
Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Despite Western-Funded NGO's Boycott, Vanessa Beeley Exposes White Helmets At Swiss Press Club

Brandon Turbeville
Activist Post
November 29, 2017

Despite the best efforts of State Department/Soros-funded Reporters Without Borders, the Swiss Press Club refused to cave to RWB’s grandstanding, threats, and bullying and the event surrounding the truth about the White Helmets continued as scheduled.

Rather than attend the event to ask questions and present its side of the argument, RWB responded with insults and hid away under the guise of boycotting the panel. Pouting in the corner and refusing to take part in the discussion, however, did not stop the discussion from taking place.

As 21st Century Wire reports,

The western-driven myth of the White Helmets continue to disintegrate. Despite the efforts of alleged ‘free speech’ advocate NGO Reporters Without Borders to shut this event down, Swiss Press Club head Guy Mettan went ahead as scheduled. Reports Without Borders even went as far as to draft a formal complaint demanding the event be cancelled, alongside protestations by UK-based ‘Syrian opposition’ group Syria Campaign
Today at the Swiss Press Club in Geneva, 21st Century Wire Associate Editor Vanessa Beeley(pictured above) presented a dossier on the dubious UK-backed NGO known as the ‘White Helmets’ which included up-to-date information on their links to al Qaeda affiliates in Syria, as well as exposing the western propaganda organisation’s many bogus claims, including having ‘saved 99,220 lives‘ since the western-funded construct based in Turkey was created in late 2013. 

Reporters Without Borders (Funded By NED, USAID, Soros) Tries To Shut Down Vanessa Beeley Press Event Discussing White Helmets

Brandon Turbeville
Activist Post
November 28, 2017

Self-proclaimed “press freedom watchdog” Reporters Without Borders launched a new campaign that it deemed of urgent importance – shutting down a short panel discussion by journalist Vanessa Beeley and Swedish Doctors for Human Rights.

The USAID/NED-funded RWB wrote an open letter published in the Tribune de Geneve addressed to Guy Mettan, Executive Director of the Swiss Press Club, the organization that was hosting the event, where it dismissed Beeley as a “so-called” journalist who is cited only by “Russian media propaganda” and claimed that Doctors for Human Rights is merely “a tool of Russian propaganda.” The letter urged Mettan to cancel the event or risk tarnishing the image of the Swiss Press Club.

The event was entitled “’They don’t care about us: About White Helmets True Agenda,’” where Vanessa Beeley, who has reported extensively from inside Syria would present alongside fellow panel members Richard Labeviere’ and Marcello Ferranda De Noli editor of the Proche et Moyen Orient and Swedish Doctors For Human Rights respectively were scheduled to present. As the title suggests, the event was merely a platform to discuss the possibility that the reputation of the White Helmets in Western countries may be different from the reality on the ground. Beeley was included not only because of her expertise in terms of research but also because of her extensive on-the-ground experience in Syria, her length of time in country, and her numerous interviews and investigative reports from Syria itself.

Faced with the impending reality that the White Helmets would be exposed in this short presentation, Reporters Without Borders resorted to what State Department backed engines of deceit and Western propaganda outlets typically resort to – bullying and censorship. Ironically whining about Russian propaganda in its letter, RWB immediately calls on a press club to censor and silence statements from a reporter that do not fit the State Department narrative, thus exposing its own narrative as propaganda or, at the very least, one based upon flimsy evidence.

I Visited East Aleppo - There Is No Doubt Nusra And White Helmets Are the Same Organization

Brandon Turbeville
Activist Post
November 28, 2017

It is well-known to anyone who spends even the smallest amount of time researching the Syrian conflict that the United States and Britain have been providing support to not only the White Helmets but also to terrorist groups such as al-Nusra, ISIS, and al-Qaeda among others. Indeed, ample evidence shows that the White Helmets are nothing more than a support group for al-Nusra, essentially acting as a propaganda wing of the organization. In other words, it is evident enough to anyone who examines the situation closely that the White Helmets and Nusra are the same organization.

The journalist who has contributed the most to exposing the White Helmets fraud, Vanessa Beeley, has traveled to Syria on numerous occasions, bringing back video and photo evidence clearly demonstrating the link between these two groups.

I also traveled to Syria in October, 2017 and was able to get a look at the East Aleppo al-Nusra Front compound for myself. Although Beeley's images and video are damning, there is nothing like being in the compound yourself to really get a grasp for just how interconnected these two groups are with one another.

As I stood in the courtyard of the East Aleppo al-Nusra Front headquarters (formerly a school compound occupied by terrorists in hopes of using the facility as cover and great PR if ever it was to be bombed), I was struck by just how obvious it was that the White Helmets and al-Nusra were the same organization.

Despite the facility being widely recognized as the al-Nusra headquarters, once can easily see the White Helmets logo which is prominently painted along the longest side of the building adjacent to the al-Nusra building. The two buildings are so close that two children - one standing in the White Helmets courtyard and one standing in the Nusra courtyard - could play catch without trouble.

U.S. Sends Weapons To Kurds Two Days After Alleged Reports of Trump Ending Shipments

Brandon Turbeville
Activist Post
November 27, 2017

Two days after Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu stated that U.S. President Donald Trump had promised to end American weapons shipments and support to Kurdish fanatics fighting in Syria, the United States military has been videotaped doing just that.

“The U.S. military was filmed on Monday delivering more than 100 Humvees to the Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) in northern Syria,” writes Leith Fadel of al-Masdar News.

You can view the video at this link

Cavusoglu stated explicitly that Donald Trump told Turkish President Erdogan that the United States was soon going to end weapons shipments to the YPG.

“Mr. Trump clearly stated that he had given clear instructions, and that the YPG won’t be given arms and that this nonsense should have ended a long time ago,” the Associated Press quoted Cavusoglu as saying.

The Washington Post reports confirmation that the Trump administration is planning to draw down support for Kurds in Syria. The article, written by Carol Morello and Erin Cunningham, stated,

Initially, the administration’s national security team appeared surprised by the Turks’ announcement and uncertain what to say about it. The State Department referred questions to the White House, and hours passed with no confirmation from the National Security Council.

Monday, November 27, 2017

"Good Or Bad, Speak The Truth" - All Syrians Ask For Is Honest Reporting, MSM Responds With Lies

Brandon Turbeville
Activist Post
November 24, 2017

As I traveled throughout Syria during the early half of October, there were many recurring themes. I heard repeatedly of support for the government, how things were so much better before America's "revolutionaries" entered the country, atrocities committed by America's terrorists, and of course stories of finding the best in people and life in general amidst such horrors.

One recurring theme I came across, however, was that of the consistent willful obfuscation of the truth by western corporate media outlets and, more specifically, the journalists they employ.

To anyone who pays even slight attention to the situation in Syria, it is clear that the corporate western press is not only misrepresenting the crisis but that it is also making up entirely false claims in order to push a particular pro-intervention narrative. Yet it is not only the editing room and the Deep State that issues such propaganda but many of the individual journalists themselves who are completely bought and sold to the agenda eminating from those rooms.

Many times I spoke to Syrians, Syrian journalists, and independent journalists who told me plainly that Western corporate journalists had stood beside them and witnessed the clear evidence of war crimes by terrorists, chemical weapons attacks by terrorists, and other aspects of the conflict who then went straight back to their laptops and typed out a story that reported the exact opposite.

Despite the claims of the pro-war media, the Syrian who support their government in this crisis (which is virtually every Syrian) do not demand total worship and unquestioning reporting from foreign media outlets. Indeed, I kept hearing from these Syrians that, if I saw something wrong in their country, I should feel free to write about it. The only concern with what I and others were writing was whether or not it was true.

Damascus Shelled, Civilians And Children Killed By U.S.-Backed Terrorists - Silence From MSM

Brandon Turbeville
Activist Post
November 24, 2017

While the United States continues to pant wildly and promote disproven claims of chemical weapons, Assad’s alleged “brutality,” and the SAA’s supposed “crimes against humanity,” the fighters it has funded since 2011 are engaged in the very definition of terrorism in Damascus as we speak. For nearly two weeks, terrorists surrounded in areas like Jobar and Ghouta have been launching missiles and mortars indiscriminately at civilians in Old and new Damascus.

Since the beginning of November, random shelling and mortars have been terrorizing the people of Damascus. As travel blogger, photographer, and writer, Ilir Morina (who is currently in Syria) wrote on November 9,

Yesterday and today Damascus has been under heavy attack from terrorist mortars. One landed at a shop nearby, and the shop owner gave me this piece of the mortar. There have been many casualties. The sounds of war seem constant between the terrorist attacks against civilians and the Syrian Army attacks against the terrorists. 
These are the sounds the people of Damascus have heard for over six years. Not just the sounds of course. Along with the sounds came the ripped bodies of loved ones and neighbors. The destroyed homes, schools, businesses. The frayed nerves of constant fear. The kind of terrorism that kills people from the inside. Yet they all keep going somehow, they don't stop going to work or school. They just want this to end. 
I've been listening to these sounds for seven weeks and I want them to end for them soon too inshallah…..

Friday, November 24, 2017

US Government Gearing Up to Slaughter 90,000 Wild Horses

Brandon Turbeville
November 20, 2017

If recent developments are anything to go by, the United States government could be slaughtering 90,000 wild horses at the behest of the livestock lobby.

The question of what to do with wild horses on land controlled by the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) has been a subject of debate for some time with accusations that the horses are competing for precious grass resources in the American West.

Pro-slaughter proponents argue that the population of the horses is too large. Opponents, however, point out that 80% of BLM land grazed by livestock has no wild horses on it at all.

Still, livestock industry groups are lobbying for the killing and slaughter of wild horses and burros and the U.S. government is showing signs that it is preparing to do just that.

As EcoWatch writes:

Sunday, November 19, 2017

The Faces Of Yemen – Where Is American “Outrage?”

Brandon Turbeville
Activist Post
November 17, 2017

As the world focuses on isolated incidents of terrorism taking place in Western countries, the wholesale slaughter being committed by Western countries against others generally goes unnoticed unless being pinned on the victim nation. However, even with Americans and other Westerners paying scant attention to Iraq and Syria, the conflict in Yemen scarcely gets a mention except in communities of human rights activists and geopolitical commentators.

Even after Yemen has overtaken Syria as the world’s greatest humanitarian crisis, most of the world has remained deathly silent about the situation unfolding there.

While not overwhelmingly involved with troops, bombing campaigns, and the like in the way that it is in Syria or Iraq, the United States is nonetheless complicit in the destruction of an entire country by providing intelligence, weapons, and political support to Saudi Arabia and the GCC in their war against the Yemeni people. In addition to that support, however, the United States has, at times, also contributed limited direct military support to the Saudi effort.

As Raf Sanchez of the Telegraph summarizes,

More than 50,000 Yemeni children are likely to die by the end of the year as a result of disease and starvation caused by the stalemated war in the country, Save the Children has warned.

Humanitarian groups estimate that around 130 children are dying each day in the Arab world’s poorest country as it grapples with famine and the largest cholera outbreak in modern history.

Saturday, November 18, 2017

Israel, Netanyahu Threaten To "Go It Alone" Against Iran In Syria

Brandon Turbeville
Activist Post
November 16, 2017

After continually launching airstrikes inside Syrian territory against Hezbollah and the Syrian military in favor of Western-backed terrorists, Israel is threatening to “go it alone” in order to “contain” Iran. The Israeli Prime Minister claims that Iran’s presence in Syria is aimed at establishing a base next to Israel so that it can destroy Israel in the future. Netanyahu also crowed his tired warnings (absent the cartoonish bomb drawing) that Iran could have hundreds of nuclear weapons in ten years, presumably to launch against Israel and its “allies.”

As he addressed the Jewish Federation of North America’s General Assembly via webcam, Netanyahu said, “Iran is scheming to entrench itself militarily in Syria.”

Netanyahu claimed that the Iran nuclear deal will allow Iran to “produce hundreds of nuclear weapons” in “about a decade.”

Netanyahu urged the “international community” to act to “contain” Iran but pointed out that Israel would not hesitate to act alone. “If we stand together we will achieve it,” he said. “But if we have to – we'll stand alone. Iran will not get nuclear weapons. It will not turn Syria into a military base against Israel."

As RT reports,

Netanyahu’s claim that the deal “rescinds all the limitations on Iran’s enrichment capacity,” has been disputed by reports regularly presented by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), that has repeatedly confirmed Iran’s full compliance, the latest such confirmation coming this week. On Monday, a confidential IAEA report, cited by Reuters, reportedly found that Iran did not exceed the limit for enriched uranium stockpiles capped at 300 kilograms, and provided free access for inspection at all nuclear sites. It became the ninth time in a row the UN nuclear watchdog confirmed the Islamic Republic’s conformity with the provisions of the deal. 

Friday, November 17, 2017

FDA, DEA Launch Massive Assault On Kratom – Drug War For Miracle Plant Ramping Up

attack on kratom - kratom drug warBrandon Turbeville
Natural Blaze
November 16, 2017

To no one's surprise, the U.S. government, after hysterically declaring a "national emergency" over America's opioid crisis, is once again setting its sights on Kratom, the non-addictive natural plant that has helped thousands of Americans wean themselves off opioids.

In 2015, the DEA announced its plans to place Kratom on the list of Controlled Substances (in the same scheduling level as heroin to be exact) but, amid public outcry, the agency backed off, deferring to FDA "review" and "advice." Many optimistic  Kratom activists were tempted to rest on their laurels, trusting that the FDA would prove to be more reasonable in relation to Kratom and hoping the testimonials, overwhelming public support for Kratom, and the science itself would win the day.

As is typically the case in life, the optimists were sorely disappointed.

The FDA, long known to be essentially run by Big Pharma, has now joined the ranks of the DEA (which also placed CBD oil on the list of controlled substances on the same level as heroin) in a scathing attack on Kratom, signalling that the end may be nigh for the miracle plant if activists do not succeed in fighting back both behemoth agencies who act as the enforcement arms of Big Pharma, the private prison industry, and the police state.

As the Washington Post reported,

The Food and Drug Administration issued a strong warning Tuesday to consumers to stay away from the herbal supplement kratom, saying regulators are aware of 36 deaths linked to products containing the substance.

Is The SB277 Vaccine Law Causing LA Schools' Numbers To Drop?

Brandon Turbeville
Natural Blaze
November 16, 2017

Attendance in the Los Angeles Unified School District is dropping by relatively dramatic numbers and some are suggesting the reason is the SB 277 law recently passed in California removing exemptions to vaccines for all school children.

School Districts are, as one might suspect, more worried about how this reduction affects the bottom line.

As Mike Szymanski of LA School Report writes,

LA Unified’s enrollment is dropping even faster than the district projected. 
There are 12,604 fewer students than last year, a 2.51 percent decline, last month’s official head count showed. The district had anticipated only a 2.1 percent drop. 
The difference means there will be $17 million less in the 2018-19 budget, and an additional $18 million less in the 2019-20 budget, according to a superintendent’s reportto be presented to the school board Tuesday. 
School districts receive their funding from the state based on average daily attendance, which is determined each year on norm day. That day, which was Sept. 15 this year, is when school populations are finalized for the year and teacher class sizes are adjusted.

Thursday, November 16, 2017

BBC Reveals Operation To Save ISIS In Raqqa By U.S. And Its Kurdish Proxies

Brandon Turbeville
Activist Post
November 15, 2017

After years of obvious collusion between the United States and ISIS, the U.S. continues to deny that America created and/or supports the terror organization in any way. But there is one story regarding the cooperation between the U.S. and ISIS so glaringly obvious that even the BBC couldn’t avoid addressing the issue.

In the article entitled “Raqqa’s Dirty Secret,” Quentin Sommerville and Riam Dalati detail how an agreement was made between the SDF and ISIS with the oversight and support of the United States in which ISIS fighters would be ushered out of Raqqa where they were surrounded and funneled to safe locations within ISIS-held territory.

It was, in effect, a massive operation to save ISIS from extermination in Raqqa while allowing the Arab/Kurdish terrorists in the SDF to take over the city before the Syrian military could reach it.

As Sommerville and Dalati write,

The Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), an alliance of Kurdish and Arab fighters opposed to IS, wanted him [truck driver Abu Fawzi] to lead a convoy that would take hundreds of families displaced by fighting from the town of Tabqa on the Euphrates river to a camp further north. 
The job would take six hours, maximum – or at least that's what he was told.
But when he and his fellow drivers assembled their convoy early on 12 October, they realised they had been lied to. 

State Dep't Travel Warning Admits Nusra, Tahrir al-Sham Used Chemical Weapons In Syria

Brandon Turbeville
Activist Post
November 14, 2017

For years, the United States government stuck to its nonsensical claim that the Syrian government was the only party in Syria using chemical weapons despite their being no evidence that the SAA has ever used such weapons. Finally, the State Department was forced to admit that ISIS had indeed used chemical weapons but it still stuck to the claim that, out of the anti-Syrian “rebel” forces, only ISIS was dastardly enough to use them.

Now, however, a revised travel warning from the State Department’s own website has expanded the admission of Western-backed terrorists’ use of chemical weapons just a little further to include Jobhat al-Nusra, Jobhat Fatah al-Sham, and Hayat Tahrir al-Sham.

The State Department warning reads:

Tactics of ISIS, Hayat Tahrir al-Sham, and other violent extremist groups include the use of suicide bombers, kidnapping, small and heavy arms, improvised explosive devices, and chemical weapons. They have targeted major city centers, road checkpoints, border crossings, government buildings, shopping areas, and open spaces, in Damascus, Aleppo, Hamah, Dara, Homs, Idlib, and Dayr al-Zawr provinces. These groups have murdered and kidnapped U.S. citizens, both for ransom and political purposes; in some instances U.S. citizens have disappeared within Syria. Because of the security situation in Syria, the U.S. government’s ability to help U.S. citizens kidnapped or taken hostage is very limited.

Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Shocking Increase Of Weedkiller In People’s Bodies Found In 23 Year Study

weedkiller glyphosate humanBrandon Turbeville
November 13, 2017

As more and more scientific evidence regarding the dangers of Roundup, a weedkiller developed by Monsanto in the 1970s, is released, so too is public opinion beginning to shift away from a passive acceptance of the pervasive use of both Roundup and glyphosate.

In this context a new study published in JAMA is garnering more and more attention.

The study tracked people in Southern California over the age of 50 from 1993-96 to 2014-16, periodically collecting urine samples during that time.
A team of researchers led by Paul Mills, Professor of Family Medicine and Public Health at the University of California, San Diego, discovered a 500% increase in the amount of people who tested positive for glyphosate during the course of the study.

The levels themselves had spiked by 1208%.

The level to which this study demonstrates harm to humans is unclear at this time.

However, studies conducted on animals have been extremely concerning and the evidence pointing toward a connection between glyphosate and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease is solid.

“From my perspective it’s remarkable that we’ve been ingesting a lot of this chemical over the last couple of decades,” says Mills.

You can read Mills’s study “Excretion of the herbicide glyphosate in older adults between 1993 and 2016” HERE.

Future Medicine FAIL! Attempt To Label Natural Blaze ‘Fake News’ Points To Medical Journal Instead

fake newsBrandon Turbeville
Natural Blaze
November 13, 2017

In a typical obvious example of industry supported “science,” the journal Future Medicine has published a report in which it focuses not on science itself but on the notion of Fake News and how it applies to the perception and reception of stem cell research. The article and research was funded by the Stem Cell Network so it should come as no surprise that the entire paper was merely an advertisement for the industry and focused on how fake sites/alt media sites effect the bottom line. Interestingly enough, the study actually admits that the majority of the publications are representing stem cell research in a positive light, yet it still insultingly labels many alt media outlets as "fake news" and proceeds to fixate on the label.

The future medicine article reads more like a CNN article whining about “fake news," Trump, and "Russians." Indeed, it has even more in common with CNN since its own article was paid for by the industry it is promoting as "science" much in the same way that CNN presents fake news as journalism.

Normally, an article such as this would not warrant an article on this website. However, as one might guess by now, Natural Blaze was mentioned as one of the "fake news" sites making exaggerated claims about stem cell research. 

Ironically, the "study" cites a claim made by Natural Blaze that is apparently supposed to serve as an example of how the website is "fake news" and making unfair and inaccurate claims about the stem cell industry. The "sample" claim quoted by Future Medicine is " Thus, black pepper can increase the bioavailability of the cancer, inflammation and infection fighter, curcumin, up to two thousand percent." 

Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Documents Reveal KSA Behind Damascus Shelling, U.S. Prior Knowledge In 2013; Nothing Has Changed In 2017

Brandon Turbeville
Activist Post
November 11, 2017

As Damascus residents are once again suffering under indiscriminate shelling and mortars launched by terrorists, it is important to once again draw attention to a recent secret document released by Edward Snowden showing that previous indiscriminate missile launches against civilians were entirely controlled and ordered by foreign powers like Saudi Arabia. These attacks were also known in advance by the United States which evidently had no qualms with them.

As Murtaza Hussain wrote for The Intercept,

A loosely knit collection of Syrian rebel fighters set up positions on March 18, 2013, and fired several barrages of rockets at targets in the heart of Damascus, Bashar al-Assad’s capital. The attack was a brazen show of force by rebels under the banner of the Free Syrian Army, targeting the presidential palace, Damascus International Airport, and a government security compound. It sent a chilling message to the regime about its increasingly shaky hold on the country, two years after an uprising against its rule began. 
Behind the attacks, the influence of a foreign power loomed. According to a top-secret National Security Agency document provided by whistleblower Edward Snowden, the March 2013 rocket attacks were directly ordered by a member of the Saudi royal family, Prince Salman bin Sultan, to help mark the second anniversary of the Syrian revolution. Salman had provided 120 tons of explosives and other weaponry to opposition forces, giving them instructions to “light up Damascus” and “flatten” the airport, the document, produced by U.S. government surveillance on Syrian opposition factions, shows. 

Friday, November 10, 2017

Priti Patel Resigns Amid Revelations Of Conspiring With Israel To Give U.K. Tax Money To Terrorists, Israeli Military

Brandon Turbeville
Activist Post
November 9, 2017

As Israel secretly coordinates with Saudi Arabia to launch a war against Iran and Hezbollah and threatens to invade Syria militarily, the Israeli tentacles are becoming more and more visible on the European and North American continents as well. While it has long been known that Israel has maintained a policy of constant surveillance and manipulation in the halls of U.S. and U.K. governments and that Israel itself acts as a cancerous tumor in the Middle East directed by corporate-financier-Deep State interests, the level to which it is involved in the lives of every day citizens in Europe and America are becoming more and more apparent. From anti-BDM laws and proven espionage to an Israeli Prime Minister scolding the American Congress under the nose of the U.S. President, Israel has repeatedly demonstrated that it does not have the best interest of its “allies” at heart.

Now, with the resignation of U.K. International Development Secretary, Priti Patel, the backdoor collusion between Israeli and Western officials with and without the permission of the requisite officials is once again in the news.

Priti Patel announced her resignation after further revelations of secret meetings with Israeli officials and senior officials within the Israeli government. The revelations follow news that Patel had visited Israel in August under the guise of a “family holiday” where she had at least twelve unauthorized meetings with the Israeli officials including Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Downing Street claims it was not aware of the meetings although some have questioned Theresa May’s denial as merely an attempt to protect the Party and the government during a period of upheaval. Defense Minister Michael Fallon stepped down from his post weeks ago.

Thursday, November 9, 2017

Leaked Documents Reveal Israel Attempt To Capitalize On Hariri Resignation; Possible Collusion With KSA

Brandon Turbeville
Activist Post
November 8, 2017

Shortly after the Saudi crackdown began and was followed up by the resignation of Lebanese president Saad Hariri, it was noted by many researchers and alt media journalists that Hariri’s bizarre method of vacating his post was influenced by Saudi Arabia for the purpose of weakening Hezbollah and Iran in Lebanon. In addition, I suggested in my previous article that it is highly unlikely that KSA would engage in such a dangerous and wide-reaching action without coordination with the United States and Israel.

Documents have now been obtained and subsequently released by Israeli media outlets that reveal possible evidence of coordination and cooperation between Saudi Arabia and Israel as it relates to Iran and Hezbollah.

Barak Ravid, the Israeli reporter who first obtained the documents and senior diplomatic correspondent for Channel 10 News, reported the following on Twitter on November 6:

I published on channel 10 a cable sent to Israeli diplomats asking to lobby for Saudis/Harir and against Hezbollah. The cable sent from the MFA in Jerusalem [Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs] to all Israeli embassies toes the Saudi line regarding the Hariri resignation. 

  • The Israeli diplomats were instructed to demarch their host governments over the domestic political situation in Lebanon – a very rare move. 
  • The cable said: “You need to stress that the Hariri resignation shows how dangerous Iran and Hezbollah are for Lebanon’s security.” 
  • “Hariri’s resignation proves wrong the argument that Hezbollah participation in the government stabilizes Lebanon,” the cable added. 
  • The cable instructed Israeli diplomats to support Saudi Arabia over its war with the Houthis in Yemen. The cable also stressed: “The missile launch by the Houthis towards Riyadh calls for applying more pressure on Iran & Hezbollah.” 

Shakeup In Saudi Arabia, Hariri Resignation, And Threats Of War Spell Possible Chaos In Middle East

Brandon Turbeville
Activist Post
November 8, 2017

Over the past few days, a series of events have occurred which rocked the geopolitical scene and effecting a number of countries specifically such as Saudi Arabia, Lebanon, Yemen, and Iran. Naturally, the events that taking place in these locations are immensely important for the rest of the world and, for that reason, other regional and international players are being drawn into the drama as well.

While it would be foolish to pretend to know all the details taking place behind the scenes, we are still able to analyze current events in order to attempt to gain a greater understanding of where the situation is heading and thus have a better understanding of how to respond to them. The article that follows is simply an attempt to point to the most logical conclusion regarding these events.

The Saudi Purge

Beginning the sequence of events that have now culminated with thinly veiled hints at actual war between at least three nations, the Saudi purge began with little warning and is continuing today. Essentially, under the guise of a massive anti-corruption push, the Saudi Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman launched a campaign that saw a volley of arrests of officials, royal family members, government officials, and members of the Saudi military. At least eleven princes were arrested by security forces, including Prince Alwaleed bin Talal, a well-known billionaire investor, and four ministers, including the minister in charge of the National Guard. Several former ministers were also arrested. A highly suspicious helicopter crash that was carrying Saudi Prince Mansour bin Muqrin, deputy governor of Saudi Arabia’s southern Asir Province, along with seven other high ranking officials, should also be noted since all eight men were killed in the crash.

Wednesday, November 8, 2017

‘The Saudis are reaping the harvest of the seeds they sowed’ - Brandon Turbeville Interview With Muslim Press - November 7, 2017

‘The Saudis are reaping the harvest of the seeds they sowed’Brandon Turbeville
Muslim Press
November 7, 2017

‘The Saudis are reaping the harvest of the seeds they sowed’

In an interview with Muslim Press, Brandon Turbeville, a Middle East commentator, said, “Saudi Arabia has no one to blame for the missile in Riyadh but itself.”
“KSA has been responsible for creating the worst humanitarian disaster of the 21st century,” he said, in reference to Saudi military campaign against Yemen.

It came after the Yemeni army targeted Saudi Arabia’s King Khalid international airport in Riyadh with a long distance Borkan H2 ballistic missile.

Mr. Turbeville was asked to comment on the recent developments surrounding Saudi Arabia, including the sudden resignation of Lebanese Prime Minister Saad Hariri, the Saudi-led war with Yemen, the kingdon's anti-corruption move, and Palestinian Authority Mahmoud Abbas's trip to Riyadh.

Here’s the full transcript of the interview:

Brandon Turbeville On The Vin Armani Show - November 7, 2017

Brandon Turbeville
November 7, 2017

Brandon Turbeville's appearance on the Vin Armani Show - November 7, 2017 - Brandon's appearance begins around the 1:20 mark.

Access the podcast link here and the Youtube video here.

Ep. 54 – On The Ground In Syria With Brandon Turbeville, Author & Staff Writer For Activist Post

This week we welcome Brandon Turbeville to the show. He recently returned from an investigative trip to Syria and gives us his report from the aftermath of the Syrian Civil War.

To listen to this podcast at your convenience, subscribe on iTunes or on Stitcher.

Monday, November 6, 2017

Video From Recent Syria Attack Shows Israel Assisting, Opening Border Gate For Terrorists

Brandon Turbeville
Activist Post
November 3, 2017

It has long been known that Israel is acting in direct support of terrorists in Syria by virtue of routine aerial assaults, intelligence, and medical care. However, if there was any doubt regarding this support, recent video evidence should easily do away with that doubt entirely.

On November 3, Israel acted in direct military support of Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham and the Free Syrian Army by providing artillery cover as the two terror groups assaulted the Syrian government held and predominately Druze town of Hader. The move was an attempt to break the siege of Beit Jinn, an area controlled by terrorists.

As al-Masdar News reported,

On Friday morning, Hay’at Tahrir Al-Sham (HTS) and allied Free Syrian Army (FSA) factions based in the Golan Heights launched an assault on the government-held town of Hader amid a wider bid to reach and break the siege of the nearby Beit Jinn opposition pocket. 
With direct artillery support from the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF), jihadist fighters attacked the predominately Druze town of Hader from its western and northern axes at daybreak; although the clashes themselves are yet to halt, HTS has broken through the first line of defense set up by the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) and National Defence Forces (NDF). 

Former Qatari Prime Minister Admits Funding Nusra/Qaeda In Syria With U.S. Knowledge And Approval

Brandon Turbeville
Activist Post
November 3, 2017

In the same week an NSA secret document was released which revealed that the terrorists in Syria were directly under the command of foreign governments like Saudi Arabia and the United States and that the attack on Damascus International Airport was ordered by KSA and supported by the U.S., a Qatari official has admitted that the tiny Gulf nation colluded with other nations to wage war on Syria, support terrorists in the country, and even support al-Qaeda/al-Nusra.

The Qatari official, former Prime Minister Sheikh Hamid bin Jassim Bin Jaber al Thani, gave an interview with Qatari TV where he revealed what many have known for a long time. Indeed, Jassim would be in a position to know, since he oversaw those operations until 2013. During the course of the interview, Jassim revealed that Qatar, along with the United States, Turkey, and Saudi Arabia, shipped weapons to terrorists since the moment the crisis “first started” in 2011.

Jassim expressed no regret for funding these terrorists, only for the fact that Qatar’s allies did not properly inform Qatar when “the game changed” and the plans in Syria allegedly shifted. Despite admitting that Qatar had no legitimate problems with Bashar al-Assad, Jassim’s only complaints were that there was a lack of adequate communication between the “allies” and Qatar.

Jassim stated:

Syria . . . When events began in Syria, I went to Saudi Arabia and met with King Abdullah upon the instructions of his Royal Highness the Father. I addressed the situation (in Syria). The Saudi King said “We are with you.” The Saudi King said “You lead the Syrian file and we coordinate with you.” We took the responsibility and we have all the evidence on this issue. [Any support from the Gulf] was going to Turkey and was coordinated with U.S. forces. The distribution of military support was happening by the American, Turkish, Qatari, and Saudi forces. They were all there. The military personnel were there. Maybe a mistake happened where a particular faction [al-Nusra] has been supported for a period of time, but not ISIS/Daesh, accusing us of supporting ISIS is an exaggeration. Maybe there was a relationship with al-Nusra Front. I swear I don’t know about this topic. I say, even if there was support to al-Nusra, but when they told us this support to al-Nusra is unacceptable, the support has stopped. And the focus was on liberating Syria. We were fighting over the prey. Meanwhile, the prey escaped. Now, Bashar al-Assad remains, and you are telling us, let him stay. We don’t have a problem with that. We have no revenge with Assad. He was our friend. But you [Saudi Arabia] were with us in the same camp. Tell us if you changed the camp. We also change.

Friday, November 3, 2017

Kurds Should Not Have Independent State And Here's Why

Brandon Turbeville
Activist Post
October 31, 2017

As the Islamic State breathes its last breath in Syria and Iraq and the Syrian government gradually regains control over its own territory from Western-backed terrorists, the question of Kurdistan has now become a topic of intense debate both in the mainstream and alternative media. Unfortunately, however, many in the alternative media are now repeating the same propaganda as that of the mainstream media as well as promoting Zionist and Western imperialist agendas, wittingly or not, in the process.

Clearly, the MSM is not confused when it comes to the propaganda it pushes. However, confusion and the need for simplicity often tend to get the better of individuals less versed in certain topics. Unfortunately, that need for simplicity often is a perfect match for simplistic propaganda and thus that need for simplicity tends to become an echo of it.

The question of Kurdistan is just the type of issue that, at face value, seems easy enough to understand but, in reality, has many more facets than simply a group of oppressed people who desire independence. This is, after all, the siren song of the Kurdish question, i.e. the idea that the Kurds are oppressed people, a monolithic nationality, and underdogs who deserve and should receive their own state.

For two reasons, i.e. Western obsession with what they see as the underdog (which is virtually never the actual underdog) and certain branches of the alternative media’s penchant for anarchy in combination with simplistic analysis and observation may lead one to believe that the Kurds deserve an independent state. It is not the ideology of anarchy itself that is the problem here but the lack of proper insight into geopolitics that causes such an analytical handicap. Thus, we now have many alt media readers confused as to the legitimacy of a “Kurdistan” and the implications it would have for the region and the world.