
Tuesday, February 26, 2019

NC Based Airline Implicated In Shipping Arms To "Rebels" In Venezuela

Brandon Turbeville
Activist Post
February 26, 2019

While the United States has done everything in its power to turn Syria into Libya 2.0, it appears the U.S. is now attempting to turn Venezuela into Libya 3.0. Using many of the same tactics utilized in Syria and Libya, the US is utilizing political pressure, sanctions, and the establishment of a parallel government to weaken and overthrow the Maduro government in Venezuela. Now, however, there is evidence that the U.S. is going further and adding the arming of “rebels” to its toolkit in South America.

According to a report by McClatchy, a North Carolina-based freight company has been implicated in an arms smuggling operation to Venezuela. After McClatchy’s report was published, the company halted flights to the country.

This revelation comes after Venezuelan authorities claimed to have discovered 19 assault weapons, 118 ammunition cartridges, and 90 military-grade radio antennas on board a U.S.-owned plane that had flown into Valencia from Miami. The Boeng 767 is owned by 21 Air which is based in Greensboro, North Carolina.

Interestingly enough, the plane made around 40 round trip flights between Miami and various locations in Venezuela and Colombia since January 11, the day after Maduro was sworn in to a second term as President. However, the flights abruptly ended after McClatchy first reported on them.

In a surprisingly coherent interview, Democracy Now! talked to Tim Johnson, the McClatchy reporter who broke the story. The transcript of that interview is below:

Monday, February 25, 2019

Could the Ukraine Conflict be the Start of WW3? Here’s the Background on This Brewing Crisis

Brandon Turbeville
February 22, 2019

While many are concerned with possible flare-ups in places like Syria, Israel, or the South China Sea, another area where there is the distinct potential for a third world war has always been and still remains to be Ukraine.

While the Western media rarely reports on Ukraine except to remind its readers and viewers that Russia “illegally annexed” Crimea and destabilized democratic Ukraine, the fact is that the area is a powder keg that could bring about direct clashes between Russia and the US or NATO.

Although Syria still retains much of the spotlight in the Western press, Ukraine happens to be yet another repeat of the NATO method of using color revolutions and proxy fighters to destroy a central government in order to replace that government with a puppet of their own choosing.

Russian resistance, however, has confounded those plans at least in the east of the country and what has taken place subsequently has resulted in a proxy war between Russia and the United States. To make matters worse, that proxy war is taking place on Russia’s border, making the situation that much more dangerous for the rest of the world.

Russian “aggression”

Western media’s incredibly frightening hysteria and fear-mongering over “Russian meddling,” “Russian spying,” “Russian military involvement” and pretty much anything Russian whatsoever are occasionally highlighted by distorted claims pretending to show that Russia is acting aggressively or has ever acted aggressively in Ukraine.

For Western mainstream media and for Western governments, Russia’s actions in Crimea and Ukraine are nothing more than another example of Russian aggression that is growing worldwide. Virtually the entire Western world is engaging in neo-McCarthyism, this time moving full speed ahead without even the benefit of having at least some credible evidence to back up its case.

Friday, February 22, 2019

BBC Producer Admits Douma “Chemical Attack” Was “Staged;” Confirms Independent Media Reporting

Brandon Turbeville
Activist Post
February 20, 2019

It’s almost a year after the bombing of al-Sha’aryat Airbase in Syria by the United States. Almost a year since the alleged “chemical weapons attack” on Douma, Syria which was blamed on the Syrian government and justified the subsequent American bombing. Now, after the resultant deaths of innocent people via America's Tomahawk missile attack and the ridicule and blacklisting of alt media outlets who questioned and disproved the claims of the U.S. government regarding Douma, a BBC producer has admitted that the attack was staged.

Riam Dalati is a well-known BBC Syria producer who has been reporting from the region for a long time. Now, he has stated that, after a six month investigation, he has concluded that the scene in the Douma Hospital was staged. Dalati made his statements on his twitter account which has over 20,000 followers including many mainstream journalists.

“I can prove without a doubt that the Douma Hospital scene was staged,” he wrote.

The “Douma Hospital scene” to which Dalati is referring is the footage showing children in a Douma hospital being hosed off and treated by doctors and White Helmets. The civilians were allegedly victims of a chemical attack. That narrative was subsequently taken apart by journalists like Pearson Sharp and Eva Bartlett who traveled to the scene of the alleged attack and interviewed alleged “victims” who contradicted the stories coming out of Western mainstream media. Western governments and corporate media, however, still clung to the “Assad gassed his own people” narrative.

Dalati stated that “After 6 months of investigations, I can prove without a doubt that the Douma Hospital scene was staged. No fatalities occurred in the hospital.” He added that he had interviewed a number of White Helmets personnel and “opposition activists” during the course of his investigation.

He followed up by stating that “Russia and at least one NATO country knew about what happened in the hospital. Documents were sent. However, no one knew what really happened at the flats apart from activists manipulating the scene there. This is why Russia focused solely on discrediting the hospital scene.”

Thursday, February 21, 2019

Here’s Why the US Should NOT Intervene in Venezuela

Brandon Turbeville
The Organic Prepper
February 19, 2019

For the better part of 2018, Venezuela had remained out of the headlines, at least in the mainstream Western press more focused on scary Russian agents, keeping American forces in Syria, and promoting a war with Iran. But a few weeks ago, the South American country found itself on the front page after the American-backed “opposition” leader, Juan Guaido,’ claimed that he was the legitimate President of Venezuela and was immediately recognized by the United States and a host of Central and South American neighbors.

The stories regarding Venezuela are now circulating the possibility of “regime change” and even outright war against the Maduro government on the part of the “opposition” as well as neighboring countries beholden to the United States and the Western financier oligarchy.

But while most Americans do not support foreign interventions, there is a stunning level of ignorance on the part of the general public as to why the United States is so eager to destroy Venezuela’s government.

Supporters of the Venezuelan regime change

The most recent events to have taken place in Venezuela involve the declaration made by Juan Guaido, the American-backed opposition candidate, to be the legitimate president of the country. Guaido’s claim to the presidency was almost immediately recognized by the United States as well as Israel and a host of American influenced countries such as Canada, Argentina, Brazil, Colombia Costa Rica, Chile, Ecuador, and Panama. Western Europe also joined the chorus with the UK, France, Germany, and Spain announcing that they would recognize Guaido as President of Venezuela unless new elections were held. French President Macron even laughably stated that Venezuelan President Maduro was illegitimate and that France “welcomes the courage of the hundreds of thousands of Venezuelans who march for their freedom.” This, of course, was despite the fact that his own country is seeing a massive protest movement against its government with himself as the lightning rod and the head of the rather intense crackdown on those protesters.

Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Brandon Turbeville's New Book Of Poetry, "Dance, Amputee," Now Available

Brandon Turbeville
February 20, 2019

On January 9, 2019, Brandon Turbeville's new book of poetry, "Dance, Amputee," was released.

After a decade of creative silence, "Dance, Amputee" is a collection of new poems by Brandon Turbeville spanning the period of 2017-18. Written after a trip to Syria in late 2017, the poems contained in this book deal with war, loss, grief, anger, love, and revenge.

Buy the book here

Buy the book here

Monday, February 18, 2019

2013 - The Year The US Increased Arms Shipments To Terrorists In Syria

Brandon Turbeville
Activist Post
February 18, 2019

Despite the repeated demonstrations of the fact that the United States and other Western nations have armed, supported, and funded terrorists in Syria from the beginning of the crisis in 2011 as well as long before that crisis had taken shape, official pronouncements admitting to funding those terrorists made by Western governments and reported by mainstream media outlets should not be dismissed simply because their actions are now common knowledge. After all, these incidents generally involve much more important revelations than those admitted to by corporate media.

For example, a sizeable portion of terrorist funding was openly admitted and continued by the United States even though the atrocities committed by the terrorists who were receiving the money was well documented throughout the alternative media as well as a number of mainstream outlets.

One such program was dubbed Operation Timber Sycamore, a “secret” plan authorized by then US President Obama which allowed the CIA to arm terrorists in Syria. For more information, see my article, “Was Timber Sycamore The Program That Created ISIS?

But while Timber Sycamore and other related programs by the United States to arm terrorists have been covered in my and many other alt media outlets in the past, it is also important to note the scale at which those programs increased even as the Obama administration was claiming to hold back on “lethal” munitions to terrorist organizations.

For instance, in an article entitled “Arms Airlift to Syria Rebels Expands, With CIA Aid” and published in the New York Times on March 23, 2013, it was stated that,