
Tuesday, May 21, 2019

US Gov't Trained ISIS Commander - Did It 'Burn' Him Later?

Brandon Turbeville
Activist Post
May 20, 2019

After his death was announced by ISIS in 2016, the name Abu Omar al-Shishani has largely faded from news reports regarding Iraq and Syria. However, at one time, one of the top commanders of ISIS was known throughout the geopolitical community. In 2015, the US State Department even offered $5 million as a reward for information leading to his capture.

However, for all the alleged desire to capture or kill Shishani on the part of the United States, it was the United States who trained him as a matter of record when he was fighting against the Russians in Chechnya and again during the Georgian war.

In an article from September, 2015 entitled, “One of ISIS' top commanders was a 'star pupil' of US-special forces training in the country of Georgia,” Jeremy Bender wrote for Business Insider,

Aside from ISIS' 'caliph' Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, the Georgian ex-commando Omar al-Shishani might be the most recognizable and popular of the powerful militant group's leaders.

Sporting a recognizable red beard and happy to pose for photos, Shishani has acted as a very public face for some of ISIS' most notorious successes.

It was Shishani who posed with the stolen US Humvees that ISIS had seized from Mosul and brought back into Syria.

Monday, May 13, 2019

How Russia Became Involved with Ukraine Part 3

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Brandon Turbeville
May 5, 2019

This article is Part 3 in a series dedicated to the issue of Ukraine.

Part 1: Could the Ukraine Conflict be the Start of WW3? Here’s the Background on This Brewing Crisis

Part 2: The Collaboration Between Islamic Fundamentalism & Neo-Nazism in Ukraine, Both Supported by U.S – Fact or Fiction?

In the past two articles, I’ve examined how the crisis in Ukraine unfolded and the makeup of the “activists” that made the overthrow of Yanukovych possible. At the time, the stage was set to be yet another Ukrainian color revolution. Fund massive protests, pressure the President, the President resigns, and a puppet President takes his place. After that, the fleecing of the Ukrainian people could begin anew, Ukraine could join NATO, and Russia would be further physically encircled with a hostile organization pointing missiles and machinery at it from the other side of the border. The “Euromaidan” was successful.

Then Russian involvement In Ukraine began.

Despite being vastly outgunned and out-manned by Ukrainian ultra-right militias and the Ukrainian military, Eastern Ukrainians were managing to not only defend themselves but also to drive Western Ukrainian forces back. This led many to speculate as to whether or not Russia had committed troops to support the Eastern Ukrainian rebels against Kiev. Western media and the governments it speaks for began crowing about Russian troops in Ukraine and “Russian aggression.” Russia, for its part, denied any involvement beyond humanitarian shipments to civilians.

The truth is somewhat murkier, however.

Monday, May 6, 2019

The collaboration between Islamic fundamentalism & neo-nazism in Ukraine, both supported by U.S – fact or fiction?

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Brandon Turbeville
21st Century Wire
May 1, 2019

In 2019, the term “nazi” has come to mean anything to the right of Karl Marx. Even liberals who support free speech have been labeled nazis and scarcely can one find anyone on the radical left who doesn’t see a “fascist” hiding under any bed. Usually, a “fascist” is just someone with a different opinion. For that reason, hearing the term “nazi” when referring to proxy fighters in Ukraine might seem questionable. Are these fighters actually nazis or do they simply not want a Communist utopia in their country?

In the Ukrainian “Euromaidan” movement, however, the term “nazi” is applied legitimately. It is also important to note the lack of coverage given to this fact by the Western mainstream press that is otherwise so quick to label activists in their own countries as supporters of Hitler. Here, the press ignored the issue altogether. At times, the term “nationalists” were used, falsely equating support for one’s country with National Socialism.

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Robert Parry describes the nature of the Ukrainian “nationalists” when he writes,

THE VETO: Film exposing CNN, Al Jazeera, Channel 4 and the western media propaganda war against Syria

Vanessa Beeley
March 30, 2019

Vanessa Beeley
21st Century Wire

I met journalist and friend Rafiq Lutf and cameraman Abdul-Mun’aim Arnous in January 2018 and I was honoured when Rafiq asked me to work with him on his film project, The Veto.

As Dr Shaaban said to me in August 2016, “Western propaganda is paid for in Syrian blood”. This is true. The horrifying bloodshed and loss of life in Syria could never have happened without the colonial media manufacturing consent for another illegal war against a Sovereign nation.

The Veto tracks the evolution of the propaganda campaign waged by Western media against Syria. From Baba Amr in Homs 2011/2012 until the modern day “propaganda construct” – the NATO-member-state funded White Helmets. It honours Russia and China’s vetoes that have consistently defended Syria’s sovereignty and territorial integrity in the UN.