
Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Multiple Motives Exist As Reason For Turkish Invasion Of Syria

Brandon Turbeville
Activist Post
January 30, 2018

Turkey has invaded Syria to fight against the Kurds. Turkey is fighting alongside FSA terrorists while the United States, a Turkish ally is fighting alongside Kurdish terrorists. The Syrian military is pushing northwest toward Idlib city and the Russian, Iranian, and Hezbollah forces remain in the country to stabilize the situation and defeat jihadist groups continuing to operate there. The Kurds work with the FSA but the FSA is now working with the Turks. The FSA also works with the United States who in turn works with the Kurds.

This is a brief example of the complexities of the Syrian crisis, exacerbated by recent events. For most casual observers, it is becoming harder to determine who is fighting who and likewise who is working together. With so many competing agendas and interests, the waters have become so muddied even researchers and journalists familiar with the crisis are less clear as to what is happening in Syria right now.

In order to understand what is currently taking place in Syria, it is important to understand the interests of the parties involved. Quite simply, one needs to know what these parties want. After understanding the agenda of the nations taking part in the conflict, it will be easier to understand the possibilities in terms of where the recent Turk invasion is going to take Turkey, Syria, the United States, the Middle East, and the world.

The United States

Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Ohio Gov. Candidate Dennis Kucinich Releases Scathing Anti-Fracking Statement, Intent To Ban Fracking

Brandon Turbeville
Natural Blaze
January 29, 2018

Ohio Gubernatorial candidate, Dennis Kucinich, released the first in a series of forthcoming detailed platform points surrounding his campaign on January 25. Fracking, a contentious issue for the people of Ohio (but not for their politicians) has contributed to poor water quality, decrease in agriculture, and damages to human health throughout the state and many have simply accepted it as a way of life. But Kucinich is putting it back on the table as an issue that will be tackled, given he wins the election.

While most politicians and candidates only go so far as to “address the concerns that people may have” regarding fracking, Kucinich outlined a plan that would end fracking completely in the state of Ohio and begin remediation for the people and communities that have suffered damages as a result. Kucinich is no stranger to the issue of Fracking since he and his wife have both traveled to Standing Rock, North Dakota and the Hudson Valley in New York opposing fracking and the use of eminent domain being used for the benefit of the oil and gas corporations.

Standing next to his running mate, Akron city councilwoman Tara Samples, Kucinich read a statement that listed the immense dangers of fracking.

Kucinich stated,

Today I am making my first major policy announcement as a candidate for governor, first to review the consequences of fracking and deep well injection of frack waste, and secondly to detail new policies for the state which I intend to pursue if elected, consistent with changing the relationship of the people of Ohio to their state government, under our campaign motto of #PowerToWeThePeople. 

Sunday, January 28, 2018

Poem - The Sun Is Going Down On The City

The Sun Is Going Down On The City

The sun is going down on the city
dusk is approaching
haze disappearing in the distance
Soon the cool will return to drive away the heat
until morning
The game is over and
the loss still stings
the news returns to the carnage the next city over
that must end soon
as all things must end
You will not be your neighbor
and sink into insanity
although the fires have spread to home now and
the reporter says
the military has been summoned
prepare for martial law
until the storm has passed
Soon the shots on the north of town will be silenced
And all will be back to normal

Saturday, January 27, 2018

Pro-Weed, Anti-GMO Dennis Kucinich Announces Bid For Ohio Governor . . . And He Might Just Win

Brandon Turbeville
Natural Blaze
January 26, 2018

Former Mayor, U.S. Congressman, and famous peace advocate Dennis Kucinich formally announced his run for Governor of the state of Ohio on January 17, 2018. With current Governor John Kasich stepping down due to term limit constraints, leaving a trail of lost jobs, economic stagnation, crumbling infrastructure, police state measures, and environmental destruction in his wake, the Governor’s race is a little crowded in the scramble to fill the position. However, while the other candidates are traditional “conservative” and “liberal” special interest puppets, Kucinich has now thrown his hat into the ring as well.

Known nationally for being one of the few congressmen who voted against the Iraq war and the PATRIOT Act, opposed Free Trade, ran for President twice, and opposed America’s disastrous imperialism in Libya and Syria as well as a number of attempts at war with Iran, Kucinich is well-known in Ohio for his refusal to sell city-owned utilities to private companies.

"The same person, battle scars and all, is before you today, with a wealth of experience, no less ready to stand up, to speak out, to take on corrupt interests on behalf of the people of Ohio, ready to be the voice that bridges left and right, a clear voice unafraid to call things like I see them," Kucinich said.

Kucinich is framing his campaign around the slogan #PowerToWeThePeople and has already released a number of platform points that include rebuilding Ohio’s Infrastructure, increasing the minimum wage, protecting public ownership, creating a state-run broadband company that would compete with private providers and effectively create net neutrality. Kucinich is also advocating for a universal healthcare option for the state.

Friday, January 26, 2018

Forget Socialism And Markets, It’s Time For Universal Healthcare – The System We Need And How To Pay For It

the real universal healthcareBrandon Turbeville
January 25, 2018

After decades of suffering under a private “market-based” healthcare economy, Americans who were also suffering under high unemployment rates, lower living standards, and high stress, found themselves burdened by a private health insurance industry that charged exorbitant rates while denying coverage to individuals with pre-existing conditions and refused to pay out for needed medical care for many whom it did cover.

For years, many Conservatives suggested even more de-regulation of the insurance markets and the elimination of any government involvement in the health industry. This, they argued, would create competition and bring about cheaper prices. Many on the left, however, aware that the Conservative argument was based on faulty principles and that it would, in fact, do the opposite of what well-meaning-Conservatives desired, argued for a “single payer” or “universal” program. However, these well-meaning liberals fail to define what they mean by “single payer” and typically rely on even more burdensome methods of funding for such a program; i.e. raising taxes, cutting care.

Ironically, however, Democrats and Republicans, despite years of hurling insults and launching political campaigns against one another, can actually agree upon the ideal healthcare system – forcing Americans to buy private insurance at the barrel of a gun, allowing those companies to raise premiums, and cutting costs by cutting care for the healthcare customer. This was an insurance companies’ dream as well as the dream of Big Pharma and Wall Street. For the American people, it was and already has been a nightmare.

We Need Another Chilcot Inquiry - This Time Into Syria

Judy Tanner
Activist Post
January 26, 2018

Censorship of news is never a good thing. It might suit media corporations worried about their business model, falling circulation and losing advertising dollars, or maybe they worry about government directives and what they can and cannot say, but censorship is never a good thing. The new labels 'fake news', 'post truth era' which Facebook has taken up as its cause must be balanced against the fact that Facebook is a tech company, not run by journalists, not governed by journalistic ethics. So who is minding them?

The Chilcot inquiry looked into a number of questions arising from the inaccurate reporting of the Iraq war, the 'failure of intelligence' or as some might say, the lies Western governments told about WMDs that didn't exist and the role of the media in uncritically defending the pretext for war on Iraq. The Chilcot inquiry found many errors and damning evidence of the wrong doings of the UK and the US governments and their allies. Hundreds of thousands of innocent people died as a result of the US attack on Baghdad and war on Iraq.

The removal of Saddam Hussein, another 'dictator' in Western terms, did not improve the living standards of Iraqi civilians. Instead it led to the rise of a variety of terrorist groups, destruction of infrastructure and the ruin of civil society. It increased, not decreased the suffering of the Iraqi people. That suffering continues today. Accountability, accuracy, thorough research, being on the ground, checking sources for accuracy and reliability- all of these things are again missing in media reports on Syria today. Another Middle Eastern country is subjected to foreign invasion, terrorism and all the media can do is blame and demonise the leadership of the country- victim blaming on a global level and report from sources that turn out to be terrorists with no interest in building a stronger more cohesive Syria.

Western Media Fixates On Vague "Chem Weapons" Allegations, Ignores Children Murdered By America's Terrorists

Brandon Turbeville
Activist Post
January 24, 2018

While Rex Tillerson, Nikki Haley, Heather Nauert, and Emmanuel Macron as well as the entirety of the Western corporate media focus on phantom chemical attacks, none of the above have even mentioned the terrorist shelling of Damascus (Bab Touma area) which has resulted in the death of nine people, most of whom were children and teens.

On January 22, mortars began falling on the Bab Touma area of Damascus just as the children were heading home from school. In addition to the nine killed, another twenty-one were seriously injured, one teenage girl having her legs so heavily damaged that the doctors were trying to save them and avoid amputation at the time of the reporting.

Despite constant harping on the death of any civilian that could attributed to accidental or incidental bombing of terrorists by Russia or the Syrian government, the West has remained quiet as a mouse whenever civilians are intentionally targeted by Western-backed terrorists. Instead, the American and Western public is subject to hearing about "the regime's chemical weapons attacks" which do not exist (much like the "regime's chemical weapons") and how Bashar al-Assad is "killing his own people," a myth debunked so many times my eyes now gloss over whenever I type it.

Journalist Vanessa Beeley was in the general vicinity when the attacks took place, having just left Bab Touma ten minutes before. She writes,

We were leaving Bab Touma this afternoon just as the schools finished for the afternoon, around 1.30pm. The streets were teeming with children of all ages, laughing and talking excitedly as they headed for the many school buses waiting for them. The car horns echoed around the streets from the impatient drivers packed into the narrow, cobbled streets. 

U.S. Blames Russia For All Chem Weapons Attacks, Bases Claims On White Helmets Terrorists

Brandon Turbeville
Activist Post
January 24, 2018

It seems as if the U.S. State Department has been on a continual loop ever since August, 2013 when Western-backed terrorists launched a chemical weapons attack that was subsequently blamed on Syrian President Bashar al-Assad and the Syrian government by the United States and other imperialist nations assisting in the attempted destruction of Syria. Ever since 2013, when the United States almost succeeded in propagandizing the general public enough to support a direct military invasion of Syria, we have seen the U.S. State Department whining and shrieking about “chemical weapons attacks” conducted by the “regime” in Damascus against “his own people,” “civilians,” and “beautiful babies” on a bi-monthly basis. The tired “chemical weapons” line has never been able to provide the U.S. with as much payoff as it almost did in 2013, however, and, in 2018, Heather Nauert’s whining and Nikki Haley’s head-swinging fits at the U.N. simply don’t have the same effect as Samantha Power’s theatrics in the halls of the same institutions a few years ago.

Five years on, the actors may have switched places but the play remains the same. In fact, so does the stage and the dialogue. Once again, the U.S. is screaming at the top of its lungs that the Syrian military has used chemical weapons against civilians in Ghouta, outside Damascus.

U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson stated that, “Only yesterday more than 20 civilians, most of them children, were victims of an apparent chlorine gas attack. He stated that the alleged attacks “raise serious concerns that Bashar al-Assad may be continuing to use chemical weapons against his own people”.

Of course, there is absolutely no evidence that the Syrian military used chemical weapons in the attacked referenced by Tillerson nor is there any credible evidence that the Syrian government even maintains a stockpile of chemical weapons to use if it wanted to. Indeed, the only sources supporting Tillerson’s claims are the White Helmets, the al-Nusra Front propaganda wing that has been exposed ad nauseum as a terrorist outfit designed to construct propaganda fitted for Western audiences.

The Path To Persia And The Ongoing Plot To Destroy Iran

Brandon Turbeville
Activist Post
January 23, 2018

With the recent unrest in Iran seemingly organized and orchestrated by outside forces such as the U.S. color revolution apparatus in concert with Saudi Arabia, it is becoming more and more clear to individuals observing the situation in the Middle East that the plan to destroy Iran is now coming into view. Even before Syria was destabilized by Western forces in 2011, Iran had been placed on the chopping block on the list of countries that would be ripped apart for the crime of not acquiescing to dictates of the Western financial system. From being included in Bush’s “Axis of Evil” speech to being discussed by the Project For A New American Century as a target shortly before 9/11 became the “New Pearl Harbor” to justify the rapid spread of American empire across the world and eviscerate what was left of civil liberties at home, Iran has been in the crosshairs of the Western financier system. Likewise, Iran was identified by General Wesley Clark as one of the countries set to be attacked and destroyed by the United States after 9/11.

Ever since 2001, Iran has been a topic of discussion by politicians, intelligence agencies, the military, and a myriad of Western financier “think tanks” in terms of how the country can best be destabilized, weakened, or destroyed.

The Brookings Institution Report – Which Path To Persia?

The plan for a Western or a Western/Israeli attack on Iran, along with the theatre of alleged US-Israeli tensions leading up to a strike and outright war, has been in the works for some time. For instance, in 2009, the Brookings Institution, a major banking, corporate, and military-industrial firm, released a report entitled “Which Path To Persia? Options For A New American Strategy For Iran,” in which the authors mapped out a plan which leaves no doubt as to the ultimate desire from the Western financier, corporate, and governing classes.

Tuesday, January 23, 2018

"New" Trump Admin Policy On Syria Is The Same As Obama's . . . And Hillary Clinton's

Brandon Turbeville
Activist Post
January 18, 2018

No doubt, many Republicans are rejoicing today over the Trump administration’s announcement of it’s “new” Syria policy. Unfortunately, that policy is identical to the one set by Barack Obama and his and Trump’s opponent during the sordid 2016 election, Hillary Clinton. With that in mind, it begs the question what Republicans were so upset about when Obama was President, but that’s another topic for another article.

The oil magnate Tillerson announced in a speech to the Stanford University Hoover Institute that the United States will be staying in Syria despite earlier claims that the reason the U.S. was in Syria was to see to the defeat of ISIS. Now, Tillerson says American forces will remain in Syria until five conditions are met 1.) The defeat of ISIS 2.) Assad is removed from power 3.) Syrian refugees return to Syria 4.) Iranian influence is diminished and 5.) Syria becomes free of weapons of mass destruction.

Tellingly, Tillerson’s statements were made during a speech and “interview” session in front of a live audience where the interviewer was none other than known neo-con war criminal, Condoleeza Rice. We can only assume that Rice’s heart began to flutter at hearing the words “weapons of mass destruction” used in front of a national audience yet again used to justify a mass slaughter.

"A total withdrawal of American personnel at this time would help [Syrian President Bashar al-] Assad," said Tillerson. "A stable, unified and independent Syria ultimately requires post-Assad leadership in order to be successful. Continued U.S. presence to ensure the lasting defeat of ISIS will also help pave the way for legitimate local civil authorities to exercise responsible governance of their own liberated areas."

Tuesday, January 16, 2018

DARPA Funding GM Mosquitoes Research But Is It Something Else They Are Really Studying?

Brandon Turbeville
Natural Blaze
January 15, 2018

After numerous stories regarding the creation and distribution of genetically modified mosquitoes in the Cayman Islands and Florida, there seems to be no sign of walking back on the controversial procedure, despite the outcry from the populations set to be the next test bed. Instead, not only are the mosquito releases continuing, but the process of fine tuning those mosquitoes has been supercharged by additional laboratories and even by the shadowy Defense Advanced Research Project Agency (DARPA) under the guise of attempting to eliminate malaria.

At issue here is the concept of “Gene drives,” a system of genetic tampering that changes the natural inheritance mechanism that sees offspring maintain a 50/50 chance of inheriting a genetic trait and provides scientists with the opportunity to vastly increase the possibility of inheriting the desired trait.

Health and Medicine website, STAT, reports on some of the latest public developments surrounding the mosquito trials by writing,

In a warm and very humid room, behind a series of sealed doors, Omar Akbari keeps a zoo of mosquito mutants. He’s got mosquitoes with three eyes, mosquitoes with malformed mouthparts, mosquitoes with forked wings, mosquitoes with eerie white eyes, and mosquitoes that are bright yellow instead of black. 
Akbari loves them unabashedly; he feeds them fish flakes, mouse blood, and sugar water and calls some of them “beautiful.” But they’re not pets: Akbari’s lab here at the University of California, Riverside, is at the leading edge of a revolutionary technology — gene drive — that could one day deploy mosquito mutants to rid the world of scourges like malaria, dengue, and Zika. 

An American Water Crisis Is Just Around The Corner And No One Is Talking About It

Brandon Turbeville
Natural Blaze
January 15, 2018

Anyone who pays attention to their local news has seen the signs of a coming apocalypse in the United States, although they are probably not aware of it. While many equate a water crisis to the sucking up of resources by big business interests or an offhanded moment of pollution from the local industry, there is another type water crisis looming over America. It’s not just Coca-Cola and property rights, it’s the failure of municipalities, states, and the federal government to ensure that drinking water is actually drinkable.

There have been a number of notable incidents in the last few years that showcase the crumbling infrastructure of the United States and the lower living standards Americans are being forced to accept. Flint, Michigan is the most notable and recognizable instance of water pollution in recent memory. That crisis is still ongoing and, while the U.S. has plenty of money for Israel, foreign aid, and foreign wars, it simply can’t find anything in its already tightened spending belt to help the people of Flint have access to clean water. At this point, the U.S. federal government is doing more to help Africans than it is to help African-Americans. Unfortunately for Flint, State and local governments are the reason for the crisis in the first place.

For two years, industrial chemicals and lead poisoned Flint’s water supply and no one did anything until one woman blew the whistle. Had it not been for her, Flint would still be drinking lead and other pollutants unknowingly. Now, despite the outcry, they know what they are drinking but, unfortunately, not much else has changed.

U.S. Create Kurdish/Terrorist 'Border Force' In Syria To Define Borders Of Kurdistan

Brandon Turbeville
Activist Post
January 15, 2018

For those that hoped Trump would bring a more sensible approach to the Western-induced Syrian crisis, it is almost for certain that those hopes have been officially dashed with the revelation of the Trump administration’s new policy regarding the SDF, Kurds, a new border force, and the logical partitioning plan that is obviously moving forward.

The new plans announced by the United States involve the creation of a “border force” that is expected to contain around 30,000 personnel to be deployed at the borders controlled by the SDF (Syria Democratic Forces). The force will be trained by the United States and will contain members from the SDF and YPG and will see Kurdish members patrolling “Kurdish areas” while Arab members patrol “Arab areas.”

Naturally, the move has angered Turkey since it is opposed to Kurdish nationalism out of fears that it will inspire Kurdish extremists inside Turkey itself. Russia has also condemned the move claiming that it will lead to partitioning. Syria, for its part, has labeled the Trump administration’s plan as an insult to Syria’s national integrity and appears dedicated to Assad’s promise to liberate every inch of Syrian territory.

As Business Insider reports,

The U.S.-led coalition is working with its Syrian militia allies to set up a new border force of 30,000 personnel, the coalition said on Sunday, a move that has added to Turkish anger over U.S. support for Kurdish-dominated forces in Syria.

New Protest Album By Keegan McInroe Takes On War, Surveillance, GMOs, War On Drugs, And More

Brandon Turbeville
Activist Post
January 15, 2018

Keegan McInroe just released a brilliant protest album and, chances are, you’ve never heard of it. During the course of about half an hour, McInroe takes on a number of important issues in a serious (and sometimes satirical) fashion. The album is aptly titled “A Good Old Fashioned Protest.”

But there are a number of reasons you’ve probably never heard of the album or possibly even of Keegan. Quite simply, he’s not part of the music industry establishment selling fluff, idiocy, and ignoring anything of relevance to the human experience. His protest also isn’t the token “courageous” stand against Trump that is so “courageous” it’s a virtual pre-requisite to even entertain discussion in popular circles. Nor is it a powdery presentation of any of the trendy issues that galvanize a portion of the population to send up innumerable hashtags and irritate their friends at dinner.

Granted, his songs are indeed about all those things and they do stand against Trump. But they also stand against the wars started by Democrats. McInroe’s album is not about Conservative or Liberal politics, parties, or trendy issues. On the contrary, it’s about very real issues. Indeed, the artist who wrote “A Good Old Fashioned Protest” is obviously more aware than someone sitting home and watching CNN. This is clear to anyone who listens to any of the songs on the album. The lyrics to the songs contain very obvious mentions of the fact that Libya and Syria are proxy wars against governments outside of the Western system as well as the fact that the United States is taking part in the worst humanitarian crisis of the 21st Century in Yemen. He’s aware North Korea is a major distraction from other issues and that virtually every mainstream production is disinformation. He also tackles surveillance, GMOs, the war on drugs, and the war on terror. Not your average album of the so-called”resistance.”

Sunday, January 14, 2018

Russia Says It Knows Who Ordered The Mysterious Drone Attack On Their Base . . . And It Wasn't Turkey

Brandon Turbeville
Activist Post
January 13, 2018

In the past few weeks the Russian Khmeimim Airbase in Lattakia, Syria has been attacked twice. Once, on New Year’s Eve, the base was attacked by terrorist infiltration squads armed with mortars. The attacks resulted in the death of two Russian soldiers and the damaging of a number of Russian aircraft. On January 6, the base was attacked again, this time by one of the weirdest operations of the last few years. The base came under fire by 13 armed drones who were either shot down or brought down by electronic warfare means by the Russian forces. Where these drones originated from, who operated them, and from where they were controlled are all mysteries.

While the most likely suspects are terrorist groups on the ground, some have suspected Turkey of either providing the technology while others have pointed directly to the United States. The Russian government has even suggested the United States may have been behind the attacks without actually saying so directly. Russian officials have stated that the drones were not just basic drone technology that is widely available on the market but, instead, a type of technology that requirement a high level of expertise greater than anything any group in Syria is known to possess at this time. The Russian Defense Ministry also pointed out the “coincidental” presence of the U.S. Poseidon reconnaissance plane was in the skies of the area for four hours during the time which the assault took place.

Pro-Terror Groups Create Fake 'Atrocities,' News Stories For Anti-Assad Twitter Campaign

Brandon Turbeville
Activist Post
January 12, 2018

As the Syrian military makes massive gains across the Idlib governorate, the last major bit of territory controlled by Western-backed terrorists, mainstream media is once again alight with “Assad is bombing his own people” stories. It is the exact same playlist that was used when the Syrian government liberated Homs, Deir ez-Zour, and Aleppo only this time it is updated for Idlib. Soon, we should be hearing stories of how Assad and Putin personally ordered the bombing of the “last hospital in Idilb.” No doubt there will be a lot of hospitals in Idlib since we may hear the story ten times before the region is liberated just as we did in Aleppo.

In this current propaganda campaign against the Syrian military’s operation in Idlib, a recent article by Sarah Abed reveals a terrorist-based group which has organized a Twitter campaign using the hashtag #Outrage4Idlib in order to denigrate the Syrian military operation and to push fake “atrocities” committed by the Syrian military.

In her article for al-Sura, (Syrian Opposition Groups Fabricate 'Atrocities' For Media Campaign In Idlib) Sarah Abed writes,

Time For Hungrexit: PM Orban Opposes Mass Immigration In Hungary, Attacks Soros In German Press

Brandon Turbeville
Activist Post
January 12, 2017

Viktor Orban has caused shockwaves amongst the EU and the European establishment in recent years and has subsequently drawn the wrath of that establishment, resulting in an attempted color revolution in Hungary. Orban survived that attempt, however, and is continuing to “trigger” the EU with his refusal to destroy his country and culture with mass immigration and his open condemnation of George Soros and the destabilization empire Soros has maintained in Eastern Europe for decades.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel, head of the most oppressive Communo-Fascist country in Europe, has repeatedly promoted the policy of mass migration to Germany (as well as the policy to end Free Speech and dissent) and has stood in direct contrast to any leader that expresses concern over the influx of “refugees,” the overwhelming majority of whom are economic migrants. While Germany has essentially uprooted its own country and taken in millions of immigrants (with no real attempts at assimilation), Hungary has refused to take in any, even building an electric border fence to keep the mass of immigrants from passing through Hungary.

In an interview with Bild, a German news agency, Orban made his statements regarding mass migration. The exchange went as follows:

New U-M AARP Poll Pushes Vaccines For Nursing Homes And Visitors

Brandon Turbeville
January 4, 2018 

Do you want to get vaccinated just to visit someone in a nursing home?

The University of Michigan is joining the battle to end individual rights when it comes to vaccine choice. In effect, it is joining the battle to end individual rights when it comes to every decision because there is a very slippery slope at the end of a forced needle.

A poll conducted by the University of Michigan and the AARP is being used to pressure long term care facilities and nursing homes into forcing their staff, patients and visitors to be vaccinated. The poll finds that most Americans support forcing staff and residents to vaccinate and a sizable portion even support forcing visitors.

The conclusion reached by AARP and University of Michigan is that if nursing homes and long term care facilities are concerned about their bottom line, they’d better force everyone to vaccinate or risk losing business.

As the press release reads,

Wednesday, January 10, 2018

All Signs Point To Western-Backed Destabilization In Iran - U.S., Israel, Saudi Arabia Implicated

Brandon Turbeville
Activist Post
January 9, 2018

The signs that the protests in Iran are indeed a Western destabilization campaign are growing with each passing day. Regardless of whatever legitimacy these protests may have had at the beginning (agitation for greater freedoms and improved methods of handling the economy, etc.), they have now devolved into an attempt to weaken and unseat the current Iranian government. With pro-Western foreign policy demands and vague calls being made against the fabric of the government itself in addition to shadowy shooters and violent assaults on security, government, and even opposition members, a number of actors involved in the protests are emerging which suggest a coordinated Western/Israeli/GCC color revolution/destabilization operation.

The Involvement Of MEK

A recent piece by Newsweek entitled, “Iran Protests: Who Are The Iranian Opposition And Who Will Rule If The Regime Falls?” attempts to paint a picture of the opposition marching through the streets in Iran and, more importantly, what factions of Iranian society that might take power if something did occur to overthrow the Iranian government. One of the factions mentioned by Newsweek is the MEK (Mujhadeen al-Khalq), the radical Marxist extremist organization that has not only been at odds with the religious dictatorship of the Ayatollah but who has also collaborated with the Israelis on numerous occasions, including the assassination of Iranian nuclear scientists. The MEK was previously listed as a terrorist organization by the United States but delisted by the Obama administration.

Newsweek’s Callum Paton writes,

As Syria Moves Toward Idlib, Potential For Clash With Turkey Becomes Real - Will Russia, NATO Be Involved?

Brandon Turbeville
Activist Post
January 9, 2018

After the defeat of ISIS and the liberation of Deir ez Zour, the Syrian military is now setting its sights on the terrorist capitol of Idlib. While maintaining a sizeable terrorist presence since the beginning of the conflict, various cease-fire agreements have seen terrorists shipped from cities and towns from all across the country into Idlib city and province. As a result, a massive concentration of terrorists now populate the area and thus Idlib represents the last major battle to eliminate Islamic extremist terrorists from Syria (not counting the Kurdish extremists in the north and northeast).

Indeed, in the last several weeks, the Syrian military has launched a large number of successful operations in Idlib province, liberating nearly fifty villages and towns. Terrorist infighting has also helped the Syrian government’s operations since, given the nature of extremists, many of these groups have been battling one another over the course of the last few years.

But as the Syrian military closes in on terrorists in Idlib, there is another enemy openly embedded in the area that presents the possibility of a wider war and greater conflict if the two forces meet.

The Turkish military deployed troops to Idlib last October, allegedly as part of an agreement with Russia and Iran to “enforce de-escalation zones” in the area, but, in reality, it is more of a defensive measure against Kurdish extremists. It was also clearly an attempt to annex more territory from Syria and to shore up the terrorists Turkey has been supporting since day one in the Syrian crisis.

Thursday, January 4, 2018

Iran Protesters Want Sanctions, No Support For Syria, Lebanon, Palestine - Call Themselves "Freedom Fighters"

Brandon Turbeville
Activist Post
January 3, 2018

During the first few days of the Iranian protests, it was somewhat unclear as to whether or not the demonstrations were indeed organic expressions of Iranians angry with religious and legal oppression as well as economic stagnation. As the days passed and the violence grew and as more and more Iranians began speaking out, it subsequently became more and more clear that the demonstrations were something other than organic expressions of anger. Indeed, now on day six, it is abundantly clear that the protests are nothing more than another warfront for the United States, NATO, GCC, and Israel.

One article by FOX, now in its most familiar and comfortable role of supporting a Republican president in his new war, shows the ideology of the protests and the new demands being made by the protesters. This article alone goes great lengths to show that the protesters are nothing more than proxies for a Western agenda even if that was not its intention.

According to the FOX report, the “protesters” are not only happy that the US President tweeted support for them, they want more support from the United States and they want sanctions against their own country and an end to support for Palestine, Lebanon, and Syria. Obviously, this demand matches the U.S. line directly since both the United States and Israeli governments also want sanctions on Iran and an end to its support for Hezbollah, Palestine, and Syra. Note also that the protesters are now stating that they are willing to die in their “uprising,” labeling themselves “freedom fighters.” For those who have followed the Syrian crisis over the years, these statements and terms are eerily familiar.

The FOX report reads,

Something Stinks About the Iranian Protests; Iranians Suspicious Of Demonstration Roots

Brandon Turbeville
Activist Post
January 3, 2018

The protests in Iran have born the hallmarks of a color revolution since the very beginning and, as time moved on, the nature of the demonstrations became more and more apparent. But even as the head of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards corps, General Mohammad Ali Jafari, declared the end of the “sedition,” many Iranians remain deeply suspicious of the protests but also recognize some legitimate complaints.

After having discussed ongoing violence with a number of Iranians, there are a few points that become abundantly clear. First, Iranians acknowledge that there is fertile ground for anger and a need for change. From individual rights and women’s rights to the rights of expression and economic stagnation, Iranians do not discount the legitimacy of complaints and the need for protest. For most Iranians, particularly the younger generation, there is a distinct desire to live in a country that does not oppress the population with religious laws, oppressive restrictions, and that operates an economic system which works for everyone. Even Iranian President Rouhani admitted many of the issues being brought to the forefront are legitimate.

However, it is also true that many Iranians are deeply suspicious of the protests and for good reason. In 2009, the United States along with other “allies,” launched the “Green Revolution” in Iran that was a rather obvious color revolution attempt. The color revolution failed and was crushed by the Iranian government. Recently, the Trump administration met with the Israeli government and the two emerged from the meeting with a plan to “check Iran’s influence” in the region. Many Iranians are wondering whether or not these protests are part of that plan, i.e. a second attempt at a color revolution in Iran.

Death Toll Rises In Iran, Khomenei Blames "Enemies" Of Iran As Signs Of Destabilization Campaign Become More Obvious

Brandon Turbeville
Activist Post
January 3, 2018

By now, it’s safe to say that the protests in Iran are, at the very least, being coopted by Western powers in order to destabilize the Iranian government. Given the fact that the Trump administration and the Israeli government have recently agreed upon a plan to “counter” Iran’s influence in the region, the nature of the protests, and the violence stemming out from them as well as the individuals and organizations expressing such vociferous support for them, the idea that they are an organic uprising of Iranians is one that is getting further and further from the realm of possibility.

That the Iranian protests are taking the same form of the Green Movement in Iran in 2009 as well as the Egyptian, Libyan, and Syrian protests during the so-called “Arab Spring” color revolution/destabilization campaigns is becoming more and more evident.

Even in the reports by the untrustworthy CNN, the fact that the protests are not mere working people or hippies in the park can be readily seen. The CNN article reads,

The rallies began Thursday over the country's stagnant economy and rising living costs, but they developed into a broader outcry against the government and intensified over the weekend. Many of the protesters are young Iranians tired of the lack of economic opportunity in the country. 

Iran Protests Go Violent - Color Revolution Becoming More Likely

Brandon Turbeville
Activist Post
January 3, 2018

Despite being nowhere near the scale of the 2009 Green Movement color revolution, the recent Iranian protests have nonetheless captured the attention of the world. The questions surrounding the protests are legion but the chief among them are whether or not they are legitimate organic Iranian sentiment or whether they are a western-backed color revolution aimed at destabilizing the Iranian government.

While many of the demands of the protesters are entirely legitimate (i.e. end to religious rule, better handling of the economy, equal rights for women etc.) and should be respected regardless of “majority” support, other demands mirror those of the United States, NATO, GCC, and Israel (i.e. stop supporting Palestine and Syria). There is no doubt that the Iranian government is tyrannical and oppressive but there is much doubt as to whether or not these protests are the result of Iranians being fed up with that rule or whether they are the result of yet more Western meddling in the internal affairs of other countries, particularly those next on the chopping block.

The protests taking place across Iran today bear the hallmark of a Western destabilization operation, regardless of the legitimacy of a number of their demands. For instance, 1.) the protests began as economic demonstrations but quickly morphed into “anti-government,” regime change gatherings 2.) some of the demands seem to mirror the foreign policy desires of the United States, NATO, GCC, and Israel 3.) the corporate western press is exaggerating the numbers of people participating, 4.) pro-government demonstrations are being ignored by the press 5.) the protests have turned violent in many areas 6.) the protests are supported by the U.S. and Israeli governments as well as by other European governments 7.) the protests are being supported by Neo-cons in the western press and 8.) the protests are being supported by terrorist organizations (of the Islamic and Marxist varieties).

Monday, January 1, 2018

What The Hell Is Happening In Iran?

Brandon Turbeville
Activist Post
December 31, 2017

A familiar sight is taking place across Iran tonight and it has been for the last three days. Protests are taking place in numerous cities citing grievances and demanding that the Ayatollah and Iranian President step down. For a few days, the protests remained non-violent but now violence has indeed flared up as protesters have laid waste to a number of government properties and those belonging to “pro-government militias.”

Neo-cons in the American media and the U.S. President are all demanding that Americans stand with the “Iranian people” and the “protesters” in their “fight for freedom.”

The reason this sight is familiar is because we have seen it in Egypt, Libya, and Syria in the past as well as in Iran itself in the late 2000s. Protests that turn violent, a subsequent crackdown that either is violent or is reported as such, and the weight of American propaganda against the target government are all “Arab Spring” repeats that are themselves nothing more than the color revolution/destabilization apparatus that has been used by the West in countries all across the world for decades, particularly in the last twenty years.

What Do The Protesters Want?

An Intro To The Rohingya Crisis

Brandon Turbeville
Activist Post
December 30, 2017

As the Syrian military gains more and more ground by the day, the United States seems ready to at least partially direct its focus in other areas of the world like North Korea. Indeed, the “Pivot to Asia” is now in full swing and all the horrific consequences that may result from it are on display. While not engendering the media hysterics that North Korea has warranted, Myanmar is clearly on the list of countries that is set to be bullied, destabilized, and possibly destroyed if it does not give in to the agenda of the Western Communo-Fascist establishment.

Unlike in countries such as Libya and Syria, however, where the U.S. funded proxy fighters to destroy the sitting governments, Myanmar is a bit more complicated. Here both the government and the so-called “rebels” are being supported in some manner by the United States and its “allies” such as Saudi Arabia.

The “Official” Story

The Western mainstream press, all at once, were alight with stories surrounding the “Rohingya Crisis” or the “Rohingya Genocide.” To read the reports coming from outlets like the Washington Post, CNN, or the Daily Beast, one would be led to believe that the Myanmar (Burma) government has been launching a campaign of extermination and ethnic cleansing against an innocent minority. These MSM outlets are presenting the crisis as a religious one; i.e. the Burmese government made up of Buddhists is attempting to expel or exterminate the Muslim Rohingya minority.

Government Knew About Dangerous MMR Vaccine Strain, Used It On Children Anyway

Brandon Turbeville
December 30, 2017

Because mass media and technology are geared to shift from one topic to the next with no real depth or understanding of the subject matter, the vast majority of people, even those who are generally more intelligent, simply cannot remember important events that took place only a year ago. For that reason, it is occasionally important to revisit recent occurrences in order to refresh the collective memory.

Nearly ten years later, many will simply not remember that the UK government, which today nauseatingly pushes vaccines and vaccine propaganda, allowed a dangerous MMR shot (more dangerous than regular MMR shots) to be sold on the market for two years in the UK, putting millions of children at risk in addition to the already toxic and deadly nature of the vaccine at play.

As the Telegraph reported in its article “Vaccine Officials Knew About MMR Risks,” published in March, 2007,

Government officials were made aware of some problems with a version of the MMR vaccine in other countries but still introduced it in Britain in the late 1980s, newly released documents show.