
Friday, October 26, 2018

BOMBSHELL: Vanessa Beeley Interviews White Helmets Members Who Admit Nusra, Extremist Connections, Israeli Assistance To Terrorists

Brandon Turbeville
Activist Post
October 25, 2018

Author’s Note: Please access Vanessa Beeley’s article, “SYRIA EXCLUSIVE: Vanessa Beeley Meets the White Helmets and Armed Group Leader in Dara’a Al Balad,” for the full story, photos, and videos.

If you have been reading mine or Vanessa Beeley’s articles regarding the nature of the White Helmets, you already know the piles of evidence documenting the fact that the alleged “humanitarian” organization is nothing more than a propaganda wing of al-Nusra Front used to beat Western audiences over the head and pull at their already-manipulated heart strings into supporting American military intervention in Syria.

Vanessa Beeley of 21st Century Wire and The Wall Will Fall has been the spearhead of information regarding the White Helmets since day one and, with her recent article, has once again driven another nail in the fake first responders’ coffin.

During her recent visit to Syria, Beeley was amazingly able to snag an interview with an actual active member of the White Helmets still functioning in Daraa al-Balad. Despite her reputation as a critic of the group, her qualifications as a “British journalist” seemed to reassure the group members that she was a “friendly.” Indeed, such is the nature of Western mainstream journalism that terrorist groups find these outlets to be comrades in arms.

Daraa al-Balad, while technically under the control of the Syrian government, is in the midst of a fragile “cease-fire” type agreement established in July, 2018 and negotiated by the Russian Reconciliation team whereas the Syrian military controls the territory but a variety of “rebel” groups still operate there as well. Conditions of the cease-fire were that the terrorist groups surrender their heavy and medium weapons and that the Syrian army has the right of admission to liberated areas. In addition, extremist groups were to withdraw from areas close to the Jordanian border. Many of these extremist groups accepted the terms of reconciliation but many, such as those in Dara’a al-Balad, chose to continue their “policy of confrontation.”

A separate deal was offered by Russia to Hayat Tahrir al Sham, a rebranded Nusra Front faction, which occupied areas of Dara’a. According to reports, Abu Jaber, the former Emir of HTS, turned down the proposal. Interestingly enough, Jaber was one of the founding commanders of Ahrar al Sham, which itself was responsible for brutal ethnic cleansing campaigns. Despite a horrific attack in al Zara, Homs, where Ahrar al Sham slaughtered a number of Alawite women before standing on their corpses and taking photos, the United States refused to label them a terrorist group.

Thousands Are VOLUNTEERING to Be MICROCHIPPED in Sweden: Can the Rest of the World Be Far Behind?

Adam Palmer
The Organic Prepper
October 25, 2018

Once, people who warned that the world was entering a time when all citizens would be microchipped, tracked, and traced were laughed at, mocked, and labeled religious fundamentalists, or crazy conspiracy theorists. Such a world would never take shape we were told and the people warning of it were paranoid and delusional. Fast forward a decade and the people who warn about human microchipping are still maligned as conspiracy theorists but the microchipping is most certainly taking place.

In an article published in the Daily Mail, lacking shock or warnings of growing technological fascism, we see the revelation that thousands of Swedish people are now voluntarily being implanted with microchips that contain information regarding their identity. More than 4,000 Swedish citizens are “taking the chip,” demonstrating that, although it is not a mass movement, the coverage from mainstream media will ensure that it soon will be.

The microchip “bypasses the need for cash, tickets, access cards and even social media,” according to the Daily Mail.

BioHax International, started in 2013 by Jowan Osterlund, a former professional body piercer, is now the market leader in the industry of civilian microchipping. But it’s not just BioHax that is involved in promoting the technology and springboarding it into society. In June, 2017, SJ Rail, the Swedish train operator, announced that 100 people were using microchips for train rides, obviously indicating that the rail system was already set up to handle the payment system before anyone was ever microchipped.

For this system, passengers with a microchip in their hand have their ticket loaded directly onto the device and the train conductor can read the chip with a smartphone to confirm payment.

The Daily Mail paints the chip in a positive light, recounting the opinion of Szilvia Varszegi, 28, who said the chip “basically solves my problems.” The “problems” Ms. Varszegi is referring to is apparently the “problem” of manually purchasing a ticket or engaging in a phone-based transaction.

Thursday, October 25, 2018

Putin: In a Nuclear Holocaust “We Will Be Martyrs, They Will Drop Dead”

Robert Wheeler
The Organic Prepper
October 22, 2018

Ever since the Euromaidan color revolution in Ukraine, the threat of a thermonuclear confrontation between Russia and the United States has been steadily growing. With the United States and NATO forces having pushed their proxy fighters literally to the border with Russia, the world’s second superpower finally became directly involved in Syria, saving the country from the impending defeat by the Gulf Cooperation Council, NATO, Israel, and American terrorists being funded, trained, and armed for the purpose of destroying the secular government of Syria.

This provided two war fronts where American and Russian soldiers could potentially engage in a direct military clash with one another that itself could potentially escalate to a nuclear war if taken to its logical conclusion.

While Western media promoted each act of war on the part of the West as a valiant fight for freedom and every Russian response as aggression, alt media, MSM, and social media were all nonetheless alight with the stark reality that WW3 could very well have broken out at any minute if the Americans pushed too far or if the Russians failed to respond with their typically cool heads.

MSM, of course, took every chance it could to portray the Russians as aggressive, bent on world domination and the domination of American elections and, thus, if a world war did take place, America would be on the right side of history, even if the earth was uninhabitable.

Recently, however, there have been more rumblings of WW3, with warnings from Russia and concerns from American servicemen and women who are worried that the US is rushing headlong into a world-ending confrontation. Oddly enough, those concerns and worries have not been receiving as much attention in the world press as they have in the past.

Thursday, October 4, 2018

West, GCC, Israel Fear “Shiite Crescent” Turning Into “Full Moon” According To Leaked 2009 Cable

Brandon Turbeville
Activist Post
October 3, 2018

On  May 8, 2018, U.S. President Donald Trump announced that the United States will be pulling out of the “Iran Nuclear Deal” which was struck under the Obama administration, a deal that he has repeatedly called a “bad deal” and even “the single worst deal I’ve ever seen drawn by anybody.”

“The so-called Iran deal was supposed to protect the United States and our allies from the lunacy of an Iranian nuclear bomb, a weapon that will only endanger the survival of the Iranian regime,” the President said. “In fact, the deal allowed Iran to continue enriching uranium and over time reach the brink of a nuclear breakout.”

He added that “Today, we have definitive proof that this Iranian promise was a lie.”

Yet there was absolutely no evidence to back Trump up on his claims. Even Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and the Director of National Intelligence Daniel Coats have stated in the past that Iran was living up to its commitments. Still, Trump argued previously that, while Iran may be sticking to its commitments, it was violating the “spirit” of the agreement by “fostering discord” in the region.

This is highly ironic considering that the United States is the single biggest fosterer of discord in the Middle East alongside Israel. It’s also false that Iran had been “fostering discord” and that it was not living up to its end of the deal. It should also be pointed out that Iran was doing nothing wrong in terms of its nuclear program before the deal and should never have been bullied into signing it to begin with.

NASA Space Images Show Dark Polluted Water Spilling From Carolina Rivers Into Ocean

Brandon Turbeville
October 3, 2018

Satellite imagery has discovered Carolina rivers so polluted their streams appear dark from outer space. These streams, unfortunately, are not only polluting and damaging water quality throughout the Carolina’s but also pouring into the ocean.

As Abbie Bennett of the Herald Sun wrote,

A NASA satellite is tracking flooding in the Carolinas following Hurricane Florence, and its images show dark, polluted water flowing from rivers into the Atlantic Ocean. 
Nearly 8 trillion gallons of rain fell across North Carolina during the storm, according to the National Weather Service in Raleigh’s estimate. 
That rain led to catastrophic flooding across the state, and has polluted rivers, streams, creeks and their outflows along the coast, NASA’s satellite images show. 
One image captured on Sept. 19 shows the New River, White Oak River and Adams Creek south of Cape Lookout and the deeply discolored water that appears dark brown — or even black. 
The color of the water in the image “reveals how soils, sediments, decaying leaves, pollution, and other debris have discolored the water in the swollen rivers, bays, estuaries, and the nearshore ocean,” according to NASA.
But that isn’t the only material floating in North and South Carolina’s rivers. Floodwaters from Hurricane Florence were also responsible for the deaths of 3.4 million chickens and thousands of pigs in the state’s notorious factory farm system. While many Americans were horrified to see that these animals were left to suffer and drown, an admittedly horrible and inhumane fate, the issue of factory farming in general was ignored, i.e. the reason why millions of chickens and thousands of pigs were housed in giant factories to begin with.

Will South Carolina Leave The Stone Age And Allow Medical Marijuana?

Will South Carolina Leave Stone Age and Allow Medical Marijuana?Brandon Turbeville
October 3, 2018

As the rest of the country moves forward without it, some residents of South Carolina are starting to believe that marijuana may be legalized in the state by 2019. Medical marijuana that is.

For many who live in South Carolina, the idea that legalized marijuana in any form would ever exist in the state was a pipe dream that people would be quick to scoff at. However, that was before the Compassionate Care Act, a medical cannabis bill, made it all the way to the floor of the State House and Senate in 2018.

As is typical, the legislative session ended before it could be voted on, but some advocates believe they may have the votes from politicians they need to pass it in 2019.

“People understand that it is inhumane to withhold from people medicine that can really help them,” state senator, and founder of the Compassionate Care Act, Tom Davis said.

Even the former Executive Director of the South Carolina Sheriff’s Association has changed his tune regarding the benefits of medical marijuana.

What is not surprising, however, is that a Winthrop poll reported that 78% of people in South Carolina believe medical marijuana should be legal.

South Carolina has a history of holding out on rights despite the people of the state openly desiring them. The very fact that CBD is legal in South Carolina is amazing in and of itself.

Still, South Carolinians are hopeful that the state ends its grossly unproductive police state war against a harmless plant and focuses on other issues such as violent crime, crumbling infrastructure, the worst education system in the country, or ridiculously low wages.

Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Benefits Of CBD And Questions You Should Ask Before Buying

Brandon Turbeville
October 3, 2018

As America continues to wage its disastrous war on drugs, the question of whether or not a human being living in a supposedly free society has the right to consume plants of their choice continues to be argued in every state in the nation.

However, after decades and decades of fighting for the most basic rights, Americans (at least at the state level) are now able to access CBD. Still, tragic ignorance on the part of government, especially law enforcement, as well as the general public has resulted in many Americans still being unable to access the medicine they desperately need if that medicine is or is derived from a virtually harmless plant.

That ignorance stems from nearly a hundred years of horrific propaganda drilled into the minds of American citizens every day. As a result, many Americans cannot distinguish between CBD and THC, much less understand just how CBD benefits health, the difference in CBD products, or how to consume it.

What’s It Good For?

Because of the disastrous war on drugs, research into the benefits of CBD has not taken off to the levels necessary to fully understand the potential this substances holds for healing. However, just a few benefits of CBD are that it can:

  • Improve the symptoms of schizophrenia
  • Fight cancer
  • Reduce anxiety and depression 
  • Relieve pain 
  • Reduces risk of diabetes 
  • Act as an acne treatment 
  • Helps treat and reduce seizures and other neurological disorders 
  • Helps reduce nausea 
  • Helps reduce the symptoms of multiple sclerosis 
  • What’s the Best Form of CBD