribly inconvenient fact for US administrations which, regardless of party, are beholden to Saudi Arabia and its money. It is, the USA affirms, the Sunnis who are the allies and the Shias who are the enemy. Yet every journalist or aid worker hostage who has been horribly beheaded or otherwise executed has been murdered by a Sunni, every jihadist terrorist attack in the USA itself, including 9/11, has been exclusively Sunni, the Benghazi attack was by Sunnis, Isil are Sunni, Al Nusra are Sunni, the Taliban are Sunni and the vast majority of US troops killed in the region are killed by Sunnis.

Saturday, January 4, 2020

Killing Soleimeni - The US Assassinates Leader In Fight Against ISIS, Pushes Everyone Closer To Wider War

Brandon Turbeville
The Organic Prepper
January 4, 2019

Editor’s note: Brandon is one of those writers who people either love or hate. I don’t always agree with his conclusions but I can never fault his research. I know him to be a good and ethical person.

However, he writes without republican or democrat bias and sometimes the US government doesn’t come up smelling like roses in his analyses. That is offensive to many people. I always welcome civil discussion in the comments. Your argument will hold far more weight if you come armed with facts, not emotions or ad hominem attacks. ~ Daisy

Yesterday morning, the world was alight with news that Qassim Soleimani was assassinated by a US drone last night outside the Baghdad airport. Here’s some information on the background of this conflict, what happened, and what we can expect.

Here's What Happened

This assassination was, according to Trump administration officials and hints by the President himself, approved and ordered by Donald Trump.In addition to Soleimani, Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis (aka Jamal Jaafar Ibrahimi) was also killed alongside six other people.

Soleimani was the Iranian commander of the Quds Force while Muhandis was the commander of Ketaib Hezbollah, a militia belonging to the Iraqi Popular Mobilization Forces (PMU).

Republicans have categorically supported the move and Democrats, despite the requisite criticism of Trump's "reckless mishandling" of the situation, also supported the move.

Although not the first time an American President has ordered an assassination, this is the first publicly acknowledged successful assassination of a high-level official. Defense Secretary Mark T. Esper stated that the Pentagon had taken "decisive defensive action" against Soleimani and stated that the attack was made on the orders of the President. "The game has changed," Esper said.

Iran Has Promised Retaliation

Iran's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khameinei has vowed revenge as have a number of Iranian generals and politicians, leaving many to wonder just how, when, and where the Iranian response will take place.

Iraq's Prime Minister Adel Abdul Mahdi condemned the assassination and added that the murder was a breach of the conditions under which the US military operates in Iraq and that Iraq would now have to re-evaluate its relationship with the United States. This essentially means that the Iraqi Parliament may vote to oust US troops from Iraq entirely. 

Syrian Girl On Fault Lines January 3, 2020